Prolouge: Have your parents ever tell you about stories about the Boogeyman, The Monster under the Bed, or any monsters that haunted in your imagination? "They're just Nightmares, don't be afraid of them." your parents would say, right. well, what if i was to say, they were real? Well these monsters are the things you fear most: a Dreamon. Dreamon are mutant-like creatures that take on the manifestation of the things you fear most. Mainly taking on the form of an animal, these beings would reside in your heart until you have enough fear for them to take over. But in recent years, these outbreaks would occur that the Central Intelligence Agency (C.I.A.) has worked with the NYPD and has created the Secret Association of Dreamon Extermination, or for short S.A.D.E, an organization to train young police officers and Agents to fight against these beings, with the help of the: Cybernetic Lethal Animatronic Warrior System, or the C.L.A.W. System. This tells the story of a young Sixteen Year old High School student and his dealings with the Human/Dreamon war that he was brought into on a Janurary 2009 afternoon...

Chapter 1: Unleash The Beast In You

A clear and sunny day in 2009, brings calm and caring spirits in harmony with each other; kids going to school, men and women going to work, your typical average busy New York City day. Amongst the crowd of people resides a man with a trench coat and a hat walks into a building with two women greeting him.

"Welcome, how might I help you?" the women at the counter asks him." The man looks up and replies in a sharp monstrous voice: "You can Die!" The man's eyes grow a pitch black color and his pupils become crimson as he transforms into a monstrous looking rabbit monster.

The women unfazed pulls an alarm behind her calling a army of officers which contain the being in a electrical net. The beast is then transferred out of the room and brought into a room where the monster is contained and disintegrated into the man it was but with black and red sand covering his body.

" Wow, the fourth Dreamon attack this week. One of the officers states. "I guess they want the C.L.A.W system pretty badly."

"Well, it's the only powerful offense we have against them, I wouldn't see why they wouldn't want it." the other officer replied.

"Well, we'll let this guy sleep this off before we let him back out. Wake him in a couple of hours."

"Yes sir!"

The two officers walk out of the room and close it tight.

Meanwhile, a Young Korean/Russian field agent, about Fifteen years old walks down the hallway upstairs of the HQ, looking around the corners of the floor. The Teen had short black hair, dressed in a black uniform, that consisted of a white shirt, black pants and a black blazer with the S.A.D.E. Symbol represented by a white "S". When she sees it clear, she races into the locked research lab, discovering the prototype Shinobi C.L.A.W.

"Well, hello there, partner." the Teen said.

What she was saying hi to was the Prototype Shinobi C.L.A.W. which was made into the form of a Cybernetic Green and White Tiger no bigger than a Newborn Kitten

The Tiger, who laid in the glass cage wakes up and replied to her. "Hello there to you; so are you my partner?"

"Yes I am. I am Agent Yuliya Kim it's nice to meet you…?"

"Yeah I don't have a name yet. Mind giving me one?"

"How about Tigerton?" Yuliya asks.

"Don't you mean TigerTron?" the tiger asked emphasizing on the R.

"No. Tigerton sounds all fancy-like."

Tigerton rolls his eyes. Well since you're my partner, I can't fight it. So, with that aside, tell me about yourself, like why you're fighting and such.

"What is this, a Job interview?"

"Hey, you want to be the rider."

"True. Well…" Yuliya starts.

A while passed since they started talking, when Tigerton senses the presence of a Dreamon.

"I sense a Dreamon."

"What should I do?" Yuliya asked.

"Well, you are a Rider now. So let's go."

"Are you kidding? Do you realize how much trouble I'll get in?"

"It's worth it, if it means saving lives."

"Well, okay."

Yuliya reaches for the Green brace on the desk, retrieves the shuriken and Tigerton out of the cage. She then straps the belt around her waist and bolts out of there before anyone noticing.

About an Twenty Mintues later, the alarm again goes off but for some reason, no sign of any Dreamon.

"What's going on!" one of the employees shout.

