A/N: Another study hall one. My hand hurt like Hell when I finally finished.
This one comes from the prompt "weekdays". I've decided that "weekend" will be its own chapter.

Disclaimer: I hate these things. And the only reason someone would think I actually owned Naruto is if they clicked on my story with their eyes closed, went to a chapter without a disclaimer on it (still with their eyes closed), and came to the absurd conclusion that I was Kishimoto. So why am I even bothering with these things? D:


Monday: the sun rises over the desert and bathes them in golden light. The world is suffused in warmth and a content laziness that seeps into Lee's bones. He decides that work can wait. He holds Gaara closer and leans down to place a kiss on his golden lips.

Tuesday: the day was long and tiring and Gaara groans a little as he settles his stiff muscles into the beckoning comfort of the couch. Before he realizes it, Lee's hands are on his shoulders and back, massaging away the uncomfortable soreness and replacing it with blissful sensations. Gaara leans back into Lee's touch and moans appreciatively. It turns out his day isn't that bad after all.

Wednesday: the paperwork has long since become forgotten as Gaara's overworked fingers are carefully tended to by Lee. The black-haired boy takes Gaara's right hand reverently and kisses each knuckle with his smiling lips. Gaara's eyes have glazed over, lulled by the soothing feeling. The reprieve from the endless paperwork will not go unrewarded. After repeating the process with Gaara's left hand, Lee is given his reward in the form of Gaara's lips doing wonderful, electrifying things to his skin later that night. Neither of them cares to remember the paperwork.

Thursday: the excited energy has Lee bouncing around the whole day with a hopeful smile on his face for the occasion that night. He wants it to be special, and he carefully prepares everything so that it is perfect. The whole house is cleaned and made ready for this momentous occasion. A romantic dinner is cooked and organized and set up for two. The expression of surprised joy that floods Gaara's face when he opens the door is as good as the subsequent embrace he pulls Lee into, kissing him fiercely.
It is their anniversary, after all.

Friday: the air of anticipation follows Gaara home as he makes a hasty retreat from his office. He has been eagerly waiting for his weekly delight ever since seven days ago, and tonight is the night that he gets what is due. When he enters his abode and Lee is there, wearing only pants and waiting for Gaara in the kitchen, Gaara hardly waits before he tears into his prize. Later, when he finishes the dango -a rare sight in a desert- he initiates a whole new kind of oral activity with Lee.

Mmm, I'd love to know exactly what that oral activity was, wouldn't you?
And thank you to Ivonovna for a helpful suggestion. :)