Hey guys! I was thinking about this for a bit and I decided that I should give you guys a bonus chapter for three reasons.

1: Since you all loved it so much, I couldn't bear to leave you guys hanging like that till the sequel came out (which I will be working on while you all read this).

2: This my apology for the huge delay from the last chapter (couldn't help but feel bad…)

3: Did you really think that after the lemon tease of chapter 14, I wouldn't do an actual lemon? Well if you did you thought wrong!

So yeah… this is a lemon chapter. It takes place during chapter 15, but instead, we will focus on what happened between Kain and Synthie.

It is not necessary to read this if you don't want to… hence why this is a Bonus. This is also my first lemon but I have given it a lot of thought… and Aduro gave me some good tips and tricks to use. So thank you Aduro for the help!

Now please… Enjoy!

I only own those listed on my profile.

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The Legend of Spyro: The Next Generation


CH 16: No longer a couple…

The evening came quickly, the party had finished and the guests were starting to head back to their own homes. By the time everyone had left, Kain and his parents were the only guests who remained at the temple. Spyro, Cynder, Rose, and Windravan were all discussing whether or not they should let Synthie and Kain go and start their own lives. Kain had his ear pressed to the door of the room where they were discussing but he couldn't hear a thing.

"Anything?" Synthie asked. Kain only shook his head sadly. The black dragoness sighed sadly, "Then it looks like we'll have to wait till morning for an answer. The guardians said you could all stay the night if you wish… it seems like our parents are gonna be talking all night anyways…"

"Alright… thanks," Kain said, smiling warmly. "So… where am I going to sleep?"

Synthie giggled, "In my room silly."

Kain was not expecting that answer, "I-In y-your r-room?!"

"Of course sweetie… it's not like you haven't been in there before." It was true; Kain had been in her room before but only for lunch with her, to study with her, or to have a small make-out session. Every time he was with her in there, it would always be daylight, so he was nervous of actually spending a night in her room. "The guardians made you a separate bed though…"

Kain sighed; he was somewhat relieved to hear that. "Okay…" he said. In all honesty, the midnight-blue dragon would not have minded if they slept in the same bed. In fact, he had wanted to ask her something for a while, but he never got the chance to because of their studies, but now that all of that was over, he might have a chance to ask tonight. "Um… Synthie… there's something… I've been meaning to ask you…"

Synthie looked at him, "What is it Kain?" she asked as she began to walk to her room.

Kain followed close to her while looking at her body. It was so slender, so precious, and yet, strong all at the same time. To him, her body was perfect. "Well… um… I'll ask when we get to your room…" he said.

The black dragoness gave him a strange look, "Okay…" she said. She was trying to think of any possibilities as to what he might ask, but none came to mind. She looked back at him and saw his body. His muscles were large and firm, his body chiseled. All of the training from the academy did him a lot of good, she thought to herself. She giggled inwardly, she loved his strong body.

Soon, the couple reached the door to her room. Being the gentle-dragon, Kain opened the door for her and gestured for her to enter, "After you my love," he said with a smile.

Synthie smiled back at him, "Thank you," she said. As she passed him, she gave him a quick peck on the cheek, causing his smile to grow wider. Once Kain had closed the door, Synthie turned around to face him, "So… what was it you wanted to ask me?"

Kain froze for a moment, before he replied. Should I ask her now? He asked himself. It took him a moment, but after a mental struggle, he figured that he should ask now and not later. "I was going to ask… um…" he paused for a moment as he gathered his thoughts. He took a deep breath and continued, "Synthie… I love you so much… tomorrow, we are going to start our lives together… but…" Synthie's eyes widened when she heard "but." Before she could say anything, Kain pressed on, even though he could feel his cheeks burning like coals, "I don't want to be just a couple… I want us to be more than that… I've had these feelings within me ever since we first became a couple… what I'm trying to ask is…" he came closer to Synthie and took one of her paws in his, "Synthie… will you… be… m-my… mate?"

Synthie was totally shocked by his proposal, she couldn't believe it. M-Mates?! He really wants to be my mate?! She said in her mind out of the shock. Are we ready to take such a step? Will we be able to manage? What if I conceive? All of these questions and more spun around her head. She remained silent the whole time.

After a moment of silence and no response from her, Kain sighed sadly. "I'm sorry Synthie… I shouldn't have…" He was unable to finish his sentence as the black dragoness quickly wrapped her arms around his neck and brought him into a very passionate kiss. Kain's eyes widened from the surprise kiss, but he quickly melted into it, returning the kiss with more passion.

After a moment Synthie broke the kiss. There were tears of joy in her eyes. "Oh Kain! Yes!" she said, "I'd love to be your mate!" Kain was ecstatic from her response. He tightened the embrace they shared. It was the happiest moment of his life and he wished it would never end.

