TITLE: The Darkest Hour.
AUTHOR: Alyssa C
CATEGORY: Drama/Action/Adventure/Prologue (history?)
PAIRINGS: Skyla/Skyler
SPOILERS: Episode: 'Time and Again.'
WARNINGS: The world always changes.
STATUS: Incomplete unless status indicates otherwise – if all goes well this will be a series not a one off. I'm not sure how long it will be but I doubt it will be as long as some of my other fics.
FEEDBACK: Please!! I need feedback to feed the plot bunnies.
DISCLAIMER: I do not own Sky Dancers, though I do believe that Gaumont should give me brownie points for this. Sky Dancers are the property of Gaumont © 1996. I do not make money out of this. The real money's in illegal arms dealing. Duh.
AN: I've been meaning to write this for ages. I came up with the idea after I received quite a few requests for more Skyla/Skyler fan fiction. I present this to you with love. This does not link up with my J-E stories, though I'm not sure whether I'll draw a line there at some point. It's irrelevant really because it plays off in the past. I'm using some of the 'folklore' that I've thought up for that universe but I'll explain it here as I go along anyway. I gave the Tinker a name – Master Anwar (for a sort of explanation why he's gone over to being 'The Tinker' in my universe, read Chapter 14 of The Dance of Lords and Ladies) and I'm using one of my original side-characters, Faolin in this as well. Don't worry, she's completely harmless. On a point of technicality, I realize that Skyla's eyes are pink in the series. I really can't make myself write it. I just really can't, lol, so I've changed it to blue. I hope that you enjoy this and again, please provide feed back! It doesn't have to be a signed review.
would rather have the rod to be the general terror to all, to make
them learn, than tell a child, if you do thus or thus, you will be
more esteemed than your brothers or sisters. The rod produces an
effect which terminates itself. A child is afraid of being whipped,
and gets his task, and there's an end to it; whereas, by exciting
emulation, and comparisons of superiority, you lay the foundation of
lasting mischief; you make brothers and sisters hate each
Boswell: Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides
Chapter 1: The Choosing.
The two
boys stood there in the hallway, alone.
One, the eldest, was tall
and large, big for his age and a body that hinted an abnormal love
for the more delicious things in life. The other boy was younger,
shorter than the his brother and skinny in a youthful way. He more
nervous than the one standing next to him, almost embarrassed. His
eyes moved around the empty hallway and, touching his companion's
arm he smiled and nodded his head in the direction of the closed
doors before them.
"Excited Skyclone?"
The taller
boy frowned down at his younger brother and shook his head. "Why
should I be Skyler?" he queried. "I know what's going to
happen." He snorted and shook his head. "I don't know why we're
bothering to go through this ritual. Everybody knows that I'm going
to be the next king. I am the first borne after all."
smiled at his brother and shook his head amused. "It's not about
people knowing that you're going to be the next king," he
said with a light shrug. "It's about them seeing it
Skyclone. This ceremony is about… Tradition. About including our
people in the revelation of the heir. Besides, you know was well as I
do that sometimes things can be… Different." When he saw the look
his brother gave him, he quickly added. "I'm not saying that it
will be so – I think that you will make a great king, but you have
been taught, just as I have, that sometimes, just sometimes
the Skyswirlstone chooses someone completely different to be heir.
The youngest brother, the cousin, the nephew. Someone from the crowd.
That's what makes this ceremony so exciting. It could be anybody."
sighed in an indulging fashion and shook his head. "Look Skyler,"
he said patiently. "I'm not sure why we're having this
conversation, but if you're trying to calm my nerves… Thank you.
I realize for you, this must be an exciting day because you get to
play in front of the crowd and make eyes at that Skyla girl. Enjoy
it. For me? This is just the first day in the rest of my life.
Finally, after today, I will be able to enjoy the full power of the
title 'first prince'."
His brother sighed softly and smiled
slightly as he shook his head. "It's not about power Skyclone,"
he said softly. "And – I don't like the crowds…"
"But you do like Skyla Zavere."
Skyler had
the grace to blush. "She's… nice."
Skyclone let out a
frustrated breath. "She's also the daughter of a
Lady-in-waiting," he said with a sneer. "Really Skyler, you can
do better. She's a timid creature, hardly worth noting. I sometimes
think that the only reason her family was hired into service was
because Grandfather took pity on them and their struggling farm."
The other boy frowned and shook his head. "She is Lady
Skyla, Skyclone," he said, a little defensively. "And, she's
not timid. She's just… Shy. She thinks before speaking."
barked a laugh at the statement and slapped his brother on the
shoulders. "You're too young to understand this Little Brother,"
he said smugly. "But trusts me, you don't want a girl who thinks
too much. Women have so many other talents."
blushed suddenly and shook his head, unable to look at his brother.
"I know that," he said. "But, really. That's not what
I want in a girl. Besides, we're not… I mean to say that." He
bit his lip. "I just like her Skyclone. She sees me, I feel as if
she sees the real me. I… just like being with her."
