The waves sounded like the breath of the river in his ears. It was crowded with ships thankfully, which was on his side, but it wasn't just himwho took it as an advantage. He watched each and every one of them, sizes, colors, shapes—

He shifted his feet. He wasn't sure how long he had been standing by the port but it felt like forever. It was always did when he had to wait. He wondered how long he had waited this time. Although as much as he had to wait he couldn't bring himself to leave when the schedule was set. His body protested but he ignored it. He kept his patience.

His eyes scanned the waters and the ships. Finally, he spotted the sight of a rusty red ship fly by. He jumped slightly then looked left and right beforehe stepped forward and into the small crowd.

He put his hands into his pockets and lowered his head as he walked down the sidewalk. He tried to hide himself and let the public guess who the man in white was, not the police officer he really was. God, if anyone knew where he was going and who he was meeting— It sometimes felt shameful to do this but it was a shame worth living.

Stepping quickly, he followed the ship from a distance like a hunter chasing its prey with stealth. When it finally landed, he looked and saw it was the airship he was waiting for. He slowly retreated behind a post and pressed his back against it as he watched it anxiously.

Its port opened and out walked a group of girls. He looked past his blonde hair and gazed at each one as they made their way down the pier and onto dry land. They looked all around themselves. One wearing a black dress paid close attention as if the whole world was watching her. It was the one he was looking for.

He leaned past the corner of the weathered post then purred, "Psst." at her. He did it twice and when she turned her head, he smiled and she returned it.

She said something to her crew mates before she ran to him with her heels clicking against the wood planks of the pier under her. She wrapped her arms around him when she met him, making him step back. She held him so tight he couldn't find himself to move.

"I missed you!" she said.

Ky laid a gentle hand on her shoulder, her warm shoulder. "I missed you, too." He gave her a light smile. He was too tired and too wary to show her the expressions she no doubt wanted. His was awkward and delayed. Their monthly reunions weren't met with endless smiles, cuddles and embraces upon embraces. He was starving her.

He took her by the wrists and looked into her pretty face. "Tell me about today."

"I can go out today," she said. It felt like they were a part of a disapproved relationship, a Romeo and Juliet against the world. But it was much different. A Gear and the chief of the Police Force? Did those words sound right together? The only ones who approved of it were the pirates—to a point. Both sides were cautious of each other. The pirates were especially cautious of him.

"Wonderful," he said calmly and squeezed her shoulder.

"Can we go somewhere?" she asked.

"Well, I suppose we could," he said uneasily. "You have been controlling your powers each time I see you. I'm very proud." He scuffed the top of her head playfully.

She giggled at his touch. "I have, haven't I? May even says so when we land in other places. But I love coming to Paris more. I always ask Johnny and May to come here. For you."

"Which reminds me," he said then reached a hand into his pocket and displayed the brass compass he promised. He held it over his head, which was far over her height. After he did, she went on her toes and reached for it but failed. She then jumped for it but that failed, too.

"Ky, that's mean!" she whined.

Ky smiled and chuckled. "I'm sorry." He handedit to her.

Once it wasin her possession, she held it to her chest.. "You're forgiven," she said.

She brought another smile to her face, this one larger. "Now that I am forgiven, where do you plan to lead me?"

"Somewhere simple," she said then frowned. "We don't have a lot of time. Most of the others don't know I'm visiting you. May definitelyknows about us. But she promised not to tell."

"Wise of her."

"But today the crew is only gathering things," she said. "I like it when we stay all day. Maybe next time we'll be able to do that."

"It's up to your shipmates," he said. "Let's try not to push it." He then placed a hand on her lower back and began to walk. She leaned against him when she felt his hand.

Then came the challenge of merging into the crowd. When they entered the flow of the street, Dizzy clutched his arm and leaned into him. Compared to the way she held onto him a few months ago, she didn't hold him out of fear, she wanted to show him off and feel him. He was too handsome and too comforting to let go of.

After passing the first street, she began to lead him. He let his body loose as if he were a slave to her and let her lead him where ever she wanted.

Odd. Once he was in control, especially over Gears, now he wasn't. He was equal with a woman that held the powers of a Gear. He didn't worry, although. But the world would.

She soon led him to a market. By then she let go of his arm and led him into it where there were several kiosks lined down two rows, facing one another like rivals. There were meat and fruit (Dizzy refused to look at the meat) and tempting luxuries like jewelry and dresses. It was one of Dizzy's favorite places to visit in Paris. Ky wasn't too fond of it, though. They were too out in the open. There were too many people scanning the area.

She soon let go of him and moved ahead of him, looking left and right at what the vendors had to offer. Ky followed with his arms at his sides. She looked on excitedly and moved, unaware of him now.

