-1A/N I know I posted this chapter already, but this is a rewrite. BTW thanx for my one and only reviewer, lol. You're awesome! Also thank you for your little tips for chapter 1.

Chapter 1-

Shadow wandered around the streets of the city he wore a black sweatshirt, and a black hat over his head since it was slightly cold outside. On his ruby eyes he wore dark sunglasses, also to protect his eyes from the glare of the sun. He had of course stolen those items from a nearby clothing store, by using the chaos emerald. He frowned, why couldn't he remember anything? He shut his eyes as tightly as he could, trying to see anything that would give him a clue to his past. All he recalled were short bursts of flashbacks of what was probably his past.

There was a blonde haired girl, she fell down to the floor, she spoke her voice raspy and gasping for air. She was taking her last breaths, "Shadow, please help me."

The black and red hedgehog sprung his eyes open, not wanting to see the gruesome image anymore. He shook his head in annoyance and frustration. Just as he was shaking his head he saw a strange sight, an all white bat glided past him, as a red echidna followed her. Shadow looked up in confusion, what the hell was going on?

The white bat, Rouge was flying as quickly as she can, to get away from the echidna, in her arms she held fragments of a green emerald. Knuckles the red echidna, glided after her, stopping at buildings to climb higher, and continue to glide towards the thief. "Hey bat girl! Give me back the emerald!" He gritted his teeth, holding back from saying something inappropriate. Knuckles' thought were racing why did she go after the master emerald again, and why the hell would she break it? Rouge flew in circles, looking back at the echidna, every so often, to check and see if she had lost him yet. Unfortunately he was still hot on her trail, and she had nothing left to do but give up. Just as she turned to him, to tell him she gave up she flew straight into a pole. Shadow watched from the ground as the bat fell unconscious, towards the ground. He clutched the chaos emerald he held in his hand tightly, and commanded, "Chaos Control!" The echidna slowed down incredibly as well as the beautiful bat. Shadow ran as fast as he could to the bat, jumping off several awnings and buildings to get to her in time. He wrapped his arms around her, just in time for everything to cease it's frozen state.

He landed and glanced behind him to see the echidna looking in the air for the bat. Shadow shook his head, and while still carrying the bat, he ran towards an alleyway to hide. There was a door to the left of him that was ajar on the side of the building, so without thinking he entered it. Luckily it was empty at the moment, but he could smell a strong scent of beer and other pungent smells. On the floor there were make shift beds, made of old ratty looking sleeping bags. He laid the bat on the one couch in the room, the couch had definitely seen better days. It was covered with stains of all sorts of colors, one that stood out in particular was a brownish reddish stain. Shadow shuddered, not wanting to know what he had just laid the poor female on.

Rouge fluttered her eyes open, slightly stirring. "Ugh, what happened? Where am I?" She opened her eyes completely and saw a stranger standing above her. She backed up, jerking away from him, but it made her head hurt even more. She held her head and glared at the stranger, "Hey what's the big idea? What did you do to me?" Rouges' thoughts raced, omg what did he do did he try to drug me? I hope nothing happened.

Shadow glared at the hysterical, over reacting bat, "I didn't do anything to you." He spoke in a calm voice, al though on the inside he was pretty pissed off at this girl. How dare she think he did something to her when he saved her. He continued speaking, "All I did was find you on the floor, unconscious so I took you here to help you." He lied, all though it was just to omit the use of the emerald. He figured she didn't need to know everything. Rouge stared at the stranger, he sounded so familiar. Her heart began pounding why was this man's voice reminding her of what happened on the Ark? She closed her eyes, willing the traumatic scene to stop replaying in her head.

Rouge watched hopelessly as she watched Shadow go to leave to fight Biolizard. She had a bad feeling that something was going to happen once Shadow had left her side. She wanted to grab him, tell him not to go. He was her friend, her partner, she didn't want to lose him. But, despite it all he left, and the next thing she knew Sonic was entering the room looking dejected, and she was asking him where Shadow was. Sonic simply handed her Shadow's gold bracelet, and she knew immediately he was gone. She bit her lip, trying to hold back her tears. Not wanting to show any signs odd weakness around the others, after all she was Rouge the bat, world renowned treasure hunter. She wouldn't cry over something like that. Instead she sucked it up and turned to Sonic, "I wonder if Shadow was really created by the doctor to destroy everything."

Rouge opened her eyes, and looked at the stranger, she pushed herself up to sit up. She stood up carefully and dusted herself off, she sighed, "I guess I lost the emerald fragments." The stranger shook his head, "Wrong, here." He pulled out several fragments from his pouch in his sweatshirt. Rouge grinned, "Guess you're not so bad after all." Just as Shadow handed the fragments over to Rouge, the furious echidna entered. "Hand over the emerald bat girl!" Rouge frowned, "The name's Rouge, not bat girl!" Knuckles growled, "It doesn't matter just hand it over!" She sighed and sauntered over to Knuckles, Shadow watched in awe at her confidence. She stood in front of Knuckles holding the fragments in one arm, and stroking her pointer finger down his bare and muscular chest. She whispered in his ear with a sultry voice, "Are you sure you still want that emerald Knucklehead? Or would you rather have this?" As she said that, she ran her gloved finger further down his cheat and stopped at his waist. Knuckles shivered from her touch, and was rendered speechless. He swallowed and was able to manage a high pitched, "Yes."

