Hi, I don't own the guys from ether siries(sp?). But that dosen't mean I can't have fun with them, right?

~the story~
The day was ending exceptionally well for Tatsumi. After years of struggling they were finally out of the red. He almost couldn't believe it, but he had checked it three times. So with a relaxing stretch the Shinigami sat back in his chair, he knew well that he was the only one in the building at this hour, that let him relax. He carefully removed his glassed and set them on his desk. (There was something else,) he thought to himself as he rubbed his eyes. (One last thing and you'll be done for the weekend.) Tatsumi replaced his glasses and pulled out his organizer. Once he opened it to the red page marker he almost laughed. It was time to plan another vacation. And thanks to the anonymous donator's stipulations, they could have a good one.

Tsuzuki nearly skipped into work on Monday, today was the day they would plan the departmental vacation. He had marked his calendar with a big yellow smiley face. This was the only day of the year he arrived early, that and the leaving day. He couldn't wait to see all his friends from the other divisions. As he neared the building he became nervous. Usually he found Hisoka out here not wanting to go inside because of all the people. As he walked he passed the Sakura tree that still bore the marks from the last year when the Hokkaido girls tackled him in a hug. Then a terrible though hit him, (What if we were so far in the red that Tatsumi got the vacation canceled altogether.) With a sudden need to know Tsuzuki dashed in, past the desks and into the briefing room. There stood Watari, Tatsumi, Konoe, and Hisoka, and they were smiling. Well Watari and Tatsumi were smiling, Konoe looked like he was going to bust into tears, and Hisoka looked smug.
"What's going on?" Tsuzuki asked. "I though we're suppose to plan out our vacation."
Tatsumi nodded, "We are."
"But where is every one?" Asked the confused amethyst eyed man.
"You will never guess." Smiled Watari, 003 flapped excitedly on his shoulder. "There was anonymous donation to help balance our budget, but it was given with one specific stipulation. Our division vacations at a cretin place." The blond scientist nodded to the almost sobbing Konoe. "And without Konoe Kachou."
"Where?" was all Tsuzuki could ask.
"Hokkaido." Hisoka stated simply. "But everyone else, including Yuma and Saya has Mt. Tsurugi."
Youji sighed as he sat back in Aya's car. The fact that he hated this was intricately woven in every move he made. Omi passed a soda up to him, "Youji-kun, you know as much as the rest of us why we have to do this. So please try to make the best of it."
Youji took a swallow of the offered drink, "It's not like you're missing a hot date, are you chibi?"
"But Youji-kun you have a 'hot date' 6 times a week." Omi pointed out, "You never know, you might like you're time away from the city?"
Privately Youji had to admit he wouldn't have been so mad if this had been a date with just another flower shop groupie, but this had been Manx. He had been subtly courting her for some time, he was certain that no woman could resist his charms. After all it wasn't like he wanted to sleep with her, he just wanted her to admit that he was just a suave as he knew he was. All those hopes had gone out the window when Manx had arrived at his apartment an hour early with a vary businesslike expression on her oval face. That was when the remaining group showed up and was told in no uncertain terms that some one was gunning for them, and to get out of town.
The little mountain cabin they where used to using was out of the question, too obvious. Manx had 'suggested' a small out of the way vacation resort. It was so small only eight guests could stay comfortably, and it was so out of the way that it was three hours drive from the northern coast of Hokkaido. And to top it off it was winter. At this point all Youji wanted to do was sulk, he knew this little trip would suck.
Tatsumi drove carefully on the icy road, Watari inspected the map, Hisoka read, and much to everyone's relief Tsuzuki had worn himself and 003 to exhaustion just minutes before. "Watari-san," Tatsumi said glancing at his blond co-worker. "The next turn is close isn't it?"
Watari looked critically at the maze of lines, and nodded, "Yes, some where with in the next mile." Tatsumi then notice the turn, carefully he slowed. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Hisoka sit up straighter. Then he noticed a car off the road and three young men trying to push it back onto the road. He was about to drive on, when Watari pulled at his sleeve. "They look like they need some help." Suppressing a sigh, he pulled over.
Aya watched carefully as the only car they had seen for hours came to a stop. Omi came up next to him as Ken tried to get Youji to come out and help. "What do you think?" He whispered as a tall blond came out of the car first.
"Hay do you need a hand?" he asked with a friendly 'looking' smile. Aya then exchanged looks with Omi.
"Sure." Omi said, "that would be great."
Suddenly the door to their car opened, and with an indignant squawk Youji landed on the muddy snow. "Shit Ken what did you do that for." The older boy nearly shouted.
The soccer player poked his head out, "You are going to help whether you feel like it or not." Ken hissed, then stepped out and over the fallen man.

Watari paused at the sound of a familiar voice. Leaning back he saw that Tsuzuki was still asleep, and catching Tatsumi's look waved for them to come out.