When she walked through a small group who blocked her way, he lost sight of her. His stopped in his tracks and his heart pounded wildly. He quickly moved through them, weaving past their bodies until he was free. After he was freed, he was greeted by the lovely Gear.

She squealed and ran to him. She took both his hands. "Ky! Ky! Come here, I have to show you something."

She pulled him along.

"Dizzy, what are you doing?"

She continued to pull him along. "Close your eyes."

"Why do I have to do that? You'll make me fall."

"You won't fall," she said. "I got you."

He sighed and went along. She led him a short while, with him stumbling a bit before she stopped. He stood there a moment, listening, then coyly lifted an eyelid when she did. He saw bright colors.

"You peeked!" she said, noticing the slit in one eye.


She sighed then suddenly said: "Look! Look!"

He opened his eyes and what she held up before him, like an offering, was a silver teacup. Under it there was a matching saucer. The rim of the cup had an interesting pattern of both curves and stiff shapes in a gothic style. It was a bit tainted but it was in good condition.

Ky laughed aloud. "Oh, Dizzy."

She smiled. "I thought you would like it. When I saw it I thought about you."

He wrapped an arm around her. "Darling. Now I need to pay you back sometime."

She pulled away and bounced backwards a few steps with a huge smile on her face. "You don't have to. Let's enjoy the rest of the night! I don't have very long." She backed up more, luring him.

He followed.

* * *

Ky escorted Dizzy back to the Mayship, off curfew, of course. It hadn't been the first time. Some of the crew thought she had gotten lost or decided to stay a little longer somewhere but a small percentage knew better. One knowing was fine, Johnny even, but that was as far as he wanted it. If others found out—

He guided her to the pier, and there stood the young pirate named May waiting for her with her arms crossed under her small bosom. "Dizzy! You're late again!" She then passed an angry glare at Ky as they closed in, assuming him as the source.

"Sorry, May," Dizzy said. "I just wanted to spend a little more time with Ky."

"Well, you got the crew worried. You always do when you run off like that. Again." She cast another gaze on Ky.

"There's nothing to worry about," Ky assured her. "She's always safe with me."

"Yeah, yeah, sure, sure."

Dizzy stared forward, blinking slowly then glanced at Ky. "I should go."

"And I as well." He sighed then held a hand out, palm up. "Dizzy?"

The girl frowned. He knew what came next, something worse than physical pain, worse than seeing her cry. She stood with her head lowered and eyes down.

He bobbedhis hand when she refused to react.

"Dizzy, we have no choice." he said.

A long moment passed through the three of them. They waited, and then finally she produced the compass. It lay on the palm of her hand with the face of it pointing skywards.

May leaned over her shoulder. "What's that?"

"A compass Ky gave me."

"Let me see." May reached over and grabbed the compass, then took a few steps back. She threw it up in the air and bounced it playfully hand to hand and up and down. Ky watched nervously as she did this.

"May, stop it. Stop it!"

Dizzy went for it but when she did May stumbled. The compass spun and fell into the water with a plop. The three of them watched it disappear into the abyss.

Then, Dizzy yelled:


"Oops. I'm sorry."

"May!" she shouted again then stood directly in front of her so they were face to face. "Why did you do that? Why did you do that?" Her voice began to crack. She was about to cry.

May shrunk back a bit from her sudden rage. "Dizzy, don't worry, we have other compasses in the Mayship. That one looked old anyway."

"No! You don't get it! It's not just a compass!" She place her hands over face and cried into them. May began to reach for her but before she could touch her, Dizzy arched her back as if she had been speared by something, and screamed. Ky's vision was momentarily filled with colors of green and white, and when it cleared, he saw her wings. It had been a long time since he saw the Gear side of her.

Her green wing took form and back-handed May behind her. The girl was a standing target and was thrown backwards. After the girl hit the ground, Dizzy put her hands on her face again and ran.

She breezed by him.

* * *

After a brief pursuit, Ky found Dizzy sitting atop an angled roof with her legs to her chest and her head resting on her knees. Her wings and tail were still exposed but she still looked beautiful. The crescent moon shined down on her sadness. It was what drew him to her.

He stared up at the building before he climbed up, using a gutter drain as a latter. He shimmied up it and stuck his fingers between the bricks of the house to push himself up, then nearly threw himself onto the roof on his stomach. He slowly stood and walked to Dizzy, his boots thudding softly as he approached her. She was crying and her body was heaving as if she couldn't breathe. At first all he could see was her wings. Then there was her black tail, tipped with a yellow bow. The moonlight shined down on it.

He stopped behind her and put a gentle hand on her shoulder. "Dizzy?"

She jumped suddenly and snapped her head to him. Her eyes were full of tears.