Giving him an amused look, Skyclone shook his head and ruffled his brother's short hair. "You have it bad," he said with a soft laugh but stood to attention the moment the door beside them opened. Master Anwar, the royal scribe and their father's right hand man looked at them, his eyes stern.
"I thought I made it clear that you two are to spend your time in quiet contemplation of the potential that the future might hold," he hissed under his breath. "This is not a social opportunity." His words made the two brothers stand to attention, but Skyclone caught Skyler's gaze and rolled his eyes. The younger man smiled, but made a brief movement with his hand to still any further reactions from his brother. Master Anwar gave them a stern look before turning around and walking into the crowded throne room. Skyler admired the way his brother strode after the man with confidence. He felt no fear for the future and was obviously ready to take on his role as heir. For himself, Skyler didn't feel so certain about the future. It was always more unclear for the second borne. He didn't really know what he wanted or what would be expected of him.
smiled at them as they walked down the passage that had been left
open for them. The room was packed with people from the wingdom. A
lot of them tried to catch the boys' eyes to smile at them
encouragingly. Skyclone avoided their gazes, his own fixed on the
throne in front of him where his father was standing but Skyclone
smiled at the people, acknowledging their encouragement with a
somewhat goofy grin. His mother was standing at the bottom of the
throne, just a step above everybody else. She was a beautiful woman,
pale skinned with dark, almost black hair. It wasn't her natural
colour, but she had chosen to wear it that way to blend in better
with the people in the other realm. Skyler felt a thrill of
anticipation travel through his body. He had not gone there yet but
his mother had promised that, once things settle down after this
ceremony, she would take him. Queen Alima smiled at them when they
approached her, her blue eyes sparkling with pride. Skyclone paused
in front of his mother and returned her smile, but when she reached
out to touch his cheek he politely, but firmly stepped away from her.
He was not going to show such affection in front of his people.
Skyler on the other hand openly grinned at his mother, rolling his
eyes at his brother's pride. The Queen smiled fondly and nodded at
him. Behind her, Lady Aurian smiled at him and inclined her head ever
so slightly. Skyler smiled at her and automatically looked beside her
to find Skyla but she wasn't at her usual place by her mother's
side. Frowning, Skyler tried to look around to find her but his
brother had already flown up to meet his father by the throne and
they were both looking at him expectedly. Feeling strangely
disappointed that she had not come to support him, Skyler spread his
wings. Just before he flew up though, someone caught his hand.
Hovering just above the ground, he looked down to see young Skyla
smiling up at him, her hand still in his. Unable to help himself
Skyler felt his face split into an ear to ear grin. Skyla's blue
eyes sparkled as her fingers pushed something in between his.
luck," she mouthed, her eyes linking with his.
nodded and enclosed his hand around the soft object. He wanted to
thank her but his throat was suddenly too dry to speak. She smiled
and squeezed his hand before letting go. From the throne, King
Skyhawk cleared his throat, causing Skyler to blush and quickly join
his brother, who was not looking pleased. He didn't dare look at
what Skyla had given him but rather put his hands behind his back and
look at his father. The older man shook his head and smiled fondly at
his youngest son.
"Ladies and Gentleman," he started, raising
his voice to the crowd. "It is my honour now, to present you with
my two sons, and the two prime candidates for the throne. Prince
Skyclone and Prince Skyler." He touched both of them on the
shoulder. "For those of you who were not here when I took the
throne, I will explain again how succession in our kingdom is
chosen." He reached to his belt and took out the royal sceptre,
raising it above his head for all to see. "The Skyswirlstone is the
foundation of our wingdom's power," he said. "In it lie our
heritage, our protection and our power of flight. To wield it, even
hold it, is a responsibility and a duty one should not take lightly.
Because of this, the wingdom has never taken a conventional view to
choosing its heirs and rather allowed the stone itself to make that
choice. Now, how this works we have never been able to establish but
through out our history the stone's choice has never failed us. If
the stone chooses one person above the other though, it is not to say
that the person is unworthy of ruling or not to be trusted with
power. It just means that, for the time being, one candidate has
something that sets himself apart from his opposition." King
Skyhawk lowered the sceptre again and put it in his belt so that he
could touch his two boys. "As a father, I love my sons and as a
King I trust them both. What ever happens today, they will both have
my blessing and support." He squeezed each on the shoulder and
stepped back to take the sceptre out again. "Now, face me please,
Princes of the Realm."
each other one final, nervous look – the two princes turned their
backs to the people watching them and faced their father. His eyes
were filled with pride as he held up the Skyswirlstone. "The
decision that is made now," he said in a quieter voice, more to
Skyler than to Skyclone, "does not mean that you will never have a
chance at the throne. When the stone passes to your brother, you will
go through this ceremony again. Sometimes it can happen that one
brother will succeed another, instead of the brother's children.
Remember, power is not a burden that one should carry on one's own.
