I've been waiting awhile to get this story out. I know that Sarah is OOC as is Jareth at times so I though i'd warn you before you tell me. Hope you like it.

As Sarah gazed at the flashing cameras and the numerous celebrities surrounding her, she couldn't help but feel proud of herself. Ten years ago she was nothing but a 15 year old girl, wrapped up in her fairy tales. Ten years later and she was one of the best actresses in the world, strutting down the red carpet with James Dalton on her hand.

It took all her willpower not to start tearing up then and there as she thought of the support her family gave her and the love she had for them. After all the complications she and Karen went through, and the horrible ache Sarah felt when she finally left home to prusue her career, she knew that in the end, it was all worth it.

She grew out of her spoiled phase a few months after her adventure in the Labyrinth but she never lost her belief in magic. Even though she had numerous hours of homework piled on each night, she never stopped seeing her friends in the mirror and held a special place in her heart for them when she moved to New York. Many times, even though she'd never admit it to anyone, she even thought about Jareth. She'd wonder what he was doing or if he hated her for rejecting him. When she thought of how much he must still hate her, she'd feel tears come down her face in realization that he offered her her dreams and she refused.

But Sarah never regretted her decision for it was the one that got her to see Toby all the time and learn to love her family more and more each day. Sometimes though, she'd feel some sense of loneliness in her life that just couldn't be filled by James nor the countless other people in her life. And when those times exposed themselves, Sarah started forming a wish in her mind but closed her mouth quickly before saying it out loud. In all honesty, she could fret on Jareth all she wanted to but she had a great life with a great boyfriend and that sense of loneliness would just have to be ignored.

"Sarah! Sarah!" The paparazzi cried, trying to get her attention.

James took a look at her and sqeezed her hand tightly. Sarah in return, leaned in and laid a nice kiss on James's mouth. She saw the flashing bulbs go crazy and grinned from ear to ear as James slid his arm around her waist.

After a year of dating, James knew Sarah would do anything to impress people and that was one of the reasons he stayed with her. That and various other reasons that had to do with her looks and her money. Sure James was a good actor who had a reasonable amount of money, but he always wanted more. When he met Sarah, he knew she had potential and he knew that she wanted to desperately love somebody. So as she got roles after roles, she got more money as well. That was the main reason James stayed with her.

And how easy it was to pretend to love her, James thought to himself. He didn't mind that after a year of dating, they still hadn't made love but it was only because Sarah didn't feel that comfortable with him yet. In honesty, Sarah was a beautiful girl but she had a confidence in her that James grew bored with easily and sometimes angry when he wasn't able to crush it like he did to other girls in the past. However, he was never worried about her wanting to leave him because in his mind, he thought that she was madly and desperately in love with him.


Jareth paced in his throne room back and forth, thinking how there were barely any children being wished away anymore. Less and less kids believed in magic and this had mostly a negative effect on the Goblin King. He grew lazy with his duties and spent nights waiting for a call from some silly mortal but never getting it. His goblins didn't see the same proud and arrogant king from before, but instead a very bored, lonely, and exhausted one.

Placing his hands at his temples, he felt a sudden pull and realized in relief that he was getting his first call in ten years. With a quick change of outfit, Jareth was gone.


As Jareth appeared in front of a bumbling boy who looked no older than 16, he heard a stuffled gasp as the boy uneasily moaned, "Your the Goblin King, aren't you?"

Jareth took a look at his surroundings. The boys room was a mess compared to his throne room and he couldn't supress a cough once he caught a whiff of something that smelled remotely like the bog. The walls seemed to be chipped and peeled and the only window in the room was smashed. He looked at all of this with disinterest before stopping his gaze on a large Tv placed on a wall. He curiously watched as males and females who were dressed to perfection, walked down a long carpet, smiling and waving as cameras took pictures of them.

Before he could observe any longer, the boy in front of him started screaming hysterically,"I didn't mean it though. Please can I have my brother back, please, please, please! I didn't mean it!"

Jareth stared harshly at the boy, so very tired of hearing the same thing over and over from each mortal that wished away a child. The boy kept on screeching and Jareth finally yelled, "Silence!"

"You have wished away your brother to me and now have 13 hours to solve the Labyrinth before your baby brother becomes one of us...forever," Jareth said carelessly, pointing at the window.

The boy went over to the window and gasped as he saw the Labyrinth before him. It turned in all different directions, some passages so large, some so narrow that he doubted that he could get through. And at the center was the castle.

The boy looked back at the king who sat on the bed, staring boredly around him.

"It's impossible! Nobody could ever get to the center," the boy pleaded in one last attempt to get his brother back.

Suddenly, Jareth shot up from the bed and grabbed the boy by the shirt. He lifted him up so they were eye to eye. "You are a very foolish boy and like others before you, you take things for granted. There has been one person and one person only who has gotten to the castle. Do you know what she did in the end? Hmmm...boy?"

The boy stared back in fear, shaking his head.

Jareth lifted the boy higher and whispered darkly, with a deep sense of longing, "I offered her everything and she rejected me. I offered her dreams yet she picked her brother over me. Isn't that a foolish thing to do...hmm...boy?"

