I do not own Only the Ring Finger Knows. I do own this piece of work and I will cut your arms off if you use it without my permission.

This is my second posting of a Fanfiction. my first was lost. I lost interest since it seemed to just be the same as all the others. This, I do hope will go much better and I am confident that it will.

This takes place a little while after book three. But it isn't based on anything specific so you don't need to know the book. Read it though. You will melt into a puddle of goo. I am doing this Fanfiction because the holidays are coming up, so I hope to have the main point of this story up by Christmas. Just read and enjoy if you don't want to hear me rant.

Chapter One.

"Hey, hey Kawamura… Who is that?" A five foot two Wataru asked.

He was walking along the new school, kind of looking around, but stopped on the spot when he noticed a young man down the hall in front of him. The two kind of looked the same since they both had their summer uniforms. The two Freshman looked at each other for a moment then back down the hall. The bell rang before they could focus on anything.

"Hey, Wataru, I am off to my class if I can find it. Good luck." His friend waved to Wataru as he took off down the hall so he wouldn't be too late.

"Ah! Hey! I don't know--…" But Kawamura was already down the hall with his papers in hand. "Where I am going…" He sighed.

Wataru turned around to the stairs and looked at his paper. It had the number, but he had no idea where that number was. His dark-colored hair covered those soft blue eyes. Under his breath, he cursed to himself for being so carefree all first period. He should have been asking around about classes. A noise echoed in the halls which made him look up.

Whoa. Who is that guy?

"Hey! Wataru? Wataru? Hello?!"

A hand waved in front of his face, but he just didn't seem to snap back to reality. His head tilted slightly, letting the dark bangs on his face tilt to the side; silhouetting his face ever so adequately. Two beautiful grey-blue eyes sat in his face to give it a shine of attraction. At his desk, he sat quietly with his flawless cheek in the palm of his hand. His outfit consisted of a simple white button up collared shirt with dark pants; a classic private school uniform. Let me introduce to you…



Clumsily he tripped back out of his chair and slammed face first into… something? Uhg. It smelled like faux leather and it was obviously black; seeing as though it was the only thing that he could see and he was certain that his eyes were open. Apparently the owner of said shoe was not really amused and pulled it out right from under the face, leaving it to hit on something yet again; a cold, hard floor.

"Sometimes I wonder about you… What were you even thinking about this time there star gazer?"

From the floor, Wataru managed to mutter a few words about his friend that are not worth mentioning. As he pushed himself up, that blasted friend chuckled a few times, snickered, then burst into a full out laugh. Dirt was smeared on his cheeks and he looked darn near adorable.

"Hiro… what did you--… Want…" He finished slowly as he looked up.

Hiro stood contently next to a wonderful looking man. Already out of school and his face was still young and flawless; unlike Wataru's dirty childish face. Yuichi Kazuki. Wataru struggled to get up and allowed him to be pulled to his feet. The Kazuki that he loved was before him. It had been a while since they were together. Because of work and studying for exams, both had humongous amounts of things to do.


"You are always horrible with impressions now aren't you?"

Wataru blushed and impatiently looked from friend to lover, then down at the ground. How long had Kazuki been here? It couldn't have been that long. But it had been long enough for Kazuki to be pleased. His hands shifted, not quite sure whether to look livid or humiliated or just somewhere in between.

"Hey, now didn't you have something to say?" Kawamura cut in.

Wataru just looked up, not quite sure of what to make of it. Since when did Kazuki talk to Kawamura? It really must have been important if he talked to Kawamura first. Kazuki just grinned softly, emitting a soft atmosphere. Something had to have been wrong here!

"I will tell him later tonight…" Chuckled that handsome prince.

"Hahaa… just don't scare him ok? I must go submit my forms for the exams."

Poor little Wataru just looked from one to the other like he heard an inside joke that he just couldn't understand; which happened a lot more times than he wanted. Wataru sighed and put his hands in his pockets, sure that he was going to be forgotten and then space out again.

"Hey… are you coming or not?"

Turning slightly and a bit discombobulated, he found himself staring at Kazuki, giving him complete attention like normally. He followed at a trot to catch up, noticing the other was walking away.

"What was that all about?"


"Kazuki!" Wataru whined, hoping for a better answer.


"Answer me! What was that all about? And don't say 'stuff.'"


Wataru groaned and Kazuki laughed as the two headed down the road, close enough to be holding hands, but they couldn't at the moment. The two headed down the road. It was quiet and there was already snow on the ground. It was fresh, so it was still pure white. A thick blanket of grey kept the sun from shining bright. This way, the beauties of the stars were shielded, making what mattered most exquisitely pleasurable. Stars come out at night and take your attention away from what you really want it to be; the one thing better than the stars would be the man walking right next to him. He started walking towards the park slowly, and hurried a bit once he didn't get a protest from Kazuki. It was where the two had their kiss…

"Ah! It's so pretty in winter!" Chirped Wataru as he brushed off a swing.

