A/N: Ok, this is the last chapter! I was going to go for an even dozen...but, then it would have been about 28 pages long, so I split it into two. I saw the review from Sunrise Phoenix, wondering where Atem was. Remember, the main reason I write this is so you know how Yugi fends for himself, without the Pharoah, since it's AFTER he leaves. It's all about watching Yugi grow up...sort of. Anyway...I hope you like it!


Dove frowned as he saw his enemies approach. He was watching from a close distance and had just gotten a glimpse of the last duel. Oh must I do everything myself! He groaned inside his head.

He walked into the Phoenix Shrine and took a look at the bodies around him. They were the nine princesses, with the exception of one being in Japan. But it didn't matter. Soon Dove would conquer the whole world alongside the Legendary Phoenix.

Through the shrine there were feathers and rose petals strewn across the floor, and all of those led up to the wall where the spirits were going to be sacrificed. Dove pulled out his Deck from one of the slots and prepared to await Yugi Muto and his friends.


Luna, Artemis and Diana had stayed behind with Pegasus when Yugi and the others had sought out after Dove. They weren't too happy.

"It's been a while," Artemis commented, tapping his paw against the linoleum floor impatiently, "You think we should go after them?"

"No," Luna said immediately, "You have to trust Yugi. Just like Rini and the others did. I'm sure they can do this."

"I hope they're okay…" Diana sighed.

Pegasus was just staring out the window. He could sense it. Yugi was about to duel Dove right now. But why did it take so long.

Pegasus also knew that he had to get past Black Crow first. And that Yugi had used his regular deck.

If Yugi had so much trouble against Black Crow…he mused, then will he be able to fight against Dove? He knew what he had to do. Maximillian quickly stood up and ran up to his painting gallery, where his paintings of Cecelia lay.

"Pegasus!" Luna shouted. "Where are you going?!" The three cats ran after him.

He unlocked one of the drawers and pulled out the felt box that held the prize Deck for the Duelist Kingdom Tournament.

Luna, Artemis, and Diana knew what Pegasus was thinking when they saw the Deck.

Pegasus turned toward them. "Let's go give Yugi boy a hand." And they all took off.


"Yugi you sure you're feelin' okay?" Joey asked. He and Duke were holding Yugi up as they headed toward the Nest.

"Maybe you should sit this one out," Téa suggested, "Let Kaiba or Raphael duel for you."

"Or me!" Joey shouted.

But Yugi just shook his head. "No." He said firmly. "I have to do this. For Rini. For everybody."

No one was prepared to argue with him at that point.

When they had just arrived at the entrance to the Nest, they saw that Dove was already there, waiting for them, a smug look on his face.

Joey immediately bolted and tried to punch him in the face, but Dove swiftly dodged it and sent Joey sprawling across the floor.

"Ah, Yugi Muto," he said amusingly, "I've been expecting you. It seems my lackeys couldn't take care of you." He chuckled. "You can never find good work nowadays now can you?"

"All right Dove," Yugi seethed, "Enough games. Hand back all of their spirits you've captured!"

Dove threw his head back and let out and grotesque laugh that sent shivers down everyone's spine. "Is that how you're going to convince me? I'm sorry Yugi but I'm not really threatened by a little boy. But I will duel you."

"Yugi you can't!" Téa tried again. "You can't duel in this condition, you need to see a doctor!"

"No worries mate," Valon said, "I'll duel ya."

Dove shook his head, pointing to Yugi. "No. It has to be the boy. I want to see how powerful his spirit is now that the Pharaoh is gone."

As the others were about to protest Yugi raised his hand. "Guys, it's okay. I can do this." He painfully took a few steps toward Dove and said, "If I win, you have to agree to sent all the spirits that you've captured free."

Dove nodded to this. "Fair enough. Now let's duel deeper inside the Nest, I like to make my guests feel at home."

"You're sick." Alister spat out.

