Only my characters are mine, you may use them if you ask permission first.

My Second OC Character:

Name: Gertrude Winnifred Beckinsale
Alias: Gidget, Winnie
Rank: Brigadier-General
Age: 19 (at the start- ages as timeline proceeds)
Date of Birth: Rem Day, Gnome-Decan 43, ND1998
Hair: Burgundy/ Wine red
Eyes: Grey/Brown
Height: 5' 11" (approximately)
Weight: 142 lbs
Build: Athletic- Broad Shouldered- Toned- Muscular
Body Type: 36A-30-36
Arte Element: Light
Weapon (s): Single-edged sword (uniform with the Imperial Guard), Fon-tech armor
Other: Enjoys making sexual innuendoes about everything, is slightly perverted, is a child-prodigy excelling in the uses of any type of fon-tech
Family: Sarah Connelly (aunt(distant)-deceased); Jade Balfour-Curtiss (uncle(distant); William "Liam" Balfour (distant cousin); Lyra Balfour (distant cousin)
Medical Info: is currently in relatively good health
Arcane/Mystic Artes (Most Used): Holy Lance, Prism Sword, Shining Bind
Interests/Hobbies: FonTech (is quite obsessive)

Name Meaning: Great Cataclysm


Name: William Joseph Balfour (William Joseph Anthony Jade Connelly-Balfour)
Alias: Liam
Rank: Brigadier-General
Age: 17 (at the start- ages as timeline proceeds)
Date of Birth: Luna Day, Shadow-Decan 21, ND 2000
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Blue
Height: 5' 11" (approximately)
Weight: 168 lbs
Build: Athletic- Broad Shouldered- Toned- Muscular
Body Type: --
Arte Element: Fire
Weapon (s): Single-edged sword (uniform with the Imperial Guard), Trench Blades
Other: is somewhat of a man-whore according to his sister, but is a gentleman nevertheless.
Family: Sarah Connelly (mother-deceased); Jade Balfour-Curtiss (father); Winnifred Beckinsale (distant cousin-deceased); Lyra Balfour (twin sister).
Medical Info: is currently in relatively good health
Arcane/Mystic Artes (Most Used): Beast, Swallow Dance, Swallow Fury, Demon Fist, Indignation Judgment
Interests/Hobbies: Women…

Name Meaning: Harmonious Maelstrom



"Sorry to leave you here, Colonel, but I really must get to that rendezvous. I'm good by word of mouth. If you need me, ask around." I leapt up, forcing the fonons around me to constrict. I managed to flash-step myself away from the field and made my way through the trees on foot. I don't quite know how fast I was going…but fast enough to leave a breeze and not be seen.

I stopped in a clearing, and took a single breath.

"It's about time you got here…what took you so long?" a voice from within the depths of the trees resounded as a figure, clad in a purple and blue uniform dropped down.

"I got a little…sidetracked." I replied, "Didn't think I would meet him so soon, though."


Chapter 2: Meetings


"You met him? How did it go?" asked the figure, now emerging from the cast-shadow of the tall tree. Her face, previously concealed by darkness, shone with a lopsided grin, equaling that of a maniac.

I sighed, removing the dreadful yellow tunic I was forced to wear by Van, "Yes, Gidget, I met him." I threw the blasted piece of cloth to the forest floor, where it lay stationary. All that was left were the black leggings and tank top, along with the knee-high brown leather boots, tattered and torn, that I refused to trade in, and suddenly I felt exposed.

"Gidget-" I started, hunching my shoulders so my hair would droop over my chest. It was cold, after all. The tall woman drew from her satchel, a purple and blue uniform, much like her own.

"I figured you'd want out of that…" she nodded to the forest floor and glared at the small piece of yellow fabric, for to her, it could not be called an article of clothing.

"Hmm…though it was amazingly easy to move in…it was a bit too tight for my liking." I threw the blue and purple blazer on and pulled on the skirt that came just above my knees. "Where's Liam?" I asked while picking up my belt, with the Célestine in its sheath, and securing it around my waist.