Kazuki took the other and sat down. The trees were blanketed in snow and so was the landscape. Bushes only looked like white lumped coming out of the white sheet on the ground. It was at least a half a foot of snow. The only thing that wasn't white was the black lamp post that seemed to somehow survive last night's storm.

"I can't believe the holidays are almost here… I think they are the most favorite time of the year!" He cheerfully said as he sat down on the swing and began to swing slightly.

"I guess it is ok. It is kind of cold though…" Murmured Kazuki, not wanting to give away any hints of what he was going to say, away.

"Yeah! But… when we get warm I will make some hot cocoa. How does that sound? I will warm you right up."

"You seem to be in quite a happy mood today you know."

Wataru looked to his side where Kazuki sat on the swing. Well, today he had his exams done and he had winter vacation until the end of January. So it was only natural that he was excited. But, he didn't understand why Yuichi thought he was a bit overly delighted.

"Well, I was kind of hoping to spend the holidays how I wanted. I am not sure what that entitles, but I will figure it out." Wataru smiled and looked down at his feet which had stopped pumping so the swing has stopped. In truth, he knew exactly what he wanted to do. "I have this whole vacation, and you have a lot of days off too…"

In some way, Kazuki reacted. But to what? Probably about how he would spend his holidays. Maybe Kazuki knew what he was going to do. Kazuki just stood up and walked the two feet towards Wataru. He looked up as he felt the face come closer. His lips were gently taken in a surprise kiss. Where did that come from? He would normally be asking himself, but this time it felt nice. At a time like this, no one would be in the park anyways.

"Let me see your hand…"

As directed, Wataru lifted his hand to let Kazuki examine it. The simple ring was on his finger. Shows how much he knew. Normally he didn't wear it around school since people would ask questions, but today he had it on for some reason. Had he not taken it off last night? Kazuki entwined their fingers for a moment and the two metals clinked together. Neither linked eyes since it was not necessary.

"You know, I would never do something rash without your consent." Yuichi murmured.

Wataru looked up, a tad bit surprised at such a thing. But he kind of knew where this was coming from. Though he did not know why this was being brought up. Neither looked around since the two were oblivious to anything but themselves. Wataru arched his head up and Kazuki bent his head down while holding onto the chains of the swing. Their lips were just a few micrometers away, but they held it like that for a few moments. Wataru's eyes grew soft and have lidded. Still, he looked to Yuichi who seemed to be almost worried. Wataru's body was cold from the air outside, but truly, he was intoxicated by the warmth breathing onto his lips by the man he loved. The moment seemed like it would be ruined with a kiss.

"Let's walk home…" Kazuki murmured, just barely touching Wataru's lips.

Neither pulled away because they just didn't want to. No matter how much Wataru would beg, he would regret a kiss until later if he started it. But there was no need since he now had an answer. All he wanted was to be with Kazuki, no matter what happened.

"The back way?"

Kazuki nodded and their hands did not come apart, they only held tighter as they walked down the back streets leading to their house.

A man watched from behind the fountain in the park. His calm face showed no jealousy, but his insides hurt with a pain no medication could cure. It was confused by love. Which was the truth and which was a lie? But right now, he had a mission. Whether or not he knew yet, he would try. His hand slipped into his pocket and he was off just like the young couple.

"Ahh… I feel so relaxed now! I can't believe those exams! Though I am guessing I did pretty well. At least I knew a few things."

Steam bunched in clouds and spewed from the open door. Wataru emerged with a towel around his waist and one that he was massaging into his wet hair. Fujii Wataru walked into the bedroom and dressed in a pair of blue pajama bottoms and a button up blue silk shirt that seemed to match rather well. He walked into the living room where the television was playing some football game.

"Ah… Patriots winning?"

"Don't they always?" Kazuki replied, turning his head and patting the cushion next to him.

Wataru walked carelessly forward and sat down next to his lover who was already ready to hold him gently. He leaned against Kazuki and stared at the television until it was flicked off. Being him, he looked up, figuring something was up. He himself was not into sports all that much, but he knew that Kazuki just liked to sit with him and watch something so no words of a serious nature had to be exchanged. He normally saved that for right before they got into bed.

"Hey, do you… enjoy living here?"

What's this all of a sudden? "Kazuki? Of course I enjoy living here. That's why I moved in… Is that what Kawamura wanted you to say to me?" Wataru, expecting something a little different, turned his head up and gazed at Yuichi.

Kazuki was quiet for a moment. "Well not exactly. The holidays are coming up you know… My family is out of town and I don't have to baby sit either…"

This is perfect! Wataru wanted to scream for joy, but he kept in the urge. Kazuki would be his, but then again, his parents… "Well, I…" But my family might want me home for the holidays. "I don't think…"

"I was wondering if you would like to go on a trip with me… to America…"

Wataru sat straight up and his mouth was slightly open. "AMERICA?!"

"New York actually… We can get a hotel… see the lights, and have our own little holiday celebration… That is… if your parents allow it and if you even want to." Yuichi's voice was soft and you couldn't really read if there was anything wrong with him.

