Ok ok ok First up im not dead despite what probably many of you are thinking, second im not sure if this will be updated soon or not and I cant promise anything.

It has been 18months since I last wrote anything, not just for this story, anything at all.

So on one point I'm a little bit nervous about my writing skills in general while not great or anything flash before are now going to be worse, second I have always found writing to be a chore for me even on this story that I really enjoy, I enjoy it in the same way you guys would that of a reader and because I as I'm sure many of you think as you read this and many other stories you always read a few bits and think I don't really like that or this could be different. And because of that mindset I tend to re write chapters endlessly until I frustrate my self which just drives me to not want to write.

Another point is that I am about to start university (studying Japanese) and I have been working during the days so the few hours I get to myself generally go to my leisure activities which generally involve a lot of late nights poured into 1 game or another depending on my mood or I will read because I love reading and that was my motivation for starting this story in the first place was because I really wanted to read a story with my plot line.

I appreciate all of your support and love hearing how much you have enjoyed my story and while I do plan on updating my story at one point, I know full well that I had planned to spend the Saturday after I posted the previous chapter to start on the fifth chapter and look how well that turned out?

I wish you all the best in 2012 and who knows I may update still.
