- WHO SAW JAY LENO WITH JONAS BROTHERS? I did! Yay for Kevin getting in the sexiest men version of Peoples. Love it :) -

I'm not too sure about this, but I got the idea today. I wanted to write out the first chapter. Tell me if you like!
Also, this is a creative story. It's not based off of Camp Rock :p

PS: Quite short for the first chapter because I wanna see if you like it.

Chapter 1
Mitchie's POV
November 3rd, 2008

We were from two worlds. Literally. Although we lived on the same street, we were two different people, two different views of life. Two different ways of thinking.

"Move it, Michaela," Shane Gray spat.

"Fuck you, Gray," I spat back in his face.

Shane looked at me, "When, where, and how hard?"

I rolled my eyes, "Get over yourself."

I closed my locker, flicked the finger, and walked off. Caitlyn and her boyfriend, Jason walked up to me.

"Great job!" Caitlyn high-fived me.

"Yeah," I said, slumping down in my chair in homeroom.

Jason looked at me, "What's wrong?"

"He's such an arrogant pig. He thinks that everyone wants him, but really, no one does. It's the most sickening thing," I let out an aggravated sigh.

I felt hot breath in my ear, "Talking about me again, Michaela?"

I glanced at the clock. Ten minutes till homeroom.

"You know what, Shane?" I said, snapping my neck around. He backed up a little and I stared him straight in the eye.

"You may think that every girl in this school is melting at the sight of you. Do you not see me? I, in fact, despise your guts. You're big-headed, cocky, a jack ass, and most importantly a bully. Did you know that every time you walk up to a girl and snicker in her face, or push her books down, is bullying? And every time you touch girls' asses in the hallway, is sexual harassment? Oh and what about when you rate girls with your little 'friends'? That's ILLEGAL. Maybe, just MAYBE, if you changed you could find someone who loves you. But right now all I think the girls are after is this bad ass who thinks he's the shit. You're NOT. So, save yourself some breath and don't talk to me until you've changed back to the four year old I was best friends with!" I shouted.

"Remember this?" I said, picking up my wrist. There was a pink and blue string bracelet worn out and tied around my wrist, "Worthless." I grabbed scissors off the teacher's desk and cut it into pieces over the garbage can.

Shane stared at me. He opened and closed his mouth a few times before he decided not to say anything. He rolled up his sweatshirt sleeve, wordlessly, and I saw the same bracelet on his wrist. He grabbed the scissors out of my hand, still silent, and cut it off.

"Have it." Shane handed it to me and walked out of the classroom.

I stared at him as he walked out of the room and wanted so badly to run out after him, but my feet were glued.

"What was that?" Caitlyn asked.

"I don't know," I said quietly. "I really don't know."


Over the next few days, the school was gossiping about me, but I shrugged it off. Something else was wrong with my school. Shane Gray was quiet. He would barely answer in class, skip playing basketball with his friends and sit on the roof garden instead. Don't ask how I know, I have witnesses.

I turned the dial on my locker and was startled when I saw a note fly out.

IM me tonight. My screename is xenhasmada. I want to keep my identity a secret for a little.

I closed my locker and headed home.

As I walked up the stairs, Mrs. Gray called my name.


"Yes Mrs. Gray?" I asked. We haven't spoken in a while.

"Do you know what's up with Shane lately? He really hasn't been himself; and I was wondering if you knew since you two are such good friends," Mrs. Gray was so sweet, but so wrong.

"Oh, Mrs. Gray, Shane and I aren't really friends anymore. Middle school changed us, sad enough to say." Guilt pounded inside me, even though it was all Shane's fault.


It was middle school, grade 7. Shane and I were best friends, nothing could stop us. Of course, we had a crush on each other. I mean, who wouldn't.

"Wanna hang out tonight?" Shane asked while we were swinging on the swings.

"Sure!" I grinned, my brace filled smile to him.

"Okay, you can come over at eight and we'll watch a movie."

I went to his house at 8 like he said, only to find out he left for California until the summer of 8th grade.

There went our friendship; gone. Just like he was gone to California.


"I'm sorry to hear that. I'll try to talk to him, if you'd like," Mrs. Gray said sweetly.

I opened my house door, "No thanks. I'm sure he doesn't ever want to hear my name again."

I entered my house and went upstairs into my room. I threw my bags down on the floor and signed on AIM.

Mitchiex3: Hey. You left me a note in my locker.

I anticipated a respond.

Xenhasmada: Yeah. I want to become your friend.

Mitchiex3: Lol, okay. Do I know you?

Xenhasmada: Actually you do. But I'm not so sure I want you to know who I am.

Mitchiex3: Oh. When will I find out who you are?

Xenhasmada: Go to the dance next Friday. Meet me at 9:45 sharp at the corner where the DJ is. I'll be waiting.


I bit my lip. This enhasmada guy sure was confusing me.

So I'm sure you all know who xenhasmada is. Lol, not hard to figure out... it's so easy JASON could do it :O.
REVIEW !! Tell me if I should continue!!