ok. here is another chapter. Rate. Review. Whatever. Shout out to flower123 for reviewing a lot of my chapters. Peace.

It had been Two weeks since both Jasper and I admitted we loved each other. It had been the best two weeks of my life, literally. Jasper and I couldn't get enough of each other. Loving Jasper was entirely different than loving Edward. Jasper really loved me and I didn't try to camouflage my true self so he would like me. I was true to myself all these months that Jasper has been here and he liked me the way I was inside. He was good for me the exact opposite of what Edward was. Edward was the worst thing for me. He tried to act like he was good, but beneath that he was a monster. A monster that tried to make Jasper choose between Alice and I.

Jasper and I haven't talked about the whole Edward situation yet. Sooner or later we would have to get things cleared up about it at least. I could give a fuck about the details, but I still wanted to know that he was gone for sure. In the deepest part of my mind I knew that Edward was dead, but I still wanted the reassurance that Jasper would be more than willing to give me.

I was now looking at the clock waiting for school to end. The day was ticking by slowly and I was anxious to see Jasper again. It was a few more seconds before the bell rang. As soon as it did I was out of the door so fast people could have mistook me for a vampire. I was about to get my things and go when I heard Mike's voice.

"Bella?" He asked.

Oh, what do I owe the honer of having to talk to him over.

"What" I said with attitude.

"Is it true that you're dating Edward's brother."

I rolled my eyes at this. Yes, I was with Jasper, but it ain't none of Mike's business.

"Goodbye, Mike. I am done talking to you" I said grabbing my stuff and walking away from him.

He tried to say something else, but I just flipped him off. I don't have time for his bullshit. Like he gave a shit who I was with. The only reason he cared is because he was tryin to get into my pants like he did Jessica's.

I came outside to see a lovely sight. I saw that weak bitch Lauren kissing my man. Jasper. I could tell he didn't like it at all, but didn't want to hurt her physically and cause a scene. Jasper and I had differences. One being I didn't mind beating this bitches ass to the pavement, but I'm not about to give this bitch the satisfaction. I will do something though to show her that I am not the one to fuck with. If she tries to get with my man after that then I will beat her wannabe Britney Spears ass.

"Now that you've got a taste of a real woman what do you say leave plain Bella and come get some of the good good"

Who does this bitch think she is. She ain't Ashanti. Unlike Ashanti she ain't got no good good's. She a slut that fucks out men and tries to steal other girls boyfriends. Isn't there a word for that? Oh, yeah that's right it's a home wrecker. I walked strait up to this bitch.

"Bitch, you wouldn't know a real woman if it stared you in the face" I said not holding back.

"What's that supposed to mean?" She asked looking taken aback.

This bitch is dumb. Obviously, I am going to have to explain it to her.

"It means that you are a fake bitch who fucks everything that has a dick. You probably have aids and don't know it. You stuff your bra to make yourself look more attractive. Let's face it honey no one wants you and no one ever will so keep your hands off my man!" I said getting louder towards the end.

"Says you. Your man wants some of this since you're so uptight and won't give him some of the goods. Oh, that's right you don't have any" She laughed.

Oh, this bitch is going to make me fuck her up and then put her in a mother fuckin garbage bag.

"Listen, dumb bitch you ain't never had and never will have goods. Unlike you I have real big ass breasts. I got an ass unlike you who don't got one and I got the looks unlike you again. Say one more thing and you will get fucked up right in front of your little bitch Jessica" I warned her taking a shot at Jessica in the process.

I heard a gasp from Jessica beside Lauren. Fuck both of them bitches. I could care less as to what they thought.

"Give it a week he will be coming over to get some of this" Lauren said pointing to her non body.

That's it this bitch is gonna get tossed. I grabbed her by the hair and got a good fist full of it. She had a look of fear. Obviously she didn't expect me to back my shit up. I threw her in the grass about five feet from where we were standing.

She looked up from where she was at me and ran like the little pussy ass bitch she was with Jessica running after her. She better keep her hands off of my man or else she would get her ass busted within seconds.

"Whoa" Alice said coming over to us.

Alice and I had gotten closer after the whole situation with Edward. I forgave since she had tried to save me. She was still the same girl. The one who wanted to make me into a human barbie doll. She was a victim of Edward's sick game and we all have to move on from it. She had loved him and it was sad things had to end up like this, but it did. Things weren't all bad. If she wouldn't have cheated on Jasper I would never be with him now. I had her to thank for that.

"You didn't see that in a vision?" I asked.

"No, all I saw was her kissing Jasper and him looking very disgusted." Alice replied.

I laughed.

"No one messes with my man" I growled.

I felt Jasper's arms around me from behind. I smiled at the contact.

"My doll is a beast" Jasper chuckled.

Jasper had been calling me doll lately. It was his pet name for me. I didn't mind it. I guess I kinda liked it. When I asked him about it he said that barbie dolls are considered beautiful and I was more beautiful than any of them.

"That reminds me" Alice started. "I want you over at our house later tonight. I have this new dress that I want to try out on you."

I started to laugh which turned into a sarcastic sob.

"No" I stated.

I had been getting better at saying that word now. I didn't spare people's feelings like I used to.

"Yes" Alice said matter of factly.

"No." I rolled my eyes.

"Yes, and I don't want to hear another word about it" Alice said racing back to her car.

"No!" I yelled getting looks all around me.

Lovely. Uh, fuck what do I care if the whole town looks at me strangely. Most of Forks is just stupid ignorant mother fuckers. With the exception of a few people.

"What. I can't hear you Bella speak louder." Alice said driving away before I could get another word in.

I knew she could hear me she just wanted me over there so she could make me look like Malibu Bella. I could hear chuckling from a certain male blond vampire behind me. I turned around and gave him a pissed off look.

"This ain't funny, Jasper" I snarled looking crazy.

"Yes it is" He snickered.

I gave him the most pissed off look I could and I knew what it looked like. It looked like I was a female serial killer about to pounce and kill everyone in my sight. I wasn't really mad at him, but it really wasn't funny that I had to deal with a crazy pixie bitch. He didn't stop laughing and I figured it was because he knew I wasn't serious. I rolled my eyes he was still laughing. Ok, it might have been funny, but it isn't anymore. Actually, it wasn't funny at all.

I pulled him down to me and kissed him roughly to which he responded with just as much roughness. He pulled me as close as possible as he continued. His hands moved up and down my body as we kissed. I broke apart for air and saw his face. No longer was he laughing. His face showed lust. He was horny I could see that in his face. That and I could feel his erection. Not only was he, but I was too. I don't know how much longer I could hold off having sex with him, but I am not going to do it right away. I am going to make him beg for it.

If it gets too much for him there are other ways of getting him off. If that situation came I could either give him a hand job or suck him off. The latter choice I would rather do. Yes, I can picture it now. His pants on the floor me on my knees him in my mouth. Uh-oh I'm getting wet I should stop thinking about this. I am pretty sure Jasper will know. I got the answer when I saw the sly smirk on Jasper's face.

"Lets go" I said.

Jasper and I got on his motorcycle as he drove me off into the night.