Hello all. Several reviewers have asked questions about the actual content of Roy and Riza's conversation. This fic is based very heavily on chapters 35 and 36 of the FMA manga. I didn't make up the mission, location of the participants, all of it. It's in the manga, as is the relevant conversation. So now I have finally done what I really should have when I first published this fic, and transcribed parts of the chapters here for you.
Thank you for all of your support and reviews!
Scene: Roy on the phone in his office.
Roy: Hello Elizabeth! How are you?
Riza: Why Mr. Roy, thanks you for calling me so often. Are you calling from the office again?
Roy: Yes, I just had to hear your voice.
Riza: Oh! Aren't you smooth. But won't your scaaaaary lieutenant be mad at you if you don't get back to work?
Roy: Don't worry. She's on her vacation right now. We just took care of one of assignments, so I let her take a holiday since I got a load off my shoulders.
Riza: How nice. The store's been keeping me busy. I don't even think I can go home for a while.
Soldiers outside door:
What do you think of that?
So this is what happen when Lt. Hawkeye takes a day off.
She really is his "sitter."
Who uses the military line to try and hit on a woman during working hours? He's got some nerve.
Roy: I've been working non-stop since I moved to Central. I'm thinking about taking a break soon.
Riza: Oh? Are you planning to go somewhere?
Roy: I'm considering fishing… my latest obsession. How about you join me?
Cut to a scene with Edward, Al, and Winry. Cut back to the office.
Roy: Let's see, I'll probably drop by the store tomorrow. What shall I bring you?
Riza: Oh, my, thank you. Could I ask for something for Kate as well? She's been working very hard, so – oh, excuse me for a moment, Mr. Roy. Kate! We've got a customer. Could you go get Jacqueline?
Cut to a series of scenes showing Fuery holed up with Black Hayate and a bunch of communications equipment. He contacts Havoc, who is dressed in masked black combat gear, to alert him of danger. Havoc fights a minor opponent, and reassures the people with him that they will be safer outside than in a building because "the Eye of the Hawk" is on them. Cut to Fuery listening in on Roy and Riza's conversation again.
Roy: Looks like your store is getting busy. Shall we end this call?
Riza: Don't worry about it. How about you? Don't you have a lot to do?
Roy: Not so much, thanks to my excellent subordinate.
[Fuery (to Black Hayate): You know, this is my first time hearing your master be so talkative.]
Cut to Riza in a sniper nest talking into a headset.
Roy: What's the matter?
Riza: A fight, perhaps. Looks like trouble with the customer.
Roy: If only such tasteless gangs wouldn't stay around so long.
Riza: Really, I don't like it one bit – OH NO. I'll have to get back to you later.
Cut to Gluttony looming over Riza.
Riza: One of our regulars is here.
Riza tosses away her headset to start shooting at Gluttony. Roy's voice comes from the discarded headset on the floor.
Roy: What's wrong? Elizabeth! Hey!
At this point Roy flashes back to the death of Maes Hughes, who was killed while on the phone with Roy. He goes charging out of the office to the scene of the battle, completely ruining the plan to keep shield him from suspicion with all of the coded talk. Riza will bitch him out HARD later for being such a goober, although he does arrive in the nick of time to save her and Fuery from Gluttony. Still, Roy, way to blow the plan!