Rouge shook her head, "Nuh ah ah , you said yes, but to what?" Knuckles swallowed hard as Rouge teased his some more. As he felt her hot breath on his neck, he began to give in quickly. Shadow watched from the other side of the room in interest. This bat was able to charm anything she desired out of anyone. Knuckles shook his head, unable to speak, Rouge grinned and backed away from him as quickly as she had come. She winked at Knuckles and prepared to fly off, but not without waving goodbye to the stranger that helped. "Hey thanks, for earlier!" Shadow nodded at her to acknowledge her, then he turned to the echidna, curious what would happen.

Knuckles soon gained his composure back, and growled now he was even more angry than earlier. "That bat is dead!" Knuckles turned to the stranger in the room, he furrowed his eyebrows, "What the hell were you two doing in here anyway? Who are you?" Shadow sighed inwardly, How he wished he knew that answer. Knuckles glared at the man, "Well? Are you gonna answer my question or not?" Shadow shook his head, he wasn't going to answer him, wasting more time that he can use to remember. Shadow simply walked past Knuckles, who was too shocked that this guy had the guts to not answer him. Shadow walked outside the door, and jumped over the fence. As he walked around he began to think , Why did that female seem familiar, would she know his past? What did she say her name was again? He shook his head it hurt from thinking to much.

Back at Rouge's Place:

Rouge flew back to her place smiling the entire way, she couldn't believe it was that easy to trick that echidna. She landed, and unlocked her door, pushed it open and entered. She glanced at the clock it was 7PM, she should probably start getting ready for work. Rouge walked over to her closet, and pressed a button revealing hidden drawers. She pulled a drawer open and was almost blinded by all the jewels of different colors, sizes, and shapes. She placed the emerald fragments in the drawer and smiled, "Piece of cake."

Rouge walked over to the closet on the other side of the room, and pulled out a shimmering pink evening gown, with a slit on the side. She also grabbed a pair of strappy heels, and placed everything on her bed. She walked over to the bathroom connected to her bedroom, and opened the door. After closing the door, she stripped off her clothing, and threw it in the hamper. She turned the bath tub faucet on to hot, and waited for the water to be the right temperature. After dumping some bubble bath solution into the water, she slipped into the tub.

Sighing as she closed her eyes and relaxed in the tub, soaking. She lathered her body up with the soap, and dunked her head under the water as well. Picking up a bottle of shampoo, she poured a dime sized amount in the palm of her hand, and began rubbing it through her hair. She was done washing her hair, and had rinsed it by the time her telephone rang. She frowned, and after rinsing off all the suds she climbed out and wrapped a towel around her body. She managed to grab the telephone just as the person was about to hang up. She pressed it on and answered, "Hello?" The person on the other line had a deep commanding voice, is this Rouge the bat?" Rouge nodded her head and rolled her eyes, hoping it wasn't a telemarketer, "Yes, this is her." The man spoke again, "This is the GUN first army general, we have a mission for you." Rouge frowned just when everything was going back to normal. She sighed, well almost normal. She looked to the nightstand near her bed, where Shadow's gold bracelet lay, she squeezed her eyes shut not wanting to cry. Rouge responded casually, "Whatchya got in mind?" The general clearly frowned, "This is not a joke agent, now will you help us or not?" Rouge frowned, she had no choice, they had erased her record as a thief as long as she worked for them, she wouldn't go to jail. "No no please go on." The main cleared his throat, "Very well, when can you come in for briefing?" Rouge glanced at the clock, she couldn't miss her job, "How's tomorrow morning 8AM?" The man replied, "Very Well we will see you then, goodnight."

Rouge took out her cell phone, which was also an organizer as well as many other devices out and entered the appointment so she didn't forget. She glanced at the clock, she had a half hour until it opened, she quickly dried off and began to get dressed. She slipped on the tight pink shimmering dress as well as the heels. Next was her hair, she dried her hair with a hair blower, and styled it the way she wanted it. She had it straightened and a few strands framed her face. Her makeup was next, she put on pink lipstick, some eyeliner, and mascara. Finally she put on a light shade of pink eye shadow to finish her makeup. Her favorite part of her getting ready was next, the jewels! She smiled as she pulled out several jewelry pieces including diamond dangling earrings, a yellow gold necklace with a sapphire pendant. She sighed, as she reached for the final part of her outfit, the gold bracelet, she slipped it on her wrist, and smiled sadly. She spoke to no one in particular, "Shadow I miss you."

She stood up and left her loft apartment, locking the door. She took the elevator downstairs and was met with a large group of men. Mostly men, who were not of the "best" crowd. Many of them were rugged looking, with several tattoos, and piercing. Rouge sighed and forced a smile as she walked over to the first man. A green hedgehog wearing dark sunglasses, and black boots, with a black leather jacket on sat on the couch in front of Rouge. He smirked at her, " Hey Babe." Rouge rolled her eyes mentally, and sauntered over to the former Sonic look alike. She smiled at him halfheartedly, "Heya." The evil hedgehog, grinned and grabbed Rouge towards him, from her hips. He held her in front of himself and his voice suddenly became serious, "Rouge we need to talk." Rouge frowned, knowing what his little "talk" was about. Scourge, got up off of the couch he was sitting on, and Rouge walked towards the elevator as he quickly followed.

Rouge opened her loft apartment's door, and they entered. She shut the door behind her and closed the blinds on her windows. She couldn't get caught, if GUN knew what she was doing this entire time, she would be immediately arrested.
