A/N: This part of the chapter isn't in Tenten's POV, but in Tsunade's.
I stare, bored at the huge pile of paperwork for a long moment before I heave a huge sigh and pull the top paper off the stack.
Something about opening a new store. I sign my signature without reading it all the way through, and put the paper in the finished pile.
After about an hour, and I'm halfway through with the paperwork that comes with this damn job of being Hokage, there is a knock on the door.
"Come in." I say without glancing up from the document I'm reading. It's about expanding the school.
"M'Lady. There is a matter that you need to know about." The sound of Sakura's voice has me looking up.
"It's just that-"
"Lady Hokage-sama!" There is shouting and appearing out of nowhere in front of my desk is mini Gai, Rock Lee. "Hokage-sama! Our flower! She is missing! We must send someone to look for her! She has most likely been kidnapped! Oh, what will we-"
"Lee!" The Hyuuga prodigy snaps as he stalks in the room after him. "Sorry your ladyship."
I feel my eye brows begin to twitch.
"Granny! You have to do something about this! Oh, hey Sakura-chan"
They all begin to speak at once, and it becomes a blur.
I take a deep breath. "One at a time please."
They don't hear me over the level of their voices.
"Hello?" I try to get their attention by speaking a little higher, but I am still ignored as they spout off whatever it is that is wrong.
After listening to them for another minute, I snap.
"Shut the hell up!" I yell as I jump to my feet, slamming my hand on the desk, breaking it in half. They all shut up as soon as the desk fell over in halves. "Damn it! That's the third one this week!"
I am angry enough to throw the pieces though the wall, but I don't because it was just repaired and I don't want to have the paperwork build up again while they work on construction in my office.
"Okay." I open my fist and close it a few times. "Naruto, you first, because I don't want to have to listen to your voice any longer than I have to right now."
He swallows hard before gaining the courage to speak. "Granny, I'm tired of all these low ranked missions. Can't I be assigned a few A-ranked ones?"
"Whatever, come see me in the morning. Now get out." He slowly backs away, and out the door before making a mad dash to escape. "Sakura."
"Hai. There has been a fire at the hospital, and a lot of the files have been destroyed."
"There are copies of every file that the hospital contains in the file room on the third floor."
"Hai." She formally bows and jogs out the room.
I turn to Neji and Lee. "So you were saying something about someone being kidnapped?"
"It was Tenten M'Lady! she has been missing for a few days now! Gai said we should wait to report her missing because she is after all a grown woman, but she never misses this much!" Lee began crying like a little girl.
"She's fine." I say, crossing my arms.
"Where is she?!"
"Out on a solo mission. She'll be back soon enough." I won't tell them the truth. if she didn't inform them of her where abouts, then she has good reason and I won't tell if she didn't want such information known.
"Do you know when?" Neji inquires.
"As soon as she's done and ready to come back." I can tell from the looks in their eyes that they wish to question me further, but they don't. Probably in fear that I'll cause them bodily harm. "Dismissed."
They depart with hesitation, but leave none the less.
"Hai?" She asks as she comes into the office.
"Bring me some Sake."
"Now, you know you shouldn't have any Sake, Tsunade-sama." She scolds.
I glower at her.
"Shizune, bring me some damn Sake!" I demand. She rushes off.
"I hate everyone."
A/N: Now back to Tenten's POV
The sun is like a ball of blazing fire that seems to scorch all that its' rays touched, and yet, we're inside and it's like a hundred degrees out here!
I wiped at the beads of sweat that had accumulated on my forehead.
Temari giggles as I do this.
"Why is it so hot? How do you stand this heat?" I demand.
"Don't worry about it, you'll get used to it soon enough." She says reassuringly, which reminds me. How long am I'm staying here exactly? Lady Tsunade never did specify how long I could stay.
I shrug slightly. If she needs me sooner than I think I should go back, she'll send someone here after me.
We have already explored all there is of Suna that Temari dubs interesting for a newcomer. We're back at the house. Gaara is still at the office, and Kankuro is out on a mission, though he should be back tonight about the same time as Gaara.
We're all going out to a fancy restaurant or something is what Temari told me. Their treat to me. At least i don't have to worry about paying for a lot of things. Since I'm here as a guest, the hotel room I'm staying in is already paid for, so I can stay as long as I need to, and they'll feed me. Nice huh?
There is nothing to watch on t.v. so were stuck flipping through magazines.
As we turn a page, we make a comment on whether or not we like what the model is wearing.
I'm just glad that the sun will be setting soon and we'll be heading out to dinner.
The dress and matching heels I'm wearing tonight is something we got while we were out today.
A beautiful floor length black dress had ribbons and such all over it, but not enough to where it was overdone. I didn't even have to pay for either of them. The owner of the shop gave them to me when she found out I was a guest of the Kazekage and his family.
Temari also is going to do my make-up and hair. She says she will beautify me.
I'm just glad I can see what the night life is like here. Maybe it'll be a lot different than Konaha's.
As I'm contemplating this, the front door slams open and in walks Kankuro. He has a carefree grin on his face.
"What up ladies? Oh, Gaara said to meet him there. He still has some paperwork to do." He says, scratching the back of his head.
"We're going to get ready. You, go take a shower, I can smell you from here."
"Yeah, yeah." He walks down the hall to his room.
"And don't forget to dress nice. And no face paint!" She calls after him before the door shuts. She turns to me. "Come on."
I follow her into the hall to her room since my dress is hanging in her closet.
It's just a beautiful as I remember. Before I get the chance to pull it off the hanger, I'm stopped by Temari. "No, first we do hair and make-up."
I make a face but oblige her, sitting down in front of the vanity table. I close my eyes and let her work her magic.
Ten minutes later, I take a peek and almost collapse.
My hair is in an up-do with various curls lose to frame my face. Not to mention, my eyes look large and doe-ish. Damn, do I look good.
"Speechless, I know. I'm just that good." Temari giggles before shooing me. "Now, go and put on that dress. I'll go and get ready in my bathroom. When you're done, go and see if Kankuro is ready yet, 'kay?"
I nod. She takes various supplies, along with her blue silk dress, into her bathroom and I am left alone.
I easily pull of my tank top, and shimmy out of my shorts, then slip the dress on, zipping it up with no problem.
When I am satisfied that it is settled nicely, I look into the full length mirror that hangs on the back of her room door.
I take a deep breath and can't stop the smile.
I am beautiful.
The tomboy.
I giggle, then compose myself. I slide on the shoes and step out into the hall.
I then head to Kankuro's room and knock briefly before letting myself in.
The shocking sight of him just now walking out of the bathroom without any scrap of clothing nearly causes me to faint. I feel my face flame from the back of my neck all the way to my bangs.
"I am SO sorry!" I tightly shut my eyes and turn around to run out the room, only to head straight into the door.
I feel the back of my head hit the carpet, and lay there awhile. Beautiful! If my hair is messed up, I'm going to be killed. I hear the sound of a drawer being pulled open and rummaging. I finally open my eyes and sit up. A somewhat clothed (only boxers) Kankuro helps me up.
"No prob." He says easily, like it's no skin off his back.
I practically run out the room with his laughter following me.
A/N: Read and review. Thanks!
This is my Christmas present to you all. Hope you love it!