There will always be someone else to share it with you."
to his father, Skyler suddenly remembered the object in his hand and
quickly risked a look at it. It was the flower from a creeper rose
that he knew Skyla liked very much. A part of him tried to tell him
that he should be disgusted with being given a flower of all
things but that part was completely over ruled by the wave of warmth
that enveloped him. Maybe after the ceremony they could go
He looked up at his father again who had said something that he didn't catch. "…when the light touches my sons, it will change to one of two colours. Blue will be the sign that the person is the next successor. Red means the opposite. In the event that neither of my sons is chosen, I will spread this power to the whole hall to see if the successor is present. Now are you ready my sons?"
The two
boys nodded as one and braced themselves. King Skyhawk smiled at them
and raised the Skyswirlstone above his head.
"Do you promise to
honour the wingdom and its people?" A glow started to appear around
the stone.
"Yes Father," the two boys answered in unison.
"Do you promise to respect the power you are given, to rule it
and not allow it to rule you?"
Father." When the glow expanded to touch the king, it took on a
slight bluish tinge. King Skyhawk took a deep breath and lowered the
stone so that he could point it at his sons.
"Do you promise to
honour the brother chosen before you? To support the one who wasn't?"
Father…" This time, there was a slight echo to the promise.
Skyler had answered immediately but Skyclone and only replied a
second after him. The King nodded slowly and allowed the glow to
expand beyond him.
"Then, let us see who will be chosen."
Skyler took a deep breath and closed his eyes, allowing the glow
to spread around him. He knew what the out come would be for he
didn't think for a second that he was worthy of ruling. His brother
had the confidence and, he suspected, the need to rule. For
himself, he would be happy just to support his brother and enjoy the
freedom that being just a prince brought.
Contrary to what he
expected, he didn't feel the power of the Skyswirlstone touch him
and only knew that something had happened when he heard a loud
gasp from the crowd. He was about to open his eyes when he heard a
dismayed. "No…" from somewhere below him.
Skyla's voice, Skyler quickly opened his eyes and turned to look at
her. She was standing next to her mother, her face filled with dismay
as she gripped her mother's arm. Her eyes were fixed on his, filled
with loss. It puzzled him, for he didn't think that she had had her
heart set on him becoming the king. It was only when he heard his
brother's angry. "No! This cannot be!" when he realized that
something was very wrong. He tried to look at himself but could not
see the power of the Skyswirlstone, yet when he looked at his brother
he saw that the older boy was enveloped in an angry red glow.
Skyler's jaw dropped as he feverishly turned to look at his father.
"Dad what's…"
There was
a sad but disturbingly knowing light in his father's eyes, as the
man stepped forward and lay an arm across his shoulder.
and Gentleman," he said solemnly. "I present to you my heir and
your future king, our prince Skyler."
A loud cheer started up from the gathered crowd but it was interrupted by Skyclone's loud. "No Father! No! This cannot be! I am first borne!"
struck with shock, Skyler turned to look at his brother who had leapt
up to hover above the throne. "It is my birthright!"
The King
sighed softly and fixed his son with a stern look. "Skyclone,
please. Do not do this now. The choice has been made."
The boy
glared and shook his fist at his father. "But, it should've
chosen me!" he snapped. "Not him! I'm supposed to be King!"
Aware of everybody's eyes on them, the king shook his head and
pointed to the door. "Skyclone, please – if you cannot control
your emotions please leave now before you embarrass yourself. Please
my son, for your own sake. We're all shocked, but don't handle
this the wrong way now." He motioned to the crowds and whispered
softly so that only the two boys could hear. "They will never
The older boy growled, his eyes suddenly wet with angry tears. Sniffing loudly, Skyclone flew away and out of the window. The king watched him leave, tightening his grip around his younger son's shoulders.
your brother, Skyler," he whispered softly before he cleared his
throat and spoke louder. "It is always a shock when the obvious
candidate is not chosen. Let us carry on with the celebrations and
the preparations for the days to come." He stepped away and laid
the sceptre in his shocked son's hands. The Skyswirlstone winked at
the crowds, glowing even brighter with its blue colour. The cheer
started up from the crowd again, and pretty soon people were
whistling and clapping hands. Skyler watched them all, his body still
frozen in shock. He looked down and tried to meet Skyla's gaze. She
was not cheering, but looking at him as if all her hope had been
lost. Unable to control himself, he wanted to take a step towards her
but his father rested a hand on his shoulder, holding him back. Skyla
saw his movement though and dropped her gaze. Squeezing her mother's
arm, she carefully slipped into the crowd, disappearing from his
vision. None the less, Skyler didn't miss the tears in her eyes.
What's wrong? He thought numbly, looking at her mother
who's gaze was all to knowing. Why isn't she happy? How could
this be happening to me?
To Be Continued…
Alright. Here we are, the first chapter in my next series. I've
been toying with this idea for well over a year now. You can find a
'trailer' for it in you tube through my profile. I beg you to
stop me the moment you think this is a bad move and story, lol, I
would hate to shoot myself through the foot at this point in time. Have
a great day and take care everybody, Alyssa
Totally random information – with this story I have now
officially archived over 400000 words on . mwahahahaha.