Chapter Five
Johnny raised an eyebrow at the glop that was in front of him. How anyone could call that stuff food he didn't know.
There was some kind of day old, soggy sandwich, two orange slices, some rubbery mashed potatoes and gravy and cherry jello for dessert.
Taking the glass of cranapple that had come with the 'meal', Johnny downed that before setting the small glass back down next to the tray.
"Hey Junior!"
Glancing over at the door, Johnny saw that it was his friend and partner Roy De Soto standing there; the door closing behind him.
"Roy...I'm sorry for not telling you sooner but...well...this all happened so suddenly I...didn't know what to think or do...listen... a good friend of mine died last month. He and I grew up together on the reservation. When we were kids we made a pact that if when we left the reservation, one of us were to die, then the other one would return to the reservation...and stay there to help out the community. Roy, it was a stupid idea...I realize that now but...what's done is done." Johnny said, glad now to have it off his chest.
Roy didn't say anything for several moments; his mind trying to process what Johnny had just told him.
The way Johnny had sounded, Roy visualized Johnny reading the morning paper, telling him something that was printed on the paper, rather than telling him a life altering event such as this!
"Say something, Roy." Johnny begged.
"What is there left to say? It sounds like you have already made up your mind, and if you already promised your friend...then I can't stop you from fulfilling your promise. Just answer me this: do you want to go?" Roy asked.
Of course Johnny didn't want to go! He loved it in LA...he loved it at Station 51, especially the people he worked with...yes including Chet, but he also loved his friend David just as much.
"No I don't want to go Roy. LA...Station 51 is my home...but I can't stay Roy...not now." Johnny replied, bowing his head.
Roy sighed and walked over, putting a hand on Johnny's shoulder.
"I'm not mad at you Pally. It looks like you are already beating yourself up over this more than I ever could. If you are sure this is what you really want, then I'll support your decision." he said.
Johnny looked up in to his partner's face, seeing the truth in Roy's eyes.
"Thanks Roy. I had been planning to leave as soon as I got discharged from the hospital." Johnny said.
"Well, if you need any help packing or with anything else, just let me know." Roy replied with a small smile.
"Thanks Roy, I will." Johnny said, shaking Roy's hand.
Roy nodded his head before he glanced down at his watch. Seeing the time, Roy went for the door.
"I just wanted to see how you were. Should already be down by the squad, waiting for me."
"Wha...Brice? You got stuck with Brice? Oh man, I feel for you." Johnny said, knowing what it was like to work with the Walking Rulebook.
"You are all heart." Roy shot back as he opened the door and headed down towards the squad.