"Oh, well you know how slow he can be…he'll get here, eventually." She seemed unconcerned while twirling a thin strand of her burgundy hair.

I deadpanned instantaneously, "You ditched him, didn't you?"

"Yep!" she leaned back onto the heels of her feet and cracked her back.

"Hmm-" I began, walking closer to the taller woman.

"Gidget…You know I can't use flash step, so why'd you leave me all the way back there?" another figure dropped down from the tree tops on my right, panting heavily.

"Sorry Liam…couldn't resist." The tall girl replied, walking over to his hunched form and enveloping him in a hug.

"Can we get back on track here?" I folded my arms and they stood at attention.

"Yes, sir!" Gidget replied, bringing her right hand over her heart- the Velunian Salute.

I sighed exasperatedly, "What stance is Setsuna taking? Have they advanced their frontline?"

"So far? Not at all. At one point we thought they were retreating, but they just fell back about two miles. They haven't moved since. They're not even in our territory yet. I think they're just staying at the border." Liam reported, resting his left hand on the hilt of his sword.

"You think, or you know? Don't assume anything. Gidget," I started, turning my attention to the older woman.

"Yes?" she looked at me inquiringly, scratching her chin.

"I'm going to need you to stay with me for a while. Liam, go back to Veluna and reinforce our troops. Stand watch with the boarder patrol unit and spread the black ops. out along the perimeter. If Setsuna breaches, we'll have a war on our hands. Stop it at all costs." I watched my little brother nod, getting ready to set off.

"Liam," I called after him, causing him to turn around and look at me.

"Yeah?" he must have heard the concern in my voice…damn.

"Be careful. If you die, who am I supposed to tease?" he rolled his eyes at me before stalking off into the density of the forest.

"Are we staying in this forest, or are we going somewhere?" I turned to the burgundy haired woman.

"I suppose we could go to the nearest town…" she launched herself onto me.

"Yay! I love you!" she cried happily, crushing me in a hug.

"Let's go."

"Where, though?" she asked. I merely took out a map of the area.


"Saint Binah is closest. We'll head there. It should only take a day or two to get there from here." Gidget traced her index finger over the trail on the map.

"Only about an hour if we flash step our way there. Let's get going." I instructed, beginning the process of forcing the fonons through my body.

"If you get there before me, rent us a room at the inn, okay?" I laughed and nodded as I took of, leaving a small plume of dust where I had been standing seconds before. Gidget managed the same thing, although she moved slower than I.


I stopped my flash step as I came up to the entrance to Saint Binah, my fonons stabilizing as I crossed the threshold into the city.

"Only forty-five minutes…I can shop a bit while I wait for Gidget." I spoke to myself quietly, making my way over to a store with clothing in the window.

I smiled and nodded at the clerk when the bell on the door rang of my arrival.

"Can I help you, miss?" she was a rather tiny, petite woman around thirty or so.

"Yes, ma'am. I'll need something relatively easy to move around in…preferably not showing too much skin." I smiled at her as she nodded and motioned for me to follow her.

"You wait in the changing room and I'll see what I can find, alright dear?" I nodded at her kindness as I removed my belt with my sword in its scabbard.

She came back moments later, holding a wide variety of tops and bottoms. "It's a sale today hon. Buy one outfit get one half off. Go ahead. If you need anything, you just call for Claudette. That's me."

"Thank you, Claudette. I will." I smiled as she closed the door to the small changing room.

I sifted through the pile of clothes until I found something that caught my eye- a blue top with long sleeves that came slightly off the shoulder and a pair of white pants. I nodded proudly to myself as I discarded that damned showy uniform and slipped into my decided clothes, tucking the shirt into the pants along the way. But it was missing something…

"Claudette?" I called.

She poked her head into the stall, "Yes?"

"What do you have for corsets?" I asked, pulling another shirt- same style as the first, but in a light purple color, and another pair of white pants.