But Dove only grinned. "I'll take that as a compliment. Come. Let us not keep the Legendary Phoenix waiting. For he grows impatient as he desires to feast on more spirits…"


Yugi, Dove, and the others were now near the Phoenix Shrine, in a deeper part of the Nest, where they'll have enough room to duel.

"Shall we begin?" Dove asked.

"Wait! WAIT!!!"

Everyone turned and gasped, "Pegasus!?"
"Yugi…" he panted. "Here. Take…this." He held out the deck to Yugi.

Yugi took it, uncertain. "What…is this?"

"You'll need it. To beat…him."

As Yugi was about to look at the deck, Dove shouted, "I haven't got all day! Let's start the duel NOW!"

"Good luck Yugi." Luna said, bowing her head.

"Please save Small Lady!" Diana pleaded.

"We know you'll win." Artemis told him.

Yugi nodded to each of them. "Thanks guys." He turned to Dove. "All right. I'm ready."

"Ah but before we begin…" Dove started, "I'd like to show you something…"

Dove raised his hand and with a few flickers of it, they saw an image appearing on the far side of the wall.

"What the…?" Duke started.

As the image started to get clearer they gasped. It was a live view of the Phoenix Shrine, and all of the lifeless bodies that lay in it.

Nine of the scouts were there, Serena, Mina, Amy, Lita, Raye, Hotaru, Trista, Michelle and Rini…they were all in beautiful off-white dresses, and there was a stray of petals and white feathers strewn across their bodies. It was breathtaking both in ways of shock…and in beauty.

"Serena!" Luna cried.

Téa shook her head and began to say no over and over again.

Kaiba was speechless. He stared at Mina as though she were the only one there. Her blonde hair flew about her and across her face and one of the sleeves of her dress almost came off. Her hand was over that of Raye's and she looked so peaceful.

Mokuba was the exact opposite of Kaiba though. He ran to the wall and began pounding on it, shouting Mina's name, although he knew it would make no difference.

"You're a monster." Yugi said, trying very hard to hold back all his anger.

Joey on the other hand, wasn't so good at that.

"I'm gonna pummel ya, ya freak!" Joey again attempted to sock Dove in the face, only this time Dove didn't dodge. He didn't have to. For when Joey was in arm's length reach of him, he bounced back and hit the ground hard.

"Joey!" Yugi yelled. "What did you do!?"

"I've put a barrier around just the two of us so that no one can interfere with our match."

"Fine. Then let's duel." Yugi said through his teeth.

Everyone gathered along the side to watch the duel that would save mankind…or destroy it.

They all turned away from the far wall so as not to see their friends. It was just unbearable.

"Allow me," Dove said, starting. "I…"

Yugi gasped as he looked at his hand. He looked at Pegasus. So…this was the prize deck?

"Ahem." Dove cleared his throat. "As I was saying. I summon Firebird in Attack Mode (1000) and place two cards face-down and end my turn."

Yugi drew his card and began to observe his cards again. If summoning Dark Magician Girl resurrected her spirit…I wonder…

"I summon Sailor Mercury in Attack Position (1500)!"

Everybody gasped as they saw the intelligent scout emerged.

At first it began as most of the holographic images do, all blurry and hard to see, but then it began to get clearer.

"Mmm…" Sailor Mercury opened her eyes to see a huge flaming bird in front of her.

"Oh my goodness!" she gasped, jumping back.

"AMY!!!" Joey shouted, ecstatic.

"Joey?" Amy said, squinting.

"How could this have happened!?" Dove barked, turning toward the wall where the bodies of the scouts still lay.

"Is that…us?" Mercury asked, looking at herself and her friends, asleep. "If I'm there…then how am I here?"

"Remember Amy," Yugi explained, "Your spirit was captured, but it was in Sailor Mercury all along. That's how you were able to come back."

She turned to Pegasus. "Wait a minute…you mean when you said you were inspired in Japan…you mean that you were inspired by…the Sailor Scouts?"