Nodding his head feverently, he felt himself being lowered to the ground and kneeled there, refusing to look back at the Goblin King.

Jareth looked on to the boy and cursed the mortal girl for letting his emotions getting carried away. Ten years later and she still could make him lose control. Ten years later and he still...wanted her. Jareth tried to get these thoughts out of his head but he knew that as long as Sarah was living somewhere in this world, he would love her and want her with a yearning so deep that it hurt to think about it.

As he placed that thought to the back of his mind, Jareth looked on to the boy impatiently.

However, the boy was staring at the Tv in a somewhat dazed expression. Following the boys gaze, Jareth looked on to the Tv carelessly. But before he could turn away, he saw a female come onto the screen, smiling easily as she and her boyfriend were asked for an interview.

Jareth's breathing stopped for a moment as he took in the girl. Her hair was raven black, with curls hanging down her face. She didn't wear much make up but her face radiated its own kind of beauty. Her beautiful curves were hugged nicely in a wine red dress that reached to the ground. But Jareth searched her eyes, looking for the same spoiled girl he encountered at 15. Instead he saw the confident, beautiful, and innocent face of Sarah. His Sarah.

She started to speak to the reporter and Jareth quickly looked at the boy and shouted, "Turn it up boy!"

Not wanting to be told twice, the boy fumbled for the remote and turned up the Tv.

"How does it feel Miss Williams, standing here on the red carpet?" the reporter questioned.

"Oh absolutely wonderful. Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought that I'd grow up and become somewhat of a decent actress," Sarah joked happily.

"And how about you Mr. Dalton, how does it feel to be on the arm of such a beautiful woman?" the reporter asked, turning to James.

"It feels great. She's absolutely beatiful and I can't wait for what's to come," James quickly replied, giving Sarah a peck on the cheek.

Jareth grinded his teeth silently as he saw through the false mask this man wore and realized what he only wanted. If he ever got his hands on that boys neck, he would strangle him until he begged for death.

"Well speaking of love, when did you first know you were in love James?" the reporter asked, intrigued.

"When I saw Sarah's beautiful face asking me for help one day in New York. From then on, it just happened," James replied smugly.

Jareth rolled his eyes in disgust as the camera turned its way toward Sarah.

"And how about you Miss Williams, when did you first know you were in love?" the reporter asked thoughtfully.

Jareth watched on in curiousity and wondered what it really was that Sarah felt for this mortal.

"Well....I first knew I was in love when I truly looked into Jareth's eyes and saw everything I'd ever wanted standing in front of me and I realized that I wanted this man because I loved him with all my heart and he would paint me morning's of gold and spin me Valentine evenings," Sarah replied in deep thought, smiling at something that once could've been but never was.

As Sarah stared back at the camera, her smile faded as she realized what she just said. A small gasp was heard from both James and the reporter as they looked at Sarah who now put her hands over her mouth in shock.

"Who is this Jareth guy?" the reporter eagerly snipped.

James looked at Sarah, waiting for her answer.

"J-J-Jareth...I meant to say James...its so easy to mix up those two names...I meant I knew I was in love with James, not Jareth," Sarah pleaded to the reporter.

James clasped her hand tightly and led her away from the camera.

"Is that her?" the boy asked quietly, looking from the girl to the Goblin King staring in awe at the Tv.

Jareth barely heard this as he tried to take in what Sarah had just said. Every hair on his body stood up while he tried to cover his shock by putting on his cold mask. But inside of him, so many emotions were dancing around that he almost had trouble breathing. He went from being shocked, to happy, to a sense of calm, and then to a fierce determination. His jaw was still slacked but he quickly covered it up with his stony features.

Finally, after ten minutes of thinking everything over, Jareth smiled his first true smile in ten years.

The boy nervously paced the floor, afraid of the silence that seemed to hang on in the room for hours and of the wicked smile the Goblin King had shown, revealing two canine looking teeth.

"He's yours," Jareth stated as he brushed himself off and stood up.

"Wha-wha-what?" the boy questioned hesitantly.

"Your baby brother. I will return him to you," the Goblin King stated, looking slightly displeased at the boy.

"Oh thank you. Thank you! thank you! thank you!" the boy cried, falling at Jareth's feet and kissing his shoes.

Jareth couldn't help but smile as the baby appeared in his hands.

"Here, take your brother," Jareth replied, handing the baby to the boy at his feet.

The boy stared from the Goblin King to his baby brother and held his baby brother while tears of relief strolled down his face.

As Jareth turned to leave, he said,"Do realize boy, how lucky you were to stumble upon that moment and how lucky I was to catch that wonderful announcement."

"If it wasn't for Sarah Williams," The Goblin King stated, saying her name in an exotic manner, "you would be rotting in an obuliette, begging for an end to a very real nightmare."

And with that said, Jareth left and returned to the Underground with a whole new idea forming in his head on how to get Sarah Williams back to the Underground, and back to him.

"You'll be okay, Eric. I'm so sorry I wished you away," the boy cried, staring at his sleeping brother, "but I promise that we'll go to the movie store tomorrow and rent every movie that has Sarah Williams in it.