Disclaimer: I definitely don't own the Sisters Grimm.

If anybody wants to know what happened to my other story, Grimm Family Therapy, read the author's note below.

My creative juices are finally flowing. Thank goodness! I thought I've lost my touch… that I've never had to begin with. Yeah, so I wrote this at like two in the morning, so it may be kind of out there...
Oh, and this chapter is rated PG 13 for Sherlock Holmes Man's distorted perceptions.

24. Last Straw


The minute I saw the notice beside our flight schedule, I groaned in horror. Delayed. How long it was delayed, I didn't know. I could be one hour or, god forbid, it could be for several hours. Airport delays suck. Everybody who's been through one of those knows what I'm going on about. Not only that, but my family was also with me. They're great and all… until they become impatient. My dad turned into the equivalent of Godzilla when he was impatient, and I can't say Puck is any better.

I watched Daphne pull our younger brother, Jasper, onto her lap. His seven-year-old cuteness would have been disarming, if it wasn't for the fact that he seemed going through a phase. The dreaded "Everything I want, I get" phase that everybody, sibling and parent, hopes to avoid.

Granny sat across from Daphne. She pulled a large, leather-bound book out of her tiny little handbag. I watched in amazement as she also extracted her glasses case. Where did all that come from? Was it like Hermione's bag in Harry Potter?

Mom and Dad sat down on either side of Daphne. They cooed over the youngest Grimm, who happily lapped up the attention. He was definitely related to us, all right.

Uncle Jake plopped down on the ground, not even bothering with a chair. Ever since Briar's death, he's been really depressed. Just being around him made me want to cry. I knew I shouldn't, but I've tried to avoid him as much as possible. It's been four and a half years, but he's never improved much.

I glanced around the waiting area, taking in my fellow passengers. Some of them were busy typing away on their laptops. Some people stared out the huge, floor to ceiling window as if their willpower alone could get the fight moving. There was one man dressed like Sherlock Holmes. He even had one of those pipes in his mouth. In his hand was a leash. Connected to that leash was a giant of a dog that could have been mistaken for a small woolly mammoth. I had no idea what that was about.

A pair of familiar hands wrapped around my waist. "Staring at Sherlock over there?" Puck whispered, snickering. I turned around in his grip. "Wonder what's up with that."

I shrugged lightly. People had their quirks. He, of all people, should know that. "I hate flight delays," I grumbled. "Stupid hurricane. I never would have suggested coming here if I knew how fast those things formed."

Puck smirked. "You've never experienced a hurricane before, have you?"

"No, I've lived up north my whole life. Of course I've never experienced a hurricane." I groaned, resting my head limply on Puck's shoulder. "Disney World was such a bad idea. I knew Uncle Jake should have stayed home." We simultaneously glanced at the slouching figure of my uncle. He definitely wasn't in a good shape. The poor man had broken down in the middle of Magic Kingdom when he caught sight of a woman dressed up as Briar Rose. Dad had to literally drag him out of the path of a stampede of excited children.

Then, Puck saw some Peter Pan attraction in Fantasyland, and he threw a fit. He scared off half the children waiting in the line.

But that's another story for another day.

Puck lifted my chin up so I would gaze into his strikingly green eyes. He was distracting me, which I appreciated. "So… I never did get that kiss earlier, Grimm." That was true. When Puck was about to kiss me during the firework display at Disney, Daphne threw herself between us, knocking me over in her excitement. She didn't even realize that she had completely shattered the magical moment!

"True," I replied, standing on the tips of my toes. Puck grinned down at me. He leaned forward and…

"Sabrina!" Jasper squealed, tugging on the legs of my pants. I sighed in frustration. Puck scowled at the air above my head. Trust me. I knew how he felt. It seems like we haven't had any alone time since we got here. My family kept on getting in the way, especially my dad. It was so obvious he did it on purpose.

You'd think we'd have gotten some alone time at the park, but no. Somebody was always following us around. We managed to ditch my dad once, only to bump into Daphne halfway across the park. She, in her excited haze, refused to leave my side and dragged me to all the rides.

"Yes, Jasper?" I inquired, kneeling down to his level.

He shot me a cute grin. "Daddy says that you will get me some hot chocolate."

I glared at my father, who was doing a crappy job at hiding his grin. "Why not," I sighed. "Come on." Jasper clung to my hand as I walked over to a small Starbucks across from the terminal. Puck sulked after me. I silently giggled at his expression and took his hand.

A teenage girl, popping a piece of her pink gum, glanced up at me when I stopped at the counter. "Hello, welcome to Starbucks. What can I get you today?" she asked automatically. Her eyes slid across my face to my boyfriend's. They lingered there for a while. She suddenly began straightening her green apron. Oh, great. Just what I needed. A hormonal teenage girl ogling Puck.

