"So, diamond coral reefs," Donna said, leaning back in the lounge chair contentedly.
"Yep," the Doctor answered. He tried not to look as the robe she wore over her swimsuit slipped a little, showing a bit more leg than she usually did, but she caught his eye as she reached down to adjust it.
"Sure beats scuba-diving in Spain." She shifted again, allowing a little more skin to show.
He grinned. "I should think so. You are hard to impress, aren't you?"
"You've spoiled me, what can I say," she said.
"There are still so many places I want to take you," he said. He wanted to show her all of his favourite places, to share them with her, see the look of wonder on her face. He loved the moment when she would step out of the TARDIS to see where they had landed, then would turn to smile at him, making his hearts skip every time.
"And you will. You're not planning on getting rid of me anytime soon, are you?"
"No! No, definitely not." How could she even think that?
"Good." She slipped her sunglasses on and turned her face up toward the sun. "It really was beautiful down there, under the water," she said, absently.
"Yes, it was," he agreed. It had been fantastic. The sunlight filtering through the water had glittered on the coral. And the funny little fish swimming around them had made Donna grab his hand, squeezing it in her excitement. She had talked nonstop in the boat on the way back to shore, bubbling with enthusiasm, and he had just watched her, occasionally agreeing with her, but mostly just watching her. There had been a moment, there, on the boat, when he had almost kissed her. He had helped her into the boat, and she had stood just a little too close to him. It would have been so easy just to lean in, cup her cheek--but then the moment had passed. He was brought back to the present by the sound of her voice.
"Doctor? You should really put on some suncream - your face is already looking a little sunburnt." She was looking at him, and he was slightly disconcerted that he couldn't see her eyes behind the sunglasses.
"Oh, I'll be fine," he said, standing up abruptly. "I was just going to take a walk."
"Oh, that sounds lovely. Mind if I join you?" She stood, pulling her robe around her. He pulled his shirt back on, and Donna laughed. "Swim trunks and a dress shirt. We need to take you shopping for some resort clothes," she said.
He shrugged, embarrassed. "I'll make do." He held out his arm to her. "Shall we?"
She slipped her arm through his, just as she always did, and he covered her hand with his. They made their way slowly down the beach, finally stopping at the foot of a pier and turning to watch the waves roll in. Donna leaned her head on his shoulder, and he thought he might be content to just stay there forever with her leaning against him, breathing the sea air.
"Penny for your thoughts," she said, finally breaking the companionable silence.
"I was just thinking I could stay here forever," he said, before he could stop himself.
She squeezed his arm. "Me too."
She turned her face up to him, and he turned to her, pushed her sunglasses up onto the top of her head. She blinked at him, smiling. "Donna--" he started, but had no idea what he should say next.
She put her hand on his chest, looking worriedly at him. "What is it? What's wrong?"
He shook his head. "Nothing, 'M fine," he said, reaching up to push a strand of hair behind her ear, his hand lingering on her cheek.
"Your eyes are so green," he said. He slipped his arm around her waist and stepped closer to her. He was relieved that she didn't pull away.
"It's just the sea reflected in them," she said.
"Hm," he said, rubbing a lock of her hair between his fingers, then cupping her cheek with his hand. He searched her eyes for some sign she didn't want this, but she just looked back at him steadily. She moved her hand to the back of his neck, and met him halfway as he lowered his lips to hers. He pulled her closer as she leaned into him, her lips warm and soft under his as she parted them with a sigh. He was surprised when he felt her tongue sweep along his lower lip, then felt it sliding along his own, and they both gasped at the contact. He could feel her heart racing against his chest as he pulled away, trying to catch his breath. "Sorry," he said.
"Don't be sorry," she said. "Unless it's for waiting so long."
"I've been waiting for you, you dunce. I should have just thrown you down and had my way with you," she said, pulling his head down to kiss him again. He was sure he would be happy kissing her for forever. "You taste good," she said, when she broke away.
"Good. Means we're chemically compatible," he said, kissing her again, letting his tongue sweep into her mouth. Why had he resisted this for so long?
"You're such a romantic," she said, before kissing him again.
He kissed along her jaw until he reached a spot behind her ear that made her jump and clutch at him. He lingered, breathing her in. She threaded her fingers through his hair. "Maybe we should go--" she said breathlessly.
"Somewhere less public," he agreed. He grabbed her hand and pulled her along, both of them laughing as they ran across the sand.