A/N: Final Chapter is just something I came up with at 3 am. It's just random conversations mostly between Marie and Logan. Enjoy! And thank you to:
Wanda W, askita,velvetemr73, dulcesweet, irisheyesrsmiling, Glykera, Logan's Wolverette, phuong1317, Brit-Babe191, shelaweena, hotbritt5000, Scipio'sgirl, Sparrowhawk1952, LauraSanchez, Dancing Hybrid, Generated Anomoly, Julie, Lyra21
- I love you guys!
'Logan, Jean's crying.'
'Your turn.'
'Excuse me?'
'Darlin' I really need my sleep.'
'How can it be my turn, I just woke up an hour ago to feed her.'
'So what does she need this time?'
'She needs diaper changing.'
'Marie, the Wolverine don't change diapers.'
'Oh really?'
'Then the Wolverine can take his butt and sleep on the couch!'
'Come on Marie it's three in the morning.'
'Logan go change that dam diaper or else!'
'Or else what?'
'Or else you won't be in this bed for another year.'
'Do you like winning?'
'Why yes, thank you sugar, could you get me a glass of milk while your up?'
'Eyes up, bub!'
'Logan...i was...i didn't...i...please don't kill me.'
'What? Bobby you pervert.'
'Honest to God rogue i was not...'
'Not what? Not obviously ogling my breasts!'
'No, i was...'
'Bobby run.'
'See ya Rogue.'
'Logan put the claws away. Ow... carefully Jeanie. You adorable little angel. Honestly Logan, you can't just over react like that, i mean seriously now who's going to visit me after bobby tells everyone about...what are you staring at?'
'Nothing darlin'.'
'Logan, I'm going to pretend that you weren't staring at my breasts but rather looking at our beautiful daughter and...LOGAN!'
'Eyes up sugar!'
'Marie I can't feel my arms.'
'And ah've been up since two this morning and can't feel anything.'
'She's asleep can't I just...'
'I'll put her down gently.'
'Won't help.'
'I'm doing it...'
'I warned you... she really has a strong set of lungs.'
'Marie! She won't stop.'
'I warned you not to put her down!'
'Calm down hold her closer and rock her gently, if your irritated, she's irritated. Relax sugar.'
'Thanks. She's smiling. It reminds of your smile...Marie? Marie? Oh. Sweet dreams darlin''
'Oh Gawd, my breasts are huge!'
'Come again?'
'I can't even see over these mountains look at them.'
'I am darlin'.'
'They are huge.'
'Just giving my opinion, my honest opinion.'
'What are you doing?'
'Getting a sweater to cover up.'
'Hey, you don't have to, I promise I'll stop staring.'
'Yeah, yeah.'
'Your turn.'
'Come here Jeanie...She's dry...'
'She's hungry.'
'Give her here...hey baby, shh, it's okay here...Logan...'
'Yes darlin'.'
'Hey Kitty, congratulations!'
'Thanks Rogue can you believe it.'
'I knew it would happen eventually i mean you did catch the bouquet at my wedding.'
'Yeah but I'd never figured Bobby would propose, I'm so happy.'
'And you should be Mrs Drake.'
'I am, I really am. What do you think of the ceremony?'
'It's big, your fairytale wedding.'
'Your wedding was also wonderful, it may have been small and in city hall but it was still beautiful.'
'Yeah and storm holding the reception in the mansion really made it special.'
'Yeah, I'm so happy for us.'
'Have you seen Logan?'
'Not recently, I'm surprised he came.'
'He's just here to look after Jean while i dance and party.'
'Have you seen Logan?'
'He's outside Fraulein.'
'Thank you, come on Rogue.'
'It's freezing outside.'
'Nope it's now a toasty 30 degrees thanks to Storm interfering...there he is'
'Okay, go dance Kitty.'
'Okay then.'
' Logan, sugar you okay?'
'Hey Marie.'
'Logan, are you crying?'
'Come here Marie, sit here.'
'What is it?'
'Jeanie...oh my god...oh...she...my baby's walking!'
'Oh my big girl, my beautiful angel, walking at eleven months.'
'She truly is a miracle.'
'I love her so much. and I love you so much Logan.'
'I love you too. Thank you.'
'For what?'
'Right back at ya'
'Seven plus 28 equals...'
'Oh nothing.'
'No fair!'
'She's supposed to say mama first.'
'Says who?'
'Says me!'
'She's remarkable...Marie.'
'What's wrong?'
'Logan I'm pregnant.'
'That's great news.'
'I know... what's Jeanie...oh, your turn Logan.'
'No, this time it's your turn.'
'I'm carrying you child and need rest, you wouldn't want anything to happen to your unborn baby.'
'Come on your an expert at diaper changing.'
'Yes sir ah sure do love winning.'