
Four years ago, on a cold, wintery night, Zero's life was forever changed by the Pureblood vampire known as Shizuka Hio. The transcending goddess, with her moonlight hair and comely beauty, had come for him in her time of need, seeking vengeance on those who'd wronged her and in turn

But the emptiness and loneliness of a fractured heart had left her full of grief and woebegone. And as he gazed into her eyes on that fateful evening, she knew that no harm could ever come to this beautiful child...

She had stared into the face of unfathomable suffering and stained innocence, and been reminded of a life she herself once had.

Henceforth, Shizuka swore to herself a silent vow. That an eternity of peace would be hers to pass, and the flow of time would pull them forever along its weary path. Forbidden, as it may have been... but there was nothing that would ever stop her from seeing him smile, if just once in his life.