Author's note
Sorry for the delay, I will also be making a spin off soon, about the pup later on in life, and as I was asked yesterday, no, the pup does not have a name
The Fatherhood of Hash'ack chapter 5
Hash'ack had no idea what it was that he would say once he came to see the elder female. He did know however, that things needed to change. Storming to the door of her quarters he pondered what her reaction might be, he was about to find out. He crossed the threshold and looked for the female; she was sitting on a throne of bones from many hunts, no doubt relics from her many decades of existence.
"Yes?" her tone was flat and unsurprised. "There are issues that need to be addressed" a second passed of the two intently staring at each other both waiting for the other to speak. "urgently." He carried on "I am in need to larger quarters if I am to raise the pup; I also need to be moved to a different ship. But most urgently, my pup is hungry".
"Who is asking?" her tone remained flat "the father? Or the warrior? Are you doing this to raise the pup or to save yourself from the taunts of the other hunters? Are you so….quaint as to run? Not allowing any part of you aside from the hunter to show. I am disappointed"
"YOU DARE-" he felt his rage building "do not interrupt me." Her nerves were wearing thin "until now you have barely taken care of your pup, though I do respect the fact that you walked for hours waiting for him to sleep, but you DID endanger your pup when you fought" he tried to reply "it wasn't even a fight I was defending the honour of m-"
"No, that was the warrior; you need to be a father"
"That's better"
The elder lowered her tone to nothing more than an enraged growl "if you ever endanger your pup again, you will suffer the consequences. Am I understood?"
"Yes Elder" this is why she was an elder and the only reason he was not resisting was that he knew it to be true.
Her tone grew softer, not that many aside from other Yautja would know "I am sending you and your pup to live on the homeworld" "what!?" "I understand your hesitance especially after what happened last time. There you will be around females that will educate you and other pups for your pup to interact with"
His heart burned with undeserved anger, he did not know why he was so angry, perhaps it's because of what happened the last time he visited the homeworld, shortly after his initiation into adulthood. He would ensure that he would not stay there for long, only long enough to learn how to care for his pup, at least that's what he hoped.