"Dizzy." He knelt down and when he did she wrapped her arms around him and pressed her cheek against his chest. They stayed there for a short while until Ky unfolded his legs and sat. Their hips and legs touched. As he looked at her tear-soaked face, he wiped fresh and old tears away.

"I can't get it back," she whimpered. "I can't get it back."

He kissed her hot and wet cheek. "I know. But you don't have to rely on that compass to find each other."

"No. I always look at the compass before we land. Why did May have to do that?"

"It was an accident. She didn't mean it, Dizzy. Anyway, it's superficial."

She lifted her head and looked at his face. "Superficial? What does that mean?"

"Something that doesn't matter. In truth, it doesn't matter now."

Another flood of tears fell down her cheeks. She pulled out of his arms and crawled backwards then sat again looking on at him with wide, betrayed eyes.

"I trusted you."

His brows curled upwards. He crawled after her, although careful how he placed himself, making sure he didn't lose his balance.

"No," he said. Now was not the time to lose her. It was no reason to lose her. He couldn't. How could he lose the girl who made him feel free and less of a machine? She showed him a new world. Love.

"Don't do it, Dizzy," he said. "You don't have to rely on that compass." She shook her head, and after she did he began to feel a tightness in his throat. "We never came together each time with it. Did I have it when we first met? It was just us."

She blinked at him in silence then crawled towards him until their knees touched. She stared into his eyes, scooted closer into him then leaned further. She took his face and kissed him deep. She swayed, holding the kiss until he lost his balance and the both of them fell. Dizzy wound up on top of him a short while before Ky rolled her off enough so she was lying on his hip. She clutched the side of his shirt with inexperienced lust inside her. She landed another passionate kiss on his lips with the lust inside both of them now.

The years of war, fighting and obligations disappeared as he laid there with her and the blanket of the cool night over them. He saw colors of red as she traded his shirt for his thigh. By then, he saw gold white. Then sense came back to him.

God, wake up!

He pushed away from her and lifted his head. "Dizzy!" he scolded her. "Where did you learn that?"

"Learn what?"

He quickly sat up. "Nothing." His face felt hot. "We need to go." He quickly stood and offered a hand. "I know your pirates are worried about you."

She laid there a moment, looking up at him and stood. He led her to the edge of the roof and balanced himself as he looked down. It would be a good fall but not a deadly one—if he didn't fall on his head or neck.

"I'll help," Dizzy said from behind.

He looked up and saw her behind him. She wrapped her arms around his torso and leapt without warning. She spread her wings as she went over the edge, leaving Ky to take a tighter grip. She went down like a glider.

She immediately let go once she met ground and Ky stumbled aside. He was woozy at first on his feet but it didn't last long.

They were quiet the whole way, too scared and too embarrassed to find words. The subjects were too taboo for both of them, so they decided silence and ignore what had happened would be best for now.

A group of girls were waiting for her when they returned, prepared. They approached them and Ky saw the worry in their faces. He looked at each of them. They didn't flee from Dizzy or him. Both sides faced each other.

Within the group, Johnny towards them and stopped. "Dizzy, I heard about what happened. What's going on between you and May?"

Dizzy stood silent a moment, glanced at Ky then looked at Johnny. "It was an accident. She dropped my compass into the water." She was pained as she explained it again.

"We have more—" Johnny began but Ky waved him off. He knew it would start another repeat if he let it on.

"I think everything will be all right," Ky said. "I talked to her."

"Did you?" Johnny said flatly.

"He told me it was superficial," Dizzy said.

"I see."

Ky had his eyes locked on Johnny, and after a while the pirate noticed the ready and willing look on his face and took a step back. Dizzy was the only thing keeping Ky from arresting him. All of them. And Johnny was cautious about that. He took advantage of it, but he wasn't stupid. He stepped lightly around Ky.

"Now that you're back to normal," Johnny said, already getting anxious, "Let's go. We don't want to stay out here too long." He took another glance at Ky who glowered in return. He held a hand out. "Dizzy?"

"You go ahead," she said. "I'll be right in."

The group looked on at her before they turned and slowly returned inside. Ky watched. He spotted by the opening, the girl Dizzy attacked, unharmed and waiting for her return. It was a surprise how forgiving these pirates were. It brought him a little more trust.

"Dizzy," he said.

She turned.

He reached behind his neck and unhooked a fine chain then displayed to her his gold cross. "Here, I want you to take this."

She smiled widely, took it and put it on. The cool metal lay against her breasts. She looked down on it, memorized by it, and played with the chain between her fingers. She looked up.

"Thank you. But you always wear this."

"It's yours now. I always relied on it. It will truly guide you, because it is not superficial."