Disclaimer - "Stargate" and all related characters and images are the property of MGM Television Entertainment. I'm just going to borrow Rodney and Jennifer for a while ;)

Written for CW (you know who you are - thanks for the prod!) and the McKellerites on the GateWorld Forum.

Set after 'Missing' and before 'The Shrine.'

Chapter 1 - Going Off-World

Jennifer stood in the infirmary with her hands on her hips. She mentally ran through a checklist of all the items she had packed in the two large bags laying on the floor in front of her.

Satisfied that she had enough equipment to help the villagers of P7H-306, she bent over and slung one of the rucksacks over her shoulders. She struggled under the weight slightly and then curled her hand around the strap of the other bag. She straightened up and heaved it off the floor.

She headed over to the door leading out into the corridor and weaved a little as she tried to compensate for the heavy bags. She looked down at the ground to try and lessen her burden and nearly walked headlong into Rodney, who was moving very fast as he stepped through the infirmary door just in front of her.

She stopped abruptly and looked up at him. He backed away out into the corridor and Jennifer noted that he was in off-world gear and it seemed as though he had just been running. His face was red and he was out of breath. He looked a little sheepish as he gasped, "Uh…sorry. I thought you might've already left."

He continued to get his breath back and Jennifer just waited patiently for him to recover so that he could speak. She ignored the cramps developing in her hand where it held the bag so that she would be able to find out what he was going to say.

After a while Rodney looked up at her and she raised her eyebrows at him as she glanced down at his tac vest.

He wrung his hands together nervously, "I…uh…I heard you were going off-world and what with Sheppard, Teyla and Ronon on that trading mission... Well they didn't really need me it's all just a lot of heavy lifting getting the crates into the Jumper anyway. You know how I am, not so good with the physical stuff…"

Jennifer's eyebrows went up even further as Rodney's eyes widened in realisation and he blushed, "Uh…I didn't mean not like that!" He paused for second, closed his eyes and then said quickly, "Oh no, that's not what I meant either!"

Jennifer shook her head in exasperation and cut across him as his mouth hung open to speak again. "I'd be very happy if you came with me Rodney. I could do with the company."

Rodney closed his mouth and straightened up, "Oh, right. Okay, thanks." He walked over and took the other rucksack from her and put it on his back.

Jennifer rolled her eyes behind him as she followed him into the transporter.

Jennifer took a deep breath in the cool air of P7H-306 just after she stepped through the gate and the wormhole shut down behind her.

She looked around at the trees surrounding the small clearing where the gate was situated. Rodney next to her was doing the same, but he was shifting his feet nervously. She felt the same tension in herself but tried not to let it show. She suddenly felt a huge wave of gratitude towards him that she was not alone.

They had visited P7H-306 many times to trade and there was no reason for her to feel threatened. She did not yet trust that anywhere was safe as she was still getting used to the idea of stepping through a portal to other planets. The fact that she went off-world so infrequently did not help matters.

She marvelled that Rodney was still so nervous, as he went on so many missions all the time. She narrowed her eyes as she remembered that he was almost always with his three military trained teammates, who were there to protect him.

She pointed to a poorly marked footpath directly in front of her, "The village is this way."

Rodney walked down from the gate and drew up alongside her as she started to move down the path. He waved one of his hands, "So what are you doing here?"

Jennifer frowned incredulously, "You mean you don't know? I'd have thought you would've done a little more research before joining me."

Rodney gabbled a reply, "Well I know it's a medical mission, but as to exactly what it is…" he glanced across at her, "Well you're the Doctor."

She sighed and said, "There's been a small outbreak in the village. I'm just going to see if I can offer any assistance."

Rodney's eyes darted around in panic, "An outbreak! What kind of outbreak?"

"I don't know yet. Maybe you shouldn't have come."

Rodney steeled himself and tried to neutralise his expression to hide the fear. He said sincerely, "Sorry. I'm sure you'll figure out what it is and be able to cure everyone."

Jennifer looked up at the tree canopy overhead and smiled at the white clouds veiling the sun high above them. Rodney was still right next to her and too busy looking at his feet to make sure he did not trip to see her expression.

They continued to walk on in silence. Jennifer liked the reassuring presence of the man next to her. She knew he was more wary than she was and would be the first one to speak if there was even the remotest chance of any danger nearby. She had no weapons as she was a Doctor and she thought she would not need them on the mission. She knew that Rodney had a small sidearm, but she doubted whether he would have to use it. It made her feel safer anyway.

After about half an hour of walking, Rodney sighed and pulled a scanner out of one of his tac vest pockets. He held it in front of his face and tapped the screen with his free hand as they continued to walk.

"See anything?" Jennifer asked.

He sighed, "Just us and the village a mile ahead." He raised his eyebrows as he widened the search field, "Hmm, what do we have here?"

Jennifer frowned when he left the question hanging tantalisingly with no reply for a little too long. "What is it?"

Rodney stopped and turned in a small half circle as he continued to stare down at the small screen in the palm of his hand. Jennifer took the opportunity to put her rucksack down and roll her aching shoulders.

She then walked over to Rodney and stood close to him so that she could try and see the screen. He angled it to show her, but she could not understand the data. He knew this and said excitedly, "It's an energy reading!" His eyes lit up and his face filled with glee, "It's only a short distance from the village. I'll take you where you need to go, make sure everything's okay and then I might go and have a quick look."

Jennifer found his enthusiasm infectious and could not help the grin that spread across her face as well. "Don't you think it would be better to wait and come back with a full team?"

Rodney shook his head, "It's fine. You said the people are friendly." He kept hold of the scanner and dropped his hand down to his side as he looked away, "Not that I want to leave you alone in the village or anything. It shouldn't take me too long to check it out."

Jennifer smiled at him as he looked up expectantly waiting for her decision. "It's fine. I don't mind. I would've been completely on my own anyway if you hadn't asked to come."

Rodney raised his eyebrows and gave her a lopsided grin, "Strictly, I didn't actually ask to come."

Jennifer rolled her eyes in return and picked up her rucksack, "Come on, let's get moving, we're nearly there now."