"I love you Synthie!" he said happily.

"I love you too Kain!" she replied. She then broke the embrace and made her way to her bed. She jumped onto it and laid on her back, gesturing for Kain to come and join her. "Come here babe… if we're going to be mates… I think we should make it official…"

Kain walked up and joined her on the bed. He snuggled up close to her and nuzzled her lovingly on the cheek. Synthie smiled and returned the gesture, nuzzling and lightly kissing Kain on his neck. She eventually reached his jaw-line, causing the male dragon to growl lightly. He could feel his blood rushing down to a certain area as her kissing aroused him. Soon, his dragonhood slipped out of hiding and became erect, poking Synthie in the belly. Synthie stopped and looked down her body and caught sight of Kain's member. She smiled and said, "Looks like you're ready."

"Synthie…" Kain began with concern in his voice, "are you sure you want this? What if you become gravid?" he asked her.

Synthie sighed, "Kain… if I do end up conceiving, I know we will manage… I know that we will raise our child right." She began to spread her legs wide to give Kain access to her sacred entrance. "Please Kain," she begged, "I want to be your mate… please don't make me wait any longer…"

Kain nodded and got on top of her. He caught a glimpse at her entrance, which only aroused him further. He positioned his member there, at first poking her gently, but then he slowly slid into her, groaning as he did. Eventually, he was stopped by a thin barrier of skin, her virginity. He looked down at her, "Are you ready?" he asked.

Synthie nodded, "Go for it…"

Kain nodded and thrust into her, just hard enough to break the barrier and take her virginity. Synthie suddenly felt an immense amount of pain rush through her body. Out of pure instinct, she came up and bit down on Kain's neck to muffle her scream. The taste of iron soon entered her mouth; it was Kain's blood. The midnight-blue dragon winced from her bite and gently stroked Synthie on the back of her neck, "It's okay Synthie… it's okay…" he said. He could feel her hot tears falling onto his neck. "I'm sorry Synthie… this was a bad idea…" he said.

When Synthie heard this, she released her grip on his neck and licked the wound she had caused him. She then looked him in the eyes and said, "No Kain… don't stop…"

"But Synthie…" he complained, "you're hurting… and what's worse is that I'm the one causing it…" He began to pull out of her but was stopped when Synthie wrapped her hind legs around him. She pulled him in closer, causing him to plunge deeper into her. This, in turn, caused the pain within Synthie to be replaced by a new feeling, one of pleasure. "Synthie please…" he begged her, he was afraid that he was hurting her even more now.

Synthie shook her head. "Kain… the pain is leaving!" she said, "Keep going! It feels wonderful!"

Her words brought relief to Kain and he nodded. He began a slow and gentle pace of thrusting, groaning in pleasure as he did. Synthie also groaned, she had never felt such an amazing amount of pleasure before, and she knew it was only going to get better. "Faster…" she said softly. Kain complied and began to increase the pace of his thrusting. He moaned as he felt her insides hug his member tightly. Synthie moaned as well as the pleasure continued to climb. "H-harder…" she begged. Kain once again complied and his thrusting became more forceful. He also began to thrust deeper into her, causing the pleasure to skyrocket. He began to feel a slight pressure build up within him, but he fought against it.

Eventually, he found her G-spot and her rubbed against it violently. Synthie roared loudly, loving that feeling. A pressure began to build up within her as well. She began a counter-rhythm of thrusting against Kain, wanting to repeat the feeling with greater force. Kain groaned loudly. He could feel the pressure within him reaching it's peak, but he still fought against it as hard as he could, he wanted to make this last as long as possible.

The constant thrusting and rubbing against her G-spot increased the pressure within Synthie to an uncontrollable level. She couldn't hold it back any longer and she roared as her climax crashed over her. Her inner fluids squirted out of her, completely covering Kain's dragonhood.

Her climax caused Kain to reach his climax as well. He roared with her as his seed was released inside of her. His juices mixed with hers and sprayed out of her entrance and onto the bed.

Once he finished releasing, he collapsed onto Synthie, panting hard. "Wow…" he said, "that… was… amazing…"

"Yes…" Synthie said, also panting, "yes… it… was…" She looked into Kain's grey eyes and smiled, "I… love… you…" She slowly closed her eyes and soon, she was fast asleep.

Kain draped his wing over and snuggled up close to her, "I… love… you… too…" he said. He lightly kissed her on her forehead and was soon lost in his own world of dreams.

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Well? How was it? Did you guys like it?

Well whether you liked it or not, I will still be working on the sequel while you all read this.

Again, I think you all, my loyal fans, for making this possible! I look forward to making more stories and to reading yours as well!

Till next time!