"It's the C.L A.W system! It's been stolen!" one of the scientist calls out from the lab down the hall.


The officials race down the hall to look that the C.L A.W system has disappeared.

" This isn't good. Who knows what can happen if that falls into the wrong hands…"

" We got other trouble, A Dreamon is attacking Time Square! Where's Yuliya!"

"She went to go check it out."

"Assist her now!"

"Yes Sir!"

Meanwhile at the site, Yuliya confronts the Monkey Dreamon. She glances at it, before drawing her pistol.

"This is the NYPD you're under arrest. Yuliya declared holding her S.A.D.E. badge out.

"Really, a kid like you, oh man this is going to be easy." He laughs as he charges at her. Yuliya shoots at it a couple of times before shooting her fist into his face, causing him to tumble back a little. She then puts her gun back and spin kicks it, before sweep kicking it back to the ground. She flips over him and begins to get more hits into him before he crashes to the floor.

"Hey, Yuliya, this is too easy wouldn't you say?"

"What, you don't like that handicap I gave you, okay fine. It's my turn then."

The monkey Dreamon screeches causing the area around Yuliya to darken. She looks around in different directions to realize everything is black.

"What the-" is all she could get out as the Monkey Dreamon used the darkness to beat her down senseless, leaving her a bruised mess on the ground."

"It's time to die girl!" the Monkey Dreamon laughs.

"Yuliya, come on! Transform!" Tigerton calls out.

Yuliya looks at the shuriken on the ground inches away from her as she reached for it. As soon as she came into contact with it, she blacks out.

"Yuliya Needs backup!" one of the officers called out. "Man first the C.L.A.W. system was stolen and now this, what can go wrong now?"

"Wait; isn't that the C.L.A.W system! The scientist asks.

The officer looks at the screen and sees a Teen Boy stare down the Dreamon with Yuliya laying behind him."Stop him by any means necessary!"

Meanwhile in times square, the Dreamon is stared down by a dark skined Teen Boy, wearing a Mets baseball cap backwards and glasses, wearing a red shirt, with black pants and black sneakers with a black/ navy blue jacket. The teen stands his ground against the Dreamon which has taken the form of a monstrous primate.

"Get out of the way kid!"

"Leave her alone. You want the belt, right?"

"Give it to me boy and I might let you live."

"And if you refuse?"

"Then you'll die with that girl. This doesn't concern you at all!"

"Well, i may not know what that belt is or does, but it looks too important to give up. I'd die for my friends, no matter what!"

"That can be arranged you brat." The monkey begins to charge at him.

"Oh man what did I get myself into!" the teen asked himself, fear growing inside of him.

"Hey kid, if you want to live, do as I say!" a small cybernetic green and white tiger calls from under him. "Put that watch on and I'll guide you from there."

"Did that tiger-thing just talk?"

"Yes I did, and unless you want to die, I'd suggest you listen; well?" It replied.

He listens and puts the watch on. The tiger transforms into a tiger head, large enough to be a belt buckle. The boy picks it up and attaches it to the watch.

"Now, pick that shuriken up and put it in my mouth."

He does so and the blades wrap around the of the head making it resemble a claw and also causing the belt to materialize around his waist.

"Now detach me from your wrist and slide me into the belt so you can transform."

"Transform? Well, don't I Need an activation code or something like that?"

"Think of the first thing that comes to mind and shout it out."

"Die You brat!" the Monkey Dreamon shouts as it goes in for the kill.

The boy sidesteps the attack. "Okay, here goes nothing. The boy says detaching the tiger from his wrist. "I guess this is where all of those Japanese super Hero shows pay off: HENSHIN!" he shouts.

He slides the claw into place and the tiger's eyes glow green.

"SHINOBI MODE!" the tiger responds. The boy becomes encased in a Silver and Green colored cybernetic Ninja armor with white tiger designs The helmet of the armor was the shape of a Ninja helmet, with the design of a Gold shuriken faceplate, that each of the four blades split across the helmet until it revealed two Jade Green eyes. The Dreamon stops to witness the transformation. "Who are you!"