She smiled and said, "Let me take those." Indicating to the pile of clothes that was not being purchased, "And follow me."

I did as I was told and she brought me to the rear left side of the store- corsets galore!

I picked out two of the same corset- both black and stopping under the bust- as Claudette started throwing the rest of the non-purchased items into their spots.

As she made her way over to the cash register, I laid my second outfit on top of it, while strapping my belt to my waist and holding my uniform under one arm.

"Let's see then… 800 for one set, 400 for the other… both corsets 700, 1900 gald total miss." I searched trough the pocket in my uniform jacket, pulling out my wallet and handing her the gald.

"Y'all come back now, dear." She smiled and I waved as I took the bag filled with my new outfit and now, my uniform and walked out the door. I listened to the bell chime again as I walked across the central plaza and made my way to the inn.

"Hello. Are you planning to spend the night?" asked the inn-keep as I made my way to the front desk.

"Two nights, sir. And two rooms, also. My friend will be here shortly."

"Not shortly…already here." Gidget walked up to stand next to me, "Nice corset." She panted, pulling her gald out.

"That'll be 800 gald for the two rooms and the two nights you'll be staying." The in-keep stated. We paid 400 gald each and thanked him as he gave us the keys.

"We should turn in early tonight," I stated as the two of us made our way up the stairs.

"Yeah…" Gidget started as we got to the final step, crossing to our own rooms, "Oh, and you said you were with that group on the Tartarus? There's a dude looking for that Luke kid…a dude named Guy…he has gynophobia, or so I've heard."

I nodded, thanking her for the information, and began solemnly, "Gidget, I have a bad feeling about what happened while I was with the God-Generals…first thing tomorrow, I want you to gather your information and then skip town. Wait for my signal to do anything further."

"But-" she started, removing her hand from her doorknob to turn and look at me, tilting her head slightly.

"Just do it, Winnie…that's an order from your superior. There are certain ways this all has to play out to prevent that damn war from happening. I need you to do as you're told." I was speaking in hushed tones. I was relieved when she gave in and nodded…that girl can be so stubborn at times.

"Good night, Gidget."

"Night, bitch." There we go- she was sour with me.

We entered our individual rooms and closed the doors; sleep was forced to take us, as we needed to rise before the sun.


I rose around 4:30, wiping the sleep from my eyes. I raised my brow slightly when I heard a thud and an "Ow." from next door. I laughed to myself at the thought of Gidget falling- she was probably putting on her boots.

I could hear her unlock her door and walk back across the room, opening the window.

Good. She wouldn't get caught in the crossfire.

I redressed in the blue top, corset and white pants, throwing on my boots and heading out the door after brushing my hair with my fingers.

Slowly and quietly as to not wake any of the other guests, I made my way out of the in and meandered around town finding a good place to watch the sunrise.


Back in the depths of the forest, stood two tall, looming figures, dressed in all black, wearing face masks.

"Master…the target is alone. Shall I proceed?" The figure's voice was feminine and nasally.

"No." replied the other, turning his head to look at the woman.

"But sir-" the woman argued, throwing her hands out and pointing to her 'target'.

"No Inle. We wait. Her acquaintances are on their way. Track her for now. Kill her at my signal. I'll be heading home, now, my dear."

The woman sighed in defeat, "As you wish, milord…"


Liam stood calmly as the guard looked over his passport. He'd made it to Kaitzur in a reasonable amount of time.

"It all checks out, head on through." Stated the guard, returning the passport, among the other papers required to pass to the Kimlascan side.

"Thank you. Have a nice day." Liam nodded to the man, who nodded back. Shoving his passport and papers into his satchel, Liam proceeded to cross. Once out on the other side, he made a small trek to the Kaitzur Naval Port, to look into getting a ferry to take him back to Veluna.

Getting the ferry came easy to the young soldier, after thanking the one in charge at the port, one Brigadier-General Cecille, he boarded the ferry in a matter of hours; he was headed back home.


