"Everyone I would like to announce something." I said loudly making the meeting be called to order. Everyone looked up like puppies waiting to hear I love them as I stood high above the rest. "The writer decided to make me tell you all who I chose to marry out of all of the Akatsuki, sadly I will not actually be marrying them, due to the obvious."

Instantly everyone waited knowing this would be good. "Get on with it *****." Hidan growled making me throw a hammer at him before coughing twice to get everyone's attention.

"I choose to marry Zetsu, and the reason I will not marry him is simply because I do not want to have his mutant children." I said making everyone laugh except for poor Zetsu who was crying.

P.S. Everyone guess what! There's a sequal! It's called Sound trouble! Read it and weep adoring fans!