I cleared my throat to get her attention. Her eyes focused on my face again. "I'll have a small cup of hot chocolate," I snapped, rather harshly. I glanced down at Jasper. "Anything else?" He shook his head. I looked back at the girl. "That's all."

She glanced between me, Jasper, and Puck. Something lit inside her eyes and her face turned bright pink. I watched in confusion as she whirled around, quickly assembling Jasper's drink. The girl slid the steaming hot cup into my hands. "That'll be two twenty."

I heard Puck grumble something under his breath before he slapped three dollars onto the counter. "I hope your dad's happy," he muttered. The girl peeked at him and then at me as she got his change. Her brows creased in confusion. What was she thinking?

We were walking back to my family when Puck bursted into guffaws. "What?" I asked, noting the way his eyes darted between me and Jasper.

"That girl," he snickered, "she thought Jasper was- was-" He clutched his sides while hooting with laugher. He was attracting some attention, but I doubted that he cared.

"What?" I repeated, grinning slightly at Puck's laughter. He really did have a contagious laugh.

"She thought we were Jasper's parents!" Puck exclaimed, collapsing onto the tiled floor.

My face instantly turned bright red. I looked at Jasper, who happily sipped on his drink. He had slightly wavy blond hair, but his eyes were dark brown, like my mom's. He kind of did look like me, but he didn't look anything like Puck. I had no idea where she could have gotten that ridiculous idea from.


An hour passed without any signs of change in the weather. It was a good thing this airport had so many generators, because the weather outside would surely have caused a blackout. I've definitely had enough of those.

Puck and I tried to sneak away several times, only to be intercepted by none other than my dad. I really wanted to kick him at the moment. Did he have a third eye or something?

Finally, we settled on a comfortable position beside the windows. Puck's back rested against the cool glass, and my back was against his chest. The roaring of the storm could faintly be heard in the background.

I stared at Granny Relda. She had apparently grown tired of the book and had begun doing yoga. Nothing is more scarring than watching your elderly grandmother do the Awkward Chair Pose. The worst part was the old man across the terminal. He just leered at her in a very stalkerish manner. I'm pretty sure he was checking out my grandmothers assets. I wanted to gag.

"We apologize for the inconvenience, but the roads have officially been closed off due to the weather. Employees are coming around with blankets and pillows for anybody who needs them. We will do everything in our power to make your stay here as comfortable as possible," some man on the intercom said. Everybody around me let out a collective groan.

Great. The roads were closed. How is it that I always found myself in these situations?

"So much for just finding a hotel for the night," Puck muttered. "I'd hate sleeping here. There isn't even a proper bed. I need a bed."

I sighed. "Tell me about it… and don't you sleep on a trampoline."

Puck shrugged. "It's still my bed."

A flight attendant passed by and offered us a pair of pillows and blankets. I gratefully took them. "Don't you guys look so adorable," she said, before walking away.

"Adorable," Puck griped. "I'm not adorable. I'm incredibly handsome and irresistible."

I rolled my eyes. "Stop, before I start choking on your ego."

"You know you love it, Grimm," Puck teased smugly.

"Yeah, let me tell you about it." I caught sight of Daphne petting the woolly mammoth/dog. She probably could have ridden on his back. The Sherlock Holmes dude blew on his pipe. Much to my surprise, I noticed bubbles floating out of it.


There were a cluster of teenagers wearing pajamas sitting around in a tight circle. A few elderly people were passed out in the seats, some snoring rather loudly. It was dark outside, and the lights had been dimmed slightly in the airport so that people could sleep. A steady hum of whispering voices pervaded the air in the otherwise quiet night.

Jasper was trying to imitate Granny Relda's crazy yoga stretches. He kept failing miserably, falling all over the place. My dad had fallen asleep on Mom's shoulder. He had a small trail of drool running down the side of his mouth. Yup. My mom was one lucky gal.

I turned my attention back to the Everafter behind me. He gazed at me with love shining plainly in his eyes. He leaned forward. Just when he was about to kiss me, we were interrupted… again.

"You kids!" Sherlock Holmes Man shouted, appearing in front of us. He wore a stern expression, which clashed with the bubbles coming out of his pipe. Puck and I jumped. I, unfortunately, rolled out of his embrace and almost banged my head against the glass window.

"What?" Puck snapped, helping me sit up.

Sherlock Holmes Man wagged his fingers at us. "You two were about to have sex, weren't you?"

"What?" I exclaimed, face flushed. "No!"