The sunrise came and went, yet still I sat there, thinking…

'He's my father, I know he is. He more than likely knows as well…but then why am I still so anxious? Is it because I fear rejection? No, that can't be it. I've grown up without him for seventeen years…so why?' I thought to myself, resting my chin on my forearms that were draped across my knees.

I heard a small commotion…like armor rustling around the town. The Oracle Knights were here. How did they get past me?!

They intercepted a caravan, the driver of which informed the Oracle Knight that there was another wagon headed their way.

The second caravan was also stopped, the driver of this one, a woman, explained the situation. The Oracle Knight responded, "Right. Go on in."

I watched as the wagon pulled up to the grocer and behind the wall, blocking the Oracle Knights' view. I gasped and smirked slightly as Tear, Luke, Ion, the Colonel and another man clambered out of the wagon, walking up to the front to confront the driver.

I decided to surprise them, and quickly I flash-stepped myself up to the top of the Citadel's wall, staying hidden from the Oracle Knights by the trees.

I hopped down and landed to the left of them, straightening up as they thanked the driver, Rose, for smuggling them into the city.

I kept myself hidden behind the grocer's cart as Luke began talking to his group.

"So, Anise is here, right?" he asked, looking to Jade for the approval nod.

"She's to meet us at the Malkuth Military Base. If she's still alive, that is." Jade replied, shoving his hands into his pockets.

"Do you really have to say things like that? Let's go." Luke looked annoyed as he turned around. I began walking out past the cart, making it look as if I was coming from the inn. 'I'll let them notice me.' I smiled to myself, as a breeze blew through my hair.

"Hey, isn't that… Lyra!" the red-head called. I turned to look at him, feigning surprise.

I smiled, "Heya buddy!" I walked over to the group, leaning up to place my elbow on Luke's shoulder, "What's up?"

"Ah, you're here, are you? Did you make your rendezvous?" Jade asked, shifting his glasses.

"Do you really care?" I deadpanned, "Yes, if you must know. I dispatched my two soldiers last night." I nodded to the other man, the tall blonde, "I don't believe we've met…I'm Lyra. You must be Guy."

"Uh, yeah, how'd you-" I cut him off.

"You may have run into one of my sources…tall girl, kinda out of it. Probably ranting about fontech to herself…" I paused, "Anyway, she heard you were looking for buddy-boy, over here. I didn't expect to see you all again, so soon though."

"That so? Yeah I'm Guy." He merely nodded and smiled to me, "Sorry for not shaking your hand but-"

"Gynophobia? Yeah, she told me that, too. It's fine. Nice to meet you."

"If you're done talking, we have places to go. I suppose you could come with us if you wish…" the Colonel made to turn away. He began walking towards the base.

"I don't have anything better to do…except tinker with a couple machines…I could do that later, though. Sure, why not?" I made my way with them…better than being with the God-Generals any day.

"Try not to anything to draw the attention of the Oracle Knights." Tear advised as I removed my elbow from Luke's shoulder.

"I know, I know. You don't have to tell me every little thing." Luke whined, rolling his eyes. I heard Guy attempt to stifle a laugh, so I proceeded to whisper so only he could hear,

"They bicker like an old married couple, huh?"

"Hah hah, yeah." He smiled slightly, glancing back towards the entrance of the citadel.

"Hmm? She's already got you whipped, huh, Luke? Princess Natalia's going to be jealous." Guy smirked as he stated this, annoying Luke further.

"…" Tear just looked at him, and then latched herself onto his arm, causing him to flinch.

"…Uaaah!" I watched as the poor guy started to shake, but I still found it humorous.

"Don't say stupid things." Tear instructed, not slackening her grip at all.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Stop touching me! Please!" Guy pleaded with the younger woman before she released him and let him topple to the ground at my feet.

"Good thing I ditched that skirt, huh?" I questioned the group, my smile not wavering.

"Perhaps this journey will help Guy to overcome his phobia." Ion stated lightly.