Wataru looked down out of distraction and quietly started to poke his fingers together. His ears grew slightly red and hot. Kazuki would have said something, but he didn't want to pressure this topic. Such a big announcement needed sometime to sink in. Instead of saying anything, he just hugged his lover slightly and waited.

"Kazuki… I would love to… I can't think of anything I would want to do more. But as for my parents… I am just not sure." His voice sounded full of disappointment.

Kazuki didn't respond, but didn't look too hurt, since he knew that Wataru did want to go, it was just parents that controlled things holiday related. Instead of getting all arrogant and self-satisfied, he stared softly at Wataru, until he couldn't smile softly anymore. Both lips touched and didn't let go for a good whole minute. They pulled off to breath, quite uncertain of what was supposed to happen now. The moment for air brought a gentle air around his body and he snuggled up to Kazuki's body. Kazuki ran his fingers through the back of the hosts head and kept his close.

"You are nineteen; going on twenty soon and I am newly eighteen. I don't think my parents even think me ready."

"You are so depressing sometimes." Yuichi commented, not exactly meaning it, but truly wanting Wataru to stop since inside, he was seriously hoping it was going to be a yes.

Wataru looked up and decided to change the conversation slightly. "How are we to pay for such a thing? It is rather expensive and it is coming up in just two weeks."

Kazuki picked up the remote and turned the television on and flipped carelessly through the channels until he stopped on the news. The occupant cuddling up to him was silent, letting his lover take his time since he already could tell they were both too anxious to sleep.

"As long as you have a passport, you are fine. I have been planning this trip for a few months and have it all arranged." He stated, monotone as he spoke.

"What?! Why didn't you tell me? I could have planned it with my family and there wouldn't be a need for so many questions from them! It's not like they know about us anyways."

"I want them to know."

He turned to Wataru who was now sitting up and quite alert. As far as he knew, this could end terribly bad. His mouth opened a few times, but he had nothing to say. It wasn't just Kazuki, Wataru wanted to tell his parents everything so Karin wouldn't be the only one to know about this. At this moment, the vacation would be a good excuse and he was eighteen. But no matter what, he felt queasy at the though. Kazuki knew this would be Wataru's reaction and rubbed his cheek gently.

"Wataru, I know that this may seem hard. But, I won't make you do it if you don't feel comfortable yet. If you want to wait, then I will wait too."

No! He was not comfortable at all! But neither was Kazuki from what he could tell. Sure he was willing to say something, but he knew the reason. Wataru shifted forwards and lay down, placing his head upon Kazuki's lap. Yuichi said nothing but knew exactly what was going to be said. They were both a little uneasy. He placed his hand on Wataru's head and stroked it with his thumb.

"I ask you to come with me because I would love to spend time with you alone. If it causes you to worry…"

"It won't. We can tell them… I want to go with you…" Wataru spoke softly.

Kazuki smiled to himself as he turned off the TV. He yawned slightly and leaned forward. Getting the picture, Wataru stood up so Kazuki could as well. Without much word, they left the room and closed the bedroom door once they were in. Wataru was the first to get in bed since he was already in his pajamas. He kept the blankets folded down until Kazuki came. The older, gorgeous boy took his eyes fancy as he pulled his shirt over his head and plucked the button from his jeans.

It was embarrassing since Wataru wore a full pajama set and Yuichi only wore boxers. Still, that handsome devil didn't pay attention to what Wataru thought on the matter, he only moved in next to his lover. Fujii, not one to be overly shy, didn't turn away, but didn't snuggle close, instead he looked up at the ceiling and the rest of the dark room inaudibly.

"Even if this cannot happen…" Wataru started. "I still expect a gift." He mumbled, half asleep already.

Kazuki chuckled and give him a kiss on the top of his still wet hair. "I already got you one." He said, pulling the blankets over them and turned his head on the pillow.

"Eh?! B-but!" Wataru sat up in bed, that is, until Kazuki pulled his back down.

Kazuki rolled his lover over and straddled his waist. Wataru blushed slightly and still thought a bit frantically. He didn't get anything for Yuichi yet. In honesty, he had no idea what to get him. Kazuki ignored how hurt the other really felt and tried to lighten the mood a bit. This was their first night in the same bed in a long time. He trailed sets of kisses along his lover's neck until he reached the blue silk collar on the pajama top.

"Let me guess, you didn't get me one yet?" He joked, knowing that it was still too early. He wasn't honestly mad at Wataru.

"I well…"

Kazuki just laughed again at how red Wataru's face really was. Wataru struggled and protested slightly, but Kazuki kept him down.

"H-hey! It's almost twelve! L-let's go—"

Wataru stopped with his breath taken and slumped into a kiss.

Well, now you have the whole reason for my writing!

I tend to write funny, so if it is confusing, please let me know!

The next chapter should be up in a few days. I think these will have to be spread one a week since they take a while to write. So please be patient. n.n