Yes, so I have a poem. Or poetic format should I say. It isn't really a POEM as such, but still. My first 'poem' and hopefully you guys will like it. It's any pairing you like really but I had Shane/Mitchie in mind - doesn't have to be though.

'I'll just break you'

He doesn't look at her

He stares out of the window

Avoiding her gaze,

She doesn't know how to answer

At first

She wants to walk away

And not look back

But can't,

Breaking his stare with the wall is a chore

As much as he tries

He isn't able to catch her eye

And as she slowly turns away

He grabs her wrist,

'I'm sorry'

He whispers those two words

With an air of uneasiness,

She hasn't said anything since he confessed

He'd told her he couldn't stay with her

He'd just ruin her,

Scare her,

Break her,

And never pick up the pieces

Like a shattered mirror

Her reflection would crack

If she stayed with him,

But she stops,

'How could you?'

'I'm sorry'

He whispers again

Only quieter,

'Please forgive me'

He drops his head and drops her wrist,

'I can't do it

I'd just break you'

She closes her eyes slowly

And tips his head towards her,

'Then break me.'