Jade and I just remained smiling, until I spoke up, "If you need to drop anything off, I have two rooms rented at the inn…I paid for two nights for both of them yesterday when I got here, but I didn't think I would be sending my Brigadier-General off so soon."

As Guy was pushing himself up and off the ground, he questioned, "Brigadier-General? You're that high-up?"

I blinked, kicking a pebble on the cobblestone plaza with my right foot, "Well, in Kimlasca, Malkuth and Daath, I'm known as God-General, Lyra the Flash…Back home in Veluna however, it's Lieutenant-General Balfour, fon-machine enthusiast." I sighed a bit, thinking about my fon-tech that lay abandoned in my room at Connelly Manor.

"God-General?!" Guy asked, looking a little uneasy.

"Why does everybody have the same reaction when I say that? I'm not in their ranks because I want to be…"

"Enough chit-chat! Let's go already!" Luke glared at me heavily…did he think I would flinch or something? Or something.

"Hmm…Are you PMSing or just arrogant?" I poked him in the forehead and swiftly turned on my heel to move towards the inn, where the others began to follow. I never waited for my answer, though my guess is that he's pretty angry. I managed to hear a small chuckle erupt from Jade's throat, while I watched Guy just smile and trail behind me.

"Hey!" Luke yelled. Whether wanting us to stop or him being angry was the cause, I did not know. Nor did I care that much, anyways.

As I lead them to what was previously Gidget's room, Guy sought out conversation.

"So you like working with Fon-machines?" he asked, somewhat intrigued, "Not many women are into that kind of thing."

"I suppose they aren't…but I think it's more like a 'love' of Fon-machinery…" I sighed, "Just thinking about Dawn Age technology makes me shiver." I must have sounded like a total idiot, but hey, nerds are cool, right?

I see I sparked some interest. Our conversation would have to be picked up later, seeing as Gidget's room was in sight.

"Huh…she got two beds? The lucky bitch." I muttered, "You can put your stuff on the bed…s for now…if we rent another room with three beds, I think that would cover it. We'll work out the accommodations when we get back. Is that alright with all if you?"

A strain of 'yeses' flew across the room. Everybody deposited their items rapidly.

Making our way down the rickety staircase of the inn, we traipsed our way over to the Malkuth Military Base, where Jade introduced himself to the lone guard standing watch.

"I'm Colonel Jade Curtiss, Third Division Malkuth Imperial Forces. May I speak with Governor Glenn McGovern?"

The soldier saluted, "Yes sir! The Governor is currently seeing a guest, so please wait inside."

We stepped inside the base to hear part of the Governor's conversation:

"Father, we've already been over this. Officially the Oracle Knights are considered Scorers. We can't restrict their orders without a direct order from his Imperial Majesty."

"Enough! You know how terrible the Hod war became with their involvement." Countered the elderly man, Field Marshall McGovern.

"My apologies for interrupting." Jade began, stepping up to greet the two men.

"Jade the Necromancer…" Glenn drawled, placing his hand on the table before him.

"Oh! If it isn't Jade!" the Elder McGovern spoke enthusiastically, pulling at his long beard.

"It's been a while, Field Marshall McGovern." Jade nodded to the older man.

"I'm retired now. There's no need for those formalities anymore. And what about you? Don't you think it's about time you accepted a promotion?" The small old man asked, looking up at Jade's towering form, "Even at your age, you could have easily made Lieutenant-General by now."

"Oh I don't know…I think I have my hands full just being a colonel." Jade responded dryly.

Luke, who was standing next to Guy, who was surprisingly standing next to me, asked, "Is Jade somebody important?"

"Sounds like it." Guy responded, he looked at me, "You're a Lieutenant-General…You outrank Jade, right?"

"Well, yes, but I get stuffed with even more of a shit-load of paperwork…the higher the rank, the higher the pile of documents to go through…not as fun as it sounds, believe me."

I turned my attention back to Jade and the Elder McGovern.

"You and His Majesty go way back, don't you? Could you ask him to do something about these Oracle Knights?" the tiny old man asked.

