"I hope to make it to Death Mountain before going off again." We see how well that worked, don't we? I promise I'll not drop this until at least the ending of Ocarina of Time. Also, I'd like to again note that I'm taking creative liberties with the story.
Link and Navi hurry under the arch and into the inner courtyard to notice a young girl, about Link's age, in a white and purple dress. "Looks like the job just got a lot easier," Link says, instantly recognizing the girl standing at the window as royalty. She whips around at the sound of his voice, startled.
"Are you . . . Link?" The girl asks as Link and Navi come closer.
"And you're Zelda," Link says. "My fairy is Navi."
"H-Hello princess," Navi gulps, very nervous.
Zelda smiles warmly. "I had a vision last night that you would appear today," she says softly. "Time is truly of the essence at this moment. I must-" At that moment the large, Gerudo man that is the King of Evil walked into the courtyard. Link and Navi turn around at the sound of his large foot-steps, and Ganondorf stops in the middle of the courtyard.
"I hope I am not intruding on anything," Ganondorf says. "I saw a forest-boy wandering around the courtyard after meeting with your father, Princess Zelda. Honestly, your guards are worthless."
"Ganondorf," Zelda says firmly. "You realize that coming into this courtyard without explicit permission-"
Ganondorf sneers. "I realize this, which is why I came to make sure you were safe."
"This boy is a friend of mine," Zelda says. "I have already informed my father he would be coming here. Now leave!" Ganondorf stands there for a moment, looking down at Link, who, despite being scared as all get-out, is standing opposed and resolute.
". . . Princess," Ganondorf says, turning his attention back to her, "I've heard word form your father that you hold a magical instrument. The . . . Ocarina of Time, was it? I would very much enjoy hearing you play it one day. After all, not all roses can speak as you do, and hearing that voice is an honor in itself. Hearing you preform . . . would be an honor of the highest regard." Ganondorf looks at Link again, for what seems like an eternity but is realistically only a fleeting second, then walks out.
". . . I take it that was Ganondorf," Link says. "The Great Deku Tree informed me of his evil before he past on from that man's curse."
"Yes," Zelda nods. "He is cementing relationships with my family, but I do not believe him to have the best of intentions."
"You can feel the evil aura around him!" Navi squeaks. "I-It was almost overpowering! I couldn't bear to get any closer to him for fear of tainting my very soul!"
"Coming from you," Link says, "That makes ME uneasy." Link turns back around to face Zelda. "Time is of the essence, Princess. What must we do?"
"That," Zelda says, "You may have answered already. You hold the Spiritual Stone of Courage, the Kokiri's Emerald, am I right?"
"Yes," Link nods, taking out the gem. "It's name, the Kokiri's Emerald . . . there are others like it?"
"The Goron's Ruby and the Zora's Sapphire," Zelda answers. "Together with the Ocarina of Time, they bar entrance to the Sacred Realm and the Triforce that Ganondorf lusts for."
"I get it," Navi says. "If he gets the Stones, he'll be able to get in the Sacred Realm!"
"Which means we need to get there first," Link nods. "Princess."
Zelda nods and hands Link a piece of paper. "This will allow you entrance past Kakariko Village and onto Death Mountain Trail. From there, visit the Gorons and plead their leader Darunia to grant you the Goron's Ruby. Afterwards, head for the Zora's Domain past Zora River. Presenting the gems to him along with this note will undoubtedly persuade him to grant you the Zora's Sapphire."
"Got it," Link nods. "But . . . it won't be so easy."
Zelda sighs and hangs her head. "No. Ganondorf will have cursed those races in some way. I know it. You must help them, Link."
"No worries," Link says. "I'll get those gems and come back here in two shakes of a Wolfos' tail." Zelda giggles at that as Link smirks.
"Time," Zelda says. "We lack it. Quickly, Link. When next we meet, have those gems."
"Got it, Zelda," Link nods. "I will be back. I promise." With that, Link turned and headed out of the courtyard, sneaking in the bushes the whole way back to where he entered the castle. Link had just gotten back onto the castle's walk when Talon noticed him.
"There y'are, Link my boy!" Talon laughs. "Did'ja fall into that thar moat?"
"Yeah," Link coughs as Talon guffaws lougly.
"Well, time t'get back to th'ranch!" Talon yawns. "Long day . . . Oh wait, didn't ch'yall have business in the town?"
"Ah, no," Link shakes his head. "Well, I thought I did, but I guess it was the wrong date."
Talon laughs and slaps Link's shoulder. "That happens t'the best of us, m'boy!" Talon chuckles. "Now, let's get home t'Malon!"