Puck repeatedly smacked his forehead with the palm of his hand.

"Yes, you were!" The man waved his hands wildly. Was he trying to make a scene? For Pete's sake! Puck and I were just trying to kiss! "You know what happens when you have sex?" the man demanded. Puck tried to scoot away from the crazy loon, pulling me along with him. "Do you?" the man repeated.

Both of us shook our heads.

"You get AIDS!" Sherlock Holmes Man screeched.

Oh. My. God. This could not be happening to me. I'm pretty sure the entire world heard him. I couldn't even look at Puck at the moment.

"What is going on here?" Thank you, thank you, thank you, Mom! I wanted to scream, seeing her walk up to the three of us.

"These two teenagers were copulating in a very ostentatious manner," the man exclaimed. His spit flew everywhere. Some of it managed to land on my mom's face.

She stared at him like he had mutated into a giant chicken. She glanced at me with a what-the-freak expression. I just shook my head vigorously. "Um… Thank you for… stopping them?" My mom seemed to be at a loss for words. A real sight to behold.

"Just doing my duty, ma'am." He tipped his hat. "I've been through this before. It was hard, but I managed to tear them apart." The man looked at the two of us grimly.

My mom opened her mouth, as if to say something, then immediately closed it. "Well," she began slowly. "Thank you so much for your help. Why don't you come sit with me and discuss the difficulty of raising teenagers…" She made a shooing motion in our direction.

I didn't need to be told twice, and neither did Puck. He grabbed my hand and dragged me away from the crazy Sherlock Holmes Man. My mortification hadn't lessened with the distance. In fact, I felt kind of awkward being near Puck now. Great. Another moment ruined.

We found ourselves sitting in an empty hallway that I'm pretty sure was off-limits. Puck leaned against the wall, shoving his fingers through his hair. "That was probably the most embarrassing moment of my life," I whispered, sliding to the ground.

"Yeah. Just what I needed. Having the sex talk with a strange man in the middle of an airport at eleven o' clock at night" Puck sat down beside me. "I just wanted one kiss. It seems like that isn't going to happen tonight." He let a out a resigned sigh.

I shook my head, pulling him forward by his shirt. "No," I snapped angrily. "I am going to kiss you if it's the last thing I-"

The door flew open at the moment. Both of us glared at the source of our interruption. Uncle Jake sluggishly made his way into the room. He glanced at the two of us and his lower lip trembled. Oh, no.

"What?" he asked, sitting across from us. He wrapped his arms around his knees and pulled them close to his chest.

"Nothing," I mumbled. Puck's shoulders slumped in defeat. A close encounter with Uncle Jake would be the last straw that broke the camel's back.

We sat in a very awkward silence. Puck's hand help firmly onto mine, something Uncle Jake noticed quickly. "You two don't know what you have," he began morosely. I stared at the ground and waited for the waterworks. "The weirdest thing happened the other morning...I woke up with tears in my eyes...and one rolling down my cheek...and I knew I must have been dreaming of her again." He stared at the two of us with watery eyes. "You guys better hold onto each other because one day, one of you will die." Thanks, Uncle Jake. That really makes me feel better. "The other one will be left here to pick up their broken spirit, doomed to walk this earth in a lonely isolation forever and ever." He broke into tears. "It's so sad!"

We've long since discovered that there is nothing that we could say to comfort Uncle Jake. Puck and I exchanged uneasy looks. We both stood up and tiptoed out of the hallway, giving my uncle some space.

We walked aimlessly down another hallway and stopped beside another large window. "I don't want you to die," I began, staring at him in concern.

Puck shook his head. "Don't worry about that. He isn't exactly stable, if you haven't noticed."

"But he's right." I glanced at the cloudy sky. Rain pounded down on the windowpane. I heard the strong gusts of wind blow against the building, creating a dull roar.

"Look, Sabrina," Puck began. His hands found themselves resting lightly on my waist. "I know what I'm saying when I predict that neither one of us will die any time soon. We still have forever, and I don't want to spend most of that time under the some depressing cloud."

I went to open my mouth, but he cut me off with a sweet kiss.

All I thought at the moment was:


Aw! I feel so bad for Uncle Jake. It was actually kind of depressing to write him like this. Somehow, I didn't see my story ending like this, but the Grimms have a mind of their own.

Okay, so maybe some of you noticed that I took down Grimm Family Therapy. Maybe… hopefully. Don't start throwing stuff yet! I've only taken it down because I feel like it needs some major readjustments. That's what happens when you play it all by ear. *Sigh* I'll eventually put it back up, though! Keep your fingers crossed, and I'm really sorry about it. I've been really unsatisfied with it, and you guys deserve better.