Hi everyone! I know it's a bit of a shock but it just went into my mind to put this epilogue for "Forest of Memory".

I know, I know I'm busy with school, but I just can;t help myself to just put this and have a sequel for it!!!

Oh no! I've just spilled the beans! (crying in the background).

Well anyway, just enjoy reading this and wait for the upcoming sequel for this story!!!

Disclaimer: I don't own D. Gray-man. ( though I really want to... sigh) .


Deep emerald orbs slowly opened as the rays of the sun reached his window and practically filling the whole room. Sitting up, he cradled his head between his hands and simply let the smile crept into his handsome face.

"So, you found her at last huh?" he asked himself as he still remained in his current position.

After a while, he got up and proceeded to his dresser to fetch fresh clothes to wear for school then he proceeded to the bathroom to have a quick shower before going down to eat breakfast.


"LAVI! COME DOWN IMMEDIATELY! YOU'LL BE LATE FOR SCHOOL!" he heard somebody shout from downstairs.

Almost immediately, Lavi quickly finish preparing himself for school and went down to practically grab a toast and run to school.

Quickly going down the stairs, he passed by the kitchen to see his grandfather already reading the morning papers. Grabbing a toast from the counter and his bag from the couch, he hurriedly ran to the door, barely saying his good-bye to his grandfather.

"Bye Gramps! See you later!"

"Wait! Lavi-" before Bookman can even finish his sentence the red-head is already out the door.


Barely making it to the school grounds before the school bell rang, Lavi quickly made his way to the school building when he saw a dark, long haired teen standing in front of the entrance hall.

Lavi approached the girl, who's wearing their school uniform, carefully. When he is a few feet away from her, he simply said:

"Aren't you going inside? You'll be late for class."

As his words seems to reach her, the girl slowly turned around, her hair softly dancing with the air as it got caught with the air, to face Lavi. When the girl turned to Lavi, a shocked look is seen on his face.

Blue-black hair, steely raven eyes, pale-white complexion, petite figure. "It's her! The one in my dream!"

"Y-Yu!" he said his thought a bit out loud.

With that name being spoken, a new story is about to be unfolded.

~O W A R I~

Sooooooooooooooooooo... What do you think????

I know it's a clip-hanger but hey! Don't worry my dear readers (if there's any) I will soon publish the sequel. Maybe in later weeks (or maybe days)

My other story:

Kiss Me Sweet- I'm actually having trouble with this story of mine... Can you please help me??? Reviews will be pretty much appreciated..

Thank you very much for all your support! I love you all! I love you WORLD!!!!! .