Volleyball Drama

A/N: DISCLAIMER: NOT MINE! If they were, this would have already been on TV! ;)


Danny didn't sound angry at all, and knew it would be a few days before she agreed to come over and spend time with him. he thought about talking to Coach Hill at school and explaining to her that the only thing he wanted was to help Becca get better.

He spent the next ten minutes reassuring his girlfriend that it would be okay, and she could do it. she finally agreed to talk to her coach about it and he left it at that. He wanted it to be on her terms and knew that it would take a while. He had also planned on talking to his mom and seeing if there was anything else he could do to help her through this. He really cared about Becca and hoped that she would eventually get better and back to the way she was before everything happened.


Becca stood at the doorway after being reassured by Shelby that it was okay to spend a few hours with her boyfriend. His mom answered the door, "hey sweetheart"

She smiled but didn't exactly make eye contact with the blond woman, "hi…"

"come on in honey, you'll freeze out there" she smiled, helping the teen inside.

Becca smiled and hugged herself as the warmth from the heater started to make it's presence. Danny wasn't supposed to get home for another hour, but Shelby said it was okay if she went early, she just wanted to talk to his mom.

Courtney smiled again at Becca, "how've you been doing?"

Becca shrugged and walked further into the house. she sat in a chair that her and Danny cuddled in all the time to watch movies, and wrapped herself up with the big Giants blanket.

The blond sent Shelby a quick text to know that the teen had made it, but she was shy, and seemed upset. Shelby knew Courtney would work with the teen to help her through whatever was bothering her.

Courtney let Becca have a few minutes to herself as she got some things out to make dinner. Danny's father came home and Courtney looked at him and motioned for him to be quiet. He still kissed her anyways, and glanced over at Becca.

"she alright?" he whispered.

"I don't think she's feelin good today. She just came in and curled up."

Alan sighed, and glanced at his son's girlfriend. He knew what was going on and wished she didn't have to go through it. "want me to check on her?"

Courtney smiled, "you can try. She may not talk though"

He nodded and walked over to the chair, and noticed that Becca was sound asleep. he fixed her blanket and turned off the TV, and the lamp. He walked back to the kitchen, "she's sound asleep… poor thing"

Courtney nodded, "let her be. I'll wake her up when dinner is ready.."

He smiled when his son walked in the house, "hey"

Danny smiled, "hey guys… where's Becca?"

"sleepin. She's curled up in the big chair, with your Giants blanket. She went straight for it. she hasn't been here but about an hour" his mom explained.

He smiled and nodded. He walked into the living room and noticed she'd pushed the blanket away, so he fixed it around her. he went back to his mom, "she's still asleep. I texted coach. I think if you make her macaroni, she'll eat"

Courtney nodded, "she doin okay?"

"Coach said she's struggling with her eating again. Becca did text me and say that she couldn't sleep at all last night" he explained.

The woman just sighed, "let's let her rest. I'll start dinner but if she's not awake I'll hold hers"

Another hour and a half later dinner was almost ready and Alan mentioned to his wife that the teen had barely budged, and was still sound asleep. she sighed, "I honestly don't have the heart to wake her yet, but she needs to eat"

He nodded, "let's get her up to eat, and then she can sleep more"

Courtney agreed, and walked into the living room. "Becca sweetheart…" she gently cooed, rubbing the teen's shoulder.

The sleeping teen groaned and rolled over, away from her. "hey now, dinner's ready"

Becca moaned and whimpered, Courtney knew she wasn't waking the sleeping girl soon. She sighed, and they ate dinner while Becca slept soundly in the living room. She saved some food for the teen and Danny went in to check on her.

She was still asleep so he just let her be. Three more hours went by and Becca was still sleeping soundly. Danny looked at his mom and she sighed. "I know you wanted to spend time with her tonight, but she needs this"

He nodded, "she's not sleeping much. Maybe she should stay here, she seems to be comfortable and I don't want to move her if she's asleep"

His mom smiled, "let's just let her sleep. I'll feed her when she wakes up. And I'll call Shelby soon"

Alan was siting on the couch by the teen as she started squirming and whimpering. He knelt down by her, "hey Becca…."

She whimpered but woke up, and let a big yawn escape. "sleep…"

He smiled, "close your eyes kiddo. It's okay"

She nodded, and rolled over, falling back asleep. Alan stayed with her and Courtney went to call Shelby. "hey…"

The coach smiled, "hey Courtney. How's she doin?"

"she's sound asleep. poor thing curled up in the big chair and has been out since she got here. Didn't even wake up for dinner" She explained.

Shelby sighed, "it's late. Let her sleep. I'll pick her up in the morning if that's okay. I know she's been having a really hard time staying asleep lately"

Courtney agreed, "alright. if she changes her mind I'll bring her by your place"

Danny had gone into the living room to watch TV and he saw Becca starting to squirm. He knelt down by her and rubbed her shoulder, "Becca…"

She whimpered and rolled away, just like she'd done to his mom. He kissed her head, "just sleep beautiful girl, you're safe here"

She settled down when she could barely make out his voice. She curled back up in her blanket and continued to sleep.

Another hour went by and Becca started to finally wake up. She felt better that she could actually sleep, and they let her get her rest. Danny noticed her waking up and he rubbed her shoulder once more, "Becca honey"

She groaned but her eyes fluttered open, she realized where she was and relaxed. He smiled, "hey sleepyhead"

She whimpered as she stretched on the reclined chair, "how long was I asleep?"

His mom came in and smiled, "a good four hours honey, but you needed it"

She just yawned and smiled at Danny who rubbed the top of her hand with his thumb. "I couldn't sleep at all last night…." She sighed.

Danny continued to rub her hand, "I know, that's why you got to sleep now. but momma has some dinner for you to eat"

"not hungry…" she yawned.

He glanced up at his mom, and mouthed for her to make some macaroni. "she's gonna make you some macaroni, okay. can you try a few bites?"

She sighed, she could never say no to the woman's macaroni. She just nodded, and gave him a small smiled. He smiled, "do you want me to sit with you for a few minutes?"

She nodded and let him sit by her and she cuddled up with him. He wrapped his sleeping girlfriend in his arms and kissed her head, "it's gonna be okay"

She shook her head and cuddled close to him, afraid to tell him how she'd been feeling lately. He rubbed her back, but she could no longer sleep, due to what was weighing on her mind.

About twenty minutes later, after she nibbled on the macaroni the woman made for her, she looked at the woman, silently asking her to talk. Courtney sat down by her, "what's wrong honey?"

Becca hung her head, "I… haven't had my period yet"

Courtney sighed, squeezing the teen's hand, "how late are you?"

"two weeks…" she mumbled, trying to hide her fear.

"have you felt nauseous, or more tired than usual?" the woman asked.

Becca shrugged, "I dunno…" she wanted to cry, if she really was pregnant, her senior year would be ruined.

The woman rubbed her hand, "I talked to Shelby, and she said it was okay for you to stay here tonight. I'll run out in the morning and we can take a pregnancy test, okay"

Becca agreed, and sighed, nibbling on some more macaroni. "thanks Courtney"

She sighed, she was so nervous for what was to come that morning and the future ahead.