Sakura sat on the edge of her new bed, rubbing her back of its stiffness.


She froze. Crap, he woke up.

"Yes, Sasuke-kun?"

"Where are you going?"

"Just to the bathroom, I'll be right back."


Sakura eased herself off the bed quickly, hoping to avoid any more questions.


Again, she froze mid-step.

"Yes, Sasuke-kun?"



"Can I…can I go with you?"

Sakura sighed, "No, Sasuke-kun. Stay here, I'll be right back, I promise."


Sakura felt a maternal twinge, like she was leaving a small child behind to fend for himself in the cruel world alone. Yet, all she was doing was going to the bathroom for a few minutes.

As she made her way though the door frame, she heard Sasuke whimper. Again, the maternal side threatened to take over. This was ridiculous! He was now 24 years old, and ever since they got married, he had become terrified of her leaving him alone at night!


"I'm coming, I'm coming," she gave up.

His arms latched around her torso before she had even managed to get both her legs under the sheets.

"Sasuke-kun…I can't sleep like this…"

Useless, he was already fast asleep.

"Still no sleep?"

Sakura rolled her tired eyes towards her blonde friend (the male one), "No. Sasuke-kun glomps in his sleep."

Naruto laughed, "Yeah, I know. He never used to. You seemed to have triggered it."

"Lucky me…"

"I think it's because it's been so long since he's had family around."

Sakura stared at him, "Naruto, are you thinking again?"

"Yeah, I guess I am…"

"Don't strain yourself, you don't want another concussion."

"That was one time!"

"Still…" Sakura laughed, "So, where are you going with this thought of yours?"

"Remember how young Sasuke was when the clan was massacred?"

Sakura nodded silently. Naruto continued.

"Well, I remember when I was alone at that age; I always wanted someone to cling to when I heard noises."

"You were afraid of the dark?"

"Yeah… And Sasuke must've been too."

"He must've been terrified his brother would come out of that darkness and come back for him…"

"And now he feels safe, having a wife to take care of him. To keep him safe from the dark, even though he'll never admit being scared of it. He really loves you, y'know, even if he won't say it."


"Take care of our Teme, Sakura-chan."

Sakura nodded, never again was she leaving him alone in that bed at night.

Sasuke slid into the bed next to Sakura, wrapping his arm around her the minute he pulled the covers up. She turned to face him.



She hugged him close, resting his head on her chest and curling her head against the top of his, "Feel safe?"

She could see his ears turning red from blushing, "Yes, thank you."

"Goodnight, Sasuke-kun"


It was quiet for a few moments.


"Yes, Sasuke-kun?"

"I love you."

She smiled and hugged him closer, "I love you too."

Mwahaha! Lookit all da fluffyness! So nice and soft!

Hope you enjoyed!