Jade sight slightly, "I'm afraid they're after us," he gestured to the whole group, his eyes resting on me, "Once we leave the city, they should leave as well."

"What's happened?" McGovern sounded concerned.

"I'm afraid I can't tell you the details…I'm under direct orders from His Majesty. I'm sorry."

"Colonel Curtiss. What business brings you here?" questioned Glenn, somewhat coldly.

"Ah, yes. My apologies. Have you received any letters from a Fon Master Guardian?" Jade inquired, adjusting his glasses on the bridge of his nose.

"Ah, that…I'm sorry, but I'm afraid we opened it to confirm the contents, for security reasons." Glenn reported, retrieving the opened letter from the drawer in the table.

"That's fine. There shouldn't be anything in there that's a problem for you to see." Jade explained.

I caught Guy's questioning glance and simply shrugged as Glenn walked over to Jade and handed him the letter.

Jade held it up after reading it through quickly, indicating to Luke, "It appears half of it is addressed to you. Here you are."

Luke grabbed the letter from the older man, eyes still trained on Jade's back, "It's from Anise, right? I could see her writing Ion, but me?" he began reading, as did I, since I was staring at it over his shoulder.

'Dearest Colonel Jade,

I had a really scary time, but I managed to make it here. Don't worry, I'm taking good care of You-Know-What! Aren't you proud of me? It looks like the Oracle Knights are going to close off Saint Binah soon, so I'll go on ahead to the next location. Is my beloved Luke safe? (Oh, I'm so embarrassed! I just confessed my feelings! I'm really worried. Luke, I miss you so much! I can't wait to see you again!

Oh, and give my regards to Ion, too.

Bye-bye for now!

Love, Anise'

"I think I'm gonna be sick…" Luke deadpanned, holding the letter arm's length.

Guy took that moment to smile and tease the poor redhead, "Damn, Luke. Popular enough with the girls?"

"Yeah, really…and I though my brother was a man-whore" I managed to say that with a completely straight face.

"Just don't get carried away. You're engaged to Princess Natalia, you know." Guy finished, clapping a hand on Luke's shoulder.

"You've got to be kidding. I don't want anything to do with that annoying chick!" Luke looked extremely paranoid…hooray!

"What's the 'next location?'" Tear questioned, moving further into the meeting hall.

"Kaitzur. It's a city to the southwest of here, on the other side of the Fubras River." Jade explained, glancing at Tear through his peripheral vision.

"If we make it to Kaitzur, we can rendezvous with Van." Guy spoke up, resting his left hand on the hilt of his katana.

"Van's there…" Tear narrowed her eyes, somewhat angrily.

"…oh joy…just make sure I'm not tied up again, will you?" I asked the Colonel, who merely smiled through his glasses.

"Hey, I don't know what happened between you, but you're his sister, right? Don't go trying to slice hime up like you did in Baticul, okay?" Guy persuaded, placing his hands on his hips.

"I know. I won't." Tear complied, nodding her head.

Jade turned to Glenn and the Elder McGovern, "Well then, we'll bid you our leave."

The Elder, who had been pulling at the tied strands of his beard, stated, "If the Oracle Knights are chasing you, I'll gladly lend a hand. I was elected by the city representatives here. Come by any time you need help."

"Thank you, Field Marshall." Jade stated, gladly receiving the world map given to him, "Now, let us get back to the inn, for now."

"I'll pay for the last room," I started, only to have Guy cut me off.

"No. You spent your money on the other two. The least we can do is pay for the third."

"Oh?...well thank you Guy. You're such a gentleman." I smiled and walked past him, heading out the door and crossing the threshold to the inn.


And just for the readers' information, I WILL be putting most of if not all of the sidequests…Mostly only the ones that Lyra is present for, but if she is not present- [SPOILER] like in finding all of the catalyst weapons, the sidequest WILL be present

Does that make sense to you? I think it made more sense when I thought it in my head…

Anyway, I'm putting the sidequests in