Once upon a time ago, there was a boy who wanted nothing more than to die. (why not?)

So on a clear, sunny day, he complimented his mother on her cooking for the last time.

He let her embrace him and unconsciously forced away tears he never knew he possessed. (i love you, Mama.)

He told his father about how he was faster, better than everyone else his age. Everyone.

All he wanted was a smile of pride. For his father to acknowledge him. (smile at me, Papa. just a smile. please?)

Instead, he got the customary nod, and the boy bowed politely (it was polite) (it was expected).

And he asked his older brother for help one last time. (please, please?) (once, just once…?)

"Tomorrow, Sasuke. Tomorrow," said his brother, and smiled for Itachi's tomorrow.

(always tomorrow)

It never was today, was it?

So on a clear sunny day, Sasuke fell from the sky.

(he never did realize that he was still playing his role)



Once upon a time ago, there was a boy who wanted nothing more than to fly.

He was born cursed, born with crooked wings, an anomaly in the land, and he wanted was to soar the skies, flying higher and higher and into a golden sunset.


He dreamt of flying, of his wings slicing through clean, crisp air, of the heady rush of adrenaline as wind slid against his skin, testing him, whispering to him. (fly with us – come – higher – )

But he could never lift off the ground, and they all cajoled him, "Stop Naruto…You can't fly…Stop trying…You'll hurt yourself!"

they wouldn'tcouldn'tneverdid understand.

(never ever–cursed–please


On a clear sunny day, a boy-who-could-not-fly saw a boy-who-would-like-die.

There was nothing alike between the two (what is he wearing – fly? id die than fly again – i want to fly – who are you – why – I Want To Be You), but they recognized the expression in each other's eyes as flatly red, angry black met dying blues.

Once upon a time, there was a boy who wished to fly more than anything else, but never succeeded.

Once upon a time, there was a boy who wished to die and fell from the sky.

In the end, their wishes were one and the same.

(i want to be FREE)