Pegasus nodded, a smile on his face. "That's right. Although I never thought this deck would be needed to save the world."

"That's our lives in a nutshell." Téa muttered.

"If Amy was in the deck," Mokuba started. "Then…that must mean Mina and the others are there too!"

Pegasus nodded. "That's right."

"Can we get on with this duel!?" Dove shouted. "There have been too many delays!"

"Are you ready to fight Amy?" Yugi asked.

Amy nodded.

"All right," Yugi shouted. "Sailor Mercury! Attack his Firebird!"

"Mercury Aqua Rhapsody…!"

"Hold on!" Dove shouted. "I activate my face-down card, Phoenix Wing Windblast! This sends Sailor Mercury to the top of your Deck!"

"Oh no!" Mercury gasped. She felt herself slowly disappearing, back to the top of Yugi's Deck.

"Amy…no!" Joey shouted.

But she was gone.

"I'll place two cards face-down and end my turn." Yugi finished. He wasn't too worried. He knew that he would draw Amy again. But he was worried about what would happen if she got sent to the Graveyard…

"Now I'll sacrifice my Firebird to summon Roc From the Valley of Haze (2400) and I'll attack your Life Points directly…!"

"Not so fast! I activate my Trap Card Ultimate Gathering!"

"What does that do?"

"This allows me to Special Summon one "Sailor" monster from my Deck! And I choose…" he paused as he leafed through the deck, "Sailor Pluto (2600)!"

Trista felt herself appear in a dueling area, she had the same feeling as Amy…confusion.

"What's going on?" she asked quietly.

"Trista." Raphael smiled.

"Trista I'm going to have to ask you to fight so we can win this duel and save all of mankind." Yugi said.

She nodded, no questions asked. "As a Sailor Scout I'll do all that I can to protect this world from evil."

"All right." Yugi said, "It's my move!" He glanced over at Valon, who didn't look too happy at seeing Joey and Raphael being so happy.

"I summon…Sailor Saturn in Attack Mode (1800)!"

"Hmm? Trista? Yugi? What's happening?"

"HOTARU!!!" Valon cried happily, running toward her.

"Valon! Stop!" Alister screamed. Valon turned around, irritated. "The barrier, remember?"

"Oh yeah…"

"Valon." Hotaru smiled, her hand pressed against the force field. Valon did the same, and although they weren't exactly touching, the moment felt just the same.

"This is going to be a loooong duel." Dove groaned.

"Sailor Saturn you must pay attention." Pluto told her. "You must fight."

Saturn turned away from Valon and nodded to her friend. "Okay."

"Sailor Pluto!" Yugi yelled. "Attack his Rock From the Valley of Haze!"

"Pluto Deadly Scream!"
"I activate Icarus Attack, by sacrificing a Winged-Beast monster, I get to destroy two cards on the field…"

"I counter by activating Scouts' Honor, when one of your cards targets my monsters, it negates the effect and destroys it!"

"Aargh!" Dove yelled. "Curse you Yugi Muto!"

"Pluto." Yugi motioned to her.

"PLUTO DEADLY SCREAM!!!" She destroyed Dove's monster with her Garnet Rod.

"Now Sailor Saturn attack his Life Points directly!"

Saturn slashed Dove with her Silence Glaive.

Dove had 2000 Life Points left. It was his turn. "I activate back to Square One, sending you Sailor Pluto back to the top of your Deck!"

"Trista!" Raphael yelled.

She smiled at him. "I'll be okay." And then she was gone.

"Now I'll summon Blue-Winged Crown in Attack Mode (1600), next I'll activate Rising Air Current, so all Wind Monsters gain 500 Attack Points!"

"Then that makes it stronger than Sailor Saturn." Duke said.

"Oh no!" Téa gasped.

"Blue-Winged Crown attack his Sailor Saturn!"

Hotaru took a few steps back as she saw the big blue bird coming toward her.