Youji got up slowly and wiped as much of the quickly melting snow as he could. "I'll get you for that Ken." He growled passing by the younger boy to greet there would be rescuers. "Hi," he called making his way out onto the road. The playboy paused when the two men and the boy's heads whipped around.
"See?" The blond man said triumphantly.
"Yes," The dark-haired man said, the blond boy just looked at him strangely with piercing green eyes. Youji wasn't sure what was stranger, the boy's eyes, the blond man's genki-ness, or the apprizing look of the dark haired man.
Omi then came to his rescue, "See what?" He asked.
The tall blond smiled sheepishly, "Well it's just that your voice," he pointed to Youji, "sounds exactly like a friend of ours."
Youji nodded, "Oh."
Omi then took the initiative, "Hi, I'm Omi and this is Youji. Down there is Aya with the red hair, and Ken." He pointed to each in turn.
The dark haired man pushed up his rounded glasses, "I am Tatsumi, this is Watari-san," He pointed to the energetic blond man, "And Kurosaki-kun." He pointed to the stern green-eyed boy. "Our friend Tatsumi-san is currently asleep in the car."

Hisoka watched with indifference as Watari looked the car over deciding on the most scientific and inventive way to move it no doubt. Blocking out the normal people was easy as long as they didn't touch him, the problem was that he felt two distinct personalities that were broadcasting so loudly he almost didn't hear Watari. "What?"
The older man looked up at him from under the car, where he had some how crammed himself. "Boy," Watari sighed, "get the trail mix Tsuzuki made."
Hisoka nodded.

Ken was confused, "Trail mix?"
Watari nodded, "Tsuzuki is an exceptionally bad cook, I believe the properties of his trail mix will give us enough traction to get you out." Hisoka returned and handed the man a medium sized bag of what looked like ordinary trail mix.
"Well it looks okay." Omi pointed out.
Watari pulled out a piece of dried orange and placed it in Ken's palm. "Try to bend it." The blond man invited.
"Well it seams a little dry," Ken said thinking out loud. He took a hold of both ends and tried. "It won't budge." He gritted out as he strained to misshape the piece of citrus.
As if proving his point Watari nodded and tossed a few handfuls in front of the tires. Ken pulled and pulled on the demented little object until Aya said. "Stop fooling around with that, and help push." Ken then tossed the offending thing into the forest.

Omi was in the driver's set, since he was the lightest of both groups and with a few heaves the WeiB car was out. The good byes were quick and Omi was made to sit in the back again. The youngest assassin couldn't help but smile when Youji got into the car saying sarcastically, "See I told you this would be fun."
Omi sighed, "Youji-kun, I'm sure it will be more fun than you think."
Tatsumi watched the car drive way as he absently brushed a few invisible spots of dirt. He turned to see Hisoka back in their car and Watari waiting. "I'm glad we stopped." The scientist smiled. Tatsumi nodded, and they both got into the car.
Hisoka had returned to his quantum theory text when he noticed the engine was being gunned, but they weren't going anywhere. As the car lurched to the side he amended the thought, they were going into the ditch. Tatsumi's sigh of defeat came with the question, "Do we have any of Tsuzuki-san's trail mix left?"
Watari shook his head, "Gomen I used it all to get them out."
Hisoka looked over at his peacefully sleeping partner and asked. "Should I wake him?"
Tatsumi nodded, "Yes, it will take more then Watari-san and myself to push us out." He placed his book to the side and carefully picked 003 out of Tsuzuki's arms opened the door. And once his foot was firmly in place, he shoved.
"Ahaaaaa." Came a horse scream, and the violet-eyed Shinigami jumped up. "What. What happened?" Tsuzuki asked shaking his snow-laden shirt.
Watari got out and started to help brush him off. "We're stuck, and Hisoka woke you."
Tsuzuki looked at Hisoka his violet eyes filling with tears, "Hi-hidoi."
Hisoka sighed, "What ever." And put 003 on the seat. "You shouldn't be sleeping in car's anyway." The young man pointed out.

Now it was Hisoka's turn behind the wheel. He gunned the engine on the push like he was suppose to, but the car barely budged. They had managed to find a little bit more of the 'trail mix', it was now being spread under the tires by Tatsumi as Watari distracted Tsuzuki from discovering the fate of his culinary masterpiece.
"Okay." Tatsumi said getting them together again,
"On Three," Watari called, "One," push, "Two," push, "Three~e." Suddenly the car jerked forward, and Hisoka's foot slipped off the pedal. The car came crashing back to the three behind it. They jumped aside.
In the panicked silence they heard a muffled voice ask, "Need a hand?"

Tsuzuki looked up, if he wasn't mistaken that voice came from right above him. He looked and then he screamed. It was a huge furry monster, broad hunched shoulders, and a huge mouth of awful looking teeth. "It's big foot!" He screamed struggling backwards.

To be continued.