The boy turns to it. "Kamen Rider C..!"

The boy charges back at the beast who then unleashes a mighty roar against the boy. The roar makes it so that the boy is transported into a world of darkness. "What are you exactly?"

The Monkey Dreamon laughed hysterically. "Don't you know what we are boy!" We are the things that live in your mind, we're your nightmares, the things that disturb you when you go to sleep. We're your inner demons!"

The Monkey Dreamon appears all around the boy as it closes in for the kill. The boy pulls out his katana blade on his back and slices all of the Dreamon surrounding him, yet it doesn't break him out of the illusion.

"Hey, tiger-head thing, why didn't I leave this world?"

"Hey kid, My name is Tigerton. And I don't know why."

"Hey, Tigerton, my name is Nolan. And didn't you say this was Shinobi Mode? Can't I sense the Dreamon out or something?"

"Good idea. Just breathe and sense out his position."

Nolan obeys and begins to do as he's told. He listens to the movements in the air and when he realizes it, he strikes his blade in the air and the Dreamon flies out causing the dark dimension to break.

"Time to finish this Tigerton!" Nolan says.

"Okay, now pull me off the belt buckle and attach me to your wrist."

He does so and Tigerton's eyes begin to glow green.

"What's going on?" Nolan Asks.

"Final Slash Attack!" Tigerton announces.

Nolan's wrist glow green as Nolan splits into 3 warriors each one with a different weapon. One of them appear behind the Dreamon and throws an array of shuriken at it. The second warrior with a chained claw-like weapon swings it and it ties up the Dreamon. Finally the last warrior runs on that very chain and impales the monster with the blade. "It's over." Nolan tells it.

Nolan, who was the warrior with the blade jumps into the air as the two clones rejoin him so that he becomes the one warrior. He back flips in the air and aligns himself so he makes a landing kick from the air. "BLADE KICK!" He called out. He kicks the blade through the beast causing it to explode and causing red and black sand to fall to the ground. A human man falls to the ground covered by some of the sand dropped.

Tigerton latches off the wrist and transforms into the tiger it once was, which also causes Nolan to revert back to his human form.

"Well, that was fun." Nolan says.

"Nolan, shouldn't you go check Yuliya over there?"

Realizing that, Nolan runs over to Yuliya, trying to awake the young Korean girl.

"Hey Yuliya, wake up!" Nolan attempts.

When she finally awakes, she realizes Nolan is standing over her.

"Ugh, what just happened?" she says dazed. "Ahh! Nolan what are you doing here! Don't you know it's dangerous to be over here!"

"Why? Because there was a Monkey Dreamon running rampant around here? Don't worry, I took care of it."

"Oh thank go- What!" she shouts.

"What? I used the C.L.A.W system and destroyed the monkey Dreamon. So everything's good."

"I was supposed to use it. How dare you put it in danger!"

"Well, if you were supposed to use it? Why did I transform and you didn't?"

Nolan's words just made her more mad.

"Dude you pissed her off something fierce!" Tigerton says

"You think!" Nolan replies running away with Yuliya chasing him.

"Get back Here!" she screams.

That night, Yuliya returned to the S.A.D.E. HQ wounds are treated in the infirmary as she reports to her commander.

"Well, I'm disappointed that the Shinobi C.L.A.W. was taken out of heer and that fact that a civilian used it. I'm glad I know him at least." Her Commander commented.

"But he stole my Rider power from me!"

"Well it serves you right. Now as punishment, he's your responsibility, captain."

"Are you serious!"

"Entirely, You should,ve left without orders, But don't worry about it. Show me how you can train this kid to be a great Agent and I'll make it up to you. But let's pretend we never had this conversation, so I can see if he knows how to be a real hero."

"Yes sir…" Yuliya replies, sighing. "Good night."

She walks out of the office and the Commander laughs. "Well know, this is going to be interesting.