"Yugi!" she gasped. "Yugi what do I do?!"
Yugi was speechless. He knew that one of them was going to have to get destroyed sooner or later. He just never thought that it would be this soon.

"YUGI!" Valon shouted. "DO SOMETHING MATE!!!"

"He can't!" Téa told him.

"Hotaru…" he choked out, "I'm…"

"It's fine." She said. "I'll be oka- aaahhh!!!" she yelled as the bird's talons dug into her skin. And then she was gone.

Valon sunk down to the ground, weeping silently.

Yugi dropped to his knees. He couldn't take anymore. The claws, the flesh…it was all just too much. Yugi couldn't go on…

"Yugi!" Kaiba yelled. "Finish the duel!"
He got up silently and drew his card. One of them was Mini Moon. Rini!? He thought. "I summon one monster face-down!"

What's going on? Rini wondered. She was crouched down in a very uncomfortable position and it was dark. She felt something very heavy on top over her.

"Mmm…" she grunted as she tried to lift it up. When she did, she caught of glimpse of what was outside.


Yugi saw her and silently put a finger over his lips.

Rini didn't know what was going on but she made sure to follow Yugi's instructions and so she stayed quiet.

"I also activate the Spell Card, Sailor Tokens!" Four Chibi tokens came onto the field, they looked a lot like the Amazon Quartet. That ends my turn."

"I summon Faith Bird in Attack Mode (2000). Now Blue-Winged Crown, attack his face-down monster!"

His monster's beak started to peck at Mini Moon and she cried out, "Ouch! Hey! Quit it!"

"It's Rini!" Everyone shouted.

"Oh Small Lady!" Diana cried, her eyes full of tears of joy.

"Hi guys!" Rini said cheerfully. Then she looked at her outfit. "Why am I in my Scout form?"

"You're a duel monster in a duel." Pegasus explained.

"And Rini…I mean, Mini Moon, has a Flip Effect. "I'm allowed to take one "Sailor" monster and add it to my hand. And you know the only one I have is Sailor Saturn. So it returns to my hand!" He looked at Rini sadly. "I'm sorry Rini…but you have to the go to the Graveyard."

"What!? I'M DEAD!?!?"
"Duel Rini, you're in a duel." Luna sighed.

"Oh…" Rini sighed with relief. "Well, it might not be so bad. See you guys later!"

"Faith Bird attack one of the Sailor Tokens. I end my turn." Dove finished.

"I activate Sailors' Blessing and end my turn."

Dove drew his card and froze. He felt something. The last spirit…he thought, …has been utilized!

"This the end for all of you!" he shouted, laughing. "For now I sacrifice my Blue-Winged Crown and Faith Bird to summon….Sacred Phoenix of Nephthys!!! Come my Phoenix! Arise!"

"This…" Duke said, "is not good."

They all watched in horror as the mighty bird rose from its slumber. It was golden and had large wings and let out a threatening roar that sent the ground shaking.

"And now I activate Skies of Lost Spirits!" Rising Air Current got destroyed and everyone looked outside the cave as they saw hurricane-like winds rustle about. The trees were as though they were about to split at any second, and the sky was a deep gray. "Now it's time to activate Skies of Lost Spirits effect!"

It has an effect!? Yugi thought worriedly.

"Wait, that thing has an effect?" Joey asked.

"By sending my Sacred Phoenix to the Grave I'm allowed to Special Summon Dark Nephthys!" This bird was the exact opposite of Sacred Nephthys, it looked evil, had course black wings, and looked hungry…

"But Seto it has the same Attack Points!" Mokuba protested. That was true. Both the Sacred Phoenix and Dark Nephthys had 2400 Attack Points.

"How observant of you." Dove said dryly, "But when I summon Dark Nephthys by this effect it can't be destroyed as a result of battle! Now Dark Nephthys, attack one of his Sailor Tokens!"