"Hold," A strong voice says behind Link as he exits Castle Town, following Talon and his wagon. A Sheikah woman appears in front of Link, wearing a blue sneaking suit and wielding a thin killing knife in it's scabbard on her back and piercing blood-colored eyes. Her appearance causes Link to draw his sword, but the woman catches his swing before he can make it. "I am Impa, Zelda's Bodyguard," The woman says.
"Okay, jeez," Link pants, sheathing his sword. "What's up? Is Zelda-"
"Fine," Impa says. "She wished for me to teach her a song." Impa begins to whistle a tune that Link easily catches onto, and they play Zelda's Lullaby together. Navi falls asleep in Link's cap as they play, and even Link becomes somewhat drowsy.
"This is a royal song," Impa says. "Play this whenever you are hindered by magic and you can find to no way to proceed."
"Thank you, Impa," Link nods. "And . . ."
"Hmm?" Impa asks.
"Please protect Zelda," Link says.
"That is what I live for, as the last of my kind," Impa says. "I would give my life for her, if it came to that."
"Thanks," Link nods. "I hope it doesn't." Impa smiles.
"You're an interesting young man," Impa says. "Perhaps in the future I could test your blade . . . once you get sufficient practice." Impa disappears with that.
Link sighs, "Well, she's nice in a roundabout way. Better catch back up to Talon."
After helping Talon with putting the wagon away, Link said his goodbyes to the old rancher and began to make his way to Death Mountain. "Wait!" Malon called after Link, who was already well on his way, Navi still asleep in his cap. Link turned around to see the farmgirl chasing him with Epona. "Where are you going?"
"I'm sorry Malon," Link sighs. "I have business to attend to."
"But we just met!" Malon says. "We didn't even spend much time together!"
"I know. I'm sorry, Malon."
Malon pouts a bit and asks,"Will I ever see you again?"
"No doubt," Link smiles. "You're the only ranch-girl in Hyrule. Of course we'll meet again!"
"Okay . . . I'll hold you to it, Fairy-boy!" Malon smiles back, then runs back to the ranch with Epona braying behind her.
"You serious about that?" Navi asks, peeking out of Links cap.
"Yeah," Link nods. "We'll meet again . . . in time." With that, Link turns and heads for Death Mountain.
"Kakariko sure is a hick town," Navi says flatly as the duo head up Death Mountain.
"It's homey," Link says, slicing down a Tektite. "Plus it's where the Sheikah lived. It's got a lot of history behind it. One can only imagine the secrets there."
"You know, Link," Navi says, "You act way more mature than I'd give you credit for."
"Thank you," Link smiles as they head up higher, eventually reaching the mouth of Goron City. Entering the large cavern of a city, Link instantly sights the pedestal of the Goron Ruby . . . but not the gem itself. "Wonder where the Goron Ruby is." Link says wearily.
"Either protected or captured," Navi gulps. Suddenly, a rock erupts beside the two and shows itself to be a Goron.
The Goron clears it's throat, then says, "Protected by Darunia. Who are you, travelers?"
"I'm an envoy from the Great Deku Tree and Princess Zelda," Link says to the Goron, not thrown off by the odd appearance. "The Dark Lord Ganondorf-"
"You waste your time with my ears," The Goron coughs. "The elder, Darunia, is the one who should hear this."
Link sighs. "Where is this elder, then?" He asks.
"Down in his chambers," The Goron says, pointing below to a ornate stone door on the bottom level. "A word of warning, though. The elder is . . . strict. Such a young boy as yourself, a messenger . . ."
Link shakes his head. "I assure you, I'm no messenger."
"Nevertheless, this advice; Dancing puts the elder in a good mood."
"Thanks, I guess," Link nods, then leaps down towards the door. Upon reaching it, however, they find it's locked.
"Locked, eh?" Navi asks. "Link, try that royal song!"
"Right," Link nods, playing Zelda's Lullaby on his ocarina.
"Come in!" A rough voice shouts from inside the room, and the door slides up and open. Once inside, Link and Navi ogle the ornate rugs and torches in the room. The large, rock-bearded Darunia asks, standing stoic in the middle of the room.
"Oh, hi!" Navi says.
"I'll make this quick, Goron Elder," Link coughs. "I'm an envoy from-"
"Peh," Darunia grunts, looking down at Link. "You wield the Royal Song, yet are only a boy? Why does his majesty send such a weakling as yourself?"
"Excuse me?" Link asks, restraining his hand from grabbing his blade mentally. "I'm an envoy rom the Princess herself."
"You could be a messenger of the Golden Goddesses and it would make little difference to me, puny one," Darunia barks. "I will not be disrespected by have a BOY sent to give me word!"
"Link!" Navi gulps. "I think this is the time to use a song!" Link sighs and pulls out his ocarina as Darunia backs down. Link begins to play Saria's Song, and prays it works.