As the Sailor Token was destroyed Yugi gained 1000 Life Points.

"Wait," Dove sputtered, "why did you gain Life Points!?"

"That's Sailors' Blessing's effect!" Yugi shouted. "Whenever a monster on my side of the field is destroyed I gain 1000 Life Points!"

"Grr…I end my turn." No matter, he thought to himself, soon he'll have no monsters left!

I have to protect my Life Points, Sailors' Blessing will keep me safe…for now. But if I run out of monsters it'll get destroyed! "I summon Sailor Saturn in Defense Mode and place one card face-down and end my turn!"
Hotaru felt herself reappear in a position where she was bent down like a knight before his king.

Valon sighed in relief at the sight of her being okay. Then it all became clear to him. "Wait, what are you doing!? She'll just get send to the Graveyard again!"

Yugi couldn't look at him. That's the point…

"Hello? I'm talking to…!"
"Valon it's okay," Hotaru said, "Yugi, he knows what he's doing. You just have to believe in him."

"She's right man," Joey told him, placing a hand on Valon's shoulder. Valon shrugged it off but said nothing.

"It's my move! I summon Sacred Crane (1600) in Attack Mode! Sacred Crane attack one of his Sailor Tokens! Dark Nephthys attack Sailor Saturn!" (In total Yugi gained 2000 Life Points.)

Sailor Saturn felt herself fading away.

"Hotaru…" Yugi choked out, "I'm so sorry."

"Don't be," she said softly, "Now I can be with Rini. I'll see you later."

It was Yugi's turn and he only had one Sailor Token left, and if that got destroyed he wouldn't be able to gain Life Points anymore. "I summon Sailor Mercury in Defense Mode and end my turn!"

"I don't get it," Téa shook her head. "What's his plan?"

"He just keeps letting his monsters get destroyed," Raphael said.

"It's my move!" Dove shouted, "I summon Eagle Eye in Attack Mode and attack one of your Sailor Tokens! Sacred Crane attack Sailor Mercury!"

Sailor Mercury stood her ground as she saw the majestic bird coming at her. "Good luck Yugi." She told him. And then she was gone.

Yugi's Sailors' Blessing was destroyed because he hand no monsters on his side of the field. Which means he was open for a direct attack.

I can use my facedown card…but not yet.

"Dark Nephthys attack his Life Points directly!"

"Aaarrrgghhh!!!" Yugi screamed as the dark bird pelted at him. He had 6300 Life Points left.

"I…activate…" Yugi grunted, "Graceful Charity." He drew his three cards, and discarded two (Sailor Pluto and Sailor Neptune). "I summon Sailor Gemini (1900) and attack your Eagle Eye and end my turn."

Dove lost 600 Life Points, meaning he was down to 1400. Let's foil the young boy's plans. "I activate Card Destruction! And since it's the only card in my hand, nothing happens! You on the other hand…must discard your three cards and draw three new ones!"

Yugi tried to hide his smile. Perfect. The three cards he discarded to the Grave was Sailor Uranus, Venus and Jupiter. Yugi drew his three new cards and grinned even more.

"Dark Nephthys attack Sailor Gemini! Sacred Crane attack his Life Points directly!"

"It's okay," Téa said, mostly to herself, "He still has 4200 Life Points."

"Now I activate Silver Crystal Calling!"

"What does that do?" Dove asked.

"By discarding one Sailor Moon from my hand to the Grave, I'm allowed to Special Summon Sailor Cosmos (2800)!" There'd be no point in attacking Dark Nephthys, since it can't be destroyed by battle…so… "Sailor Cosmos attack Sacred Crane!"

The beautiful white scout took out her long scepter and raised it high in the air. "Silver Moon Blast!" and she sent Sacred Crane flying.

"NO!" Dove yelled, he had lost 1200 Life Points. And only had 200 left.

"Yay Yugi!" Téa yelled.

"I equip Dark Nephthys with Horn of the Unicorn, so now it's stronger than your Sailor Cosmos! Dark Nephthys destroy his Sailor Scout!"

"Argh!" Yugi lost 300 Life Points as Dove ended his turn.

"I summon Sailor Mars in Defense Mode and ends my turn."

The Scout of Fire looked around in confusion. "Whoa," she said, shaking her head, "strange dream…"

"Raye!" Duke shouted. "Raye it's not a dream, you're in a duel!"


"He's right." Yugi said. "I'm going to need your help Raye."

Raye nodded. "Whatever you say Yugi."

"Enough dilly dally! It's my move! I summon Sonic Duck (1700) and attack your Sailor Mars with Dark Nephthys!"

"OUCH!" Sailor Mars yelped as the bird smoldered her.

"Now that she's out of the way Sonic Duck attack him directly!"

Okay, Yugi thought, I have two cards in my hand. One of them was Tuxedo Mask. I don't have any monsters to sacrifice… "I'll just place one card face-down and end my turn."

"You're finished!" Dove shouted. "Dark Nephthys attack his Life Points directly…!"

"Not so fast! I activate Moon Destruction! By removing Mini Moon fro play I get to destroy one card on the field. And since Dark Nephthys can't be destroyed by battle…I'll destroy it with a Trap Card!"

"What!? NO!" Dove shouted, his evil Phoenix now gone. "Fine then!" he spat, "Sonic Duck! Destroy him!"

"I activate my face-down card Princess Summoning!"

"What does that do???" Dove seethed.

"This allows me to Special Summon all "Sailor" or "Mini Moon" monsters in my graveyard or that were removed from play onto my side of the field!"

"What? But that's impossible! You only have five slots for your monsters!"

"True, but if I have no Spell and Trap cards I'm allowed to take those slots too! Meaning I can summon ten monsters!"

"So that's why he sent his monsters to the Grave!" Valon laughed. "So he can summon them all at once!"

"That's the way to do it!" Joey shouted.

Pegasus smiled. He knew that Yugi would come through.

Everyone watched as all of the Sailor Scouts began to appear. The field looked like this:

Venus Mercury Moon Mars Jupiter Saturn Neptune Mini Moon Pluto Uranus

The Sailor Scouts opened their eyes and smiled.

"It's nice to see you again." Neptune told Uranus.

"You know," she replied, "I was in the middle of a race"

"Mina!" Mokuba yelled.

"Hey kiddo!" She smiled and waved to Kaiba.

"This…this isn't possible!" Dove sputtered. "You…and…the…???"

As Dove was going on everybody looked up to see the ten items float down toward the Sailor Scouts. Suddenly…they knew. The Scouts knew how to harness their powers. And they were ready.

Yugi nodded to them.

Sailor Moon held out the diamond in front of her. "Moon Tranquil Power!!!"

The Scouts followed her lead.

Sailor Venus held out the angel wings in front of her. "Venus Celestial Power!"

Sailor Mercury opened the book and yelled out, "Mercury Wisdom Power!"

Sailor Mars lit her candle. "Mars Inferno Power!"

Sailor Jupiter threw down her thunderbolt "Jupiter Vigor Power!"

Mini Moon held her princess staff high into the air and called out, "Moon Petite Power!"

Now it was time for the Outer Planet Scouts.

Sailor Saturn started to twirl the ribbon around her body. "Saturn Demolition Power!"

Sailor Neptune put on the turquoise necklace. "Neptune Aqua Power!"

Sailor Uranus held out the rock and called out, "Uranus Terrain Power!"

Sailor Pluto went last, her pocket watch opening up. "Pluto Era Power!"

Everybody watched in awe as they saw the Sailor Scouts transform into what would be known as their "Dominant" forms.

"Amazing…" Pegasus breathed. He never thought that this would happen.

"Sailor Scouts!" Sailor Moon yelled out, "Lend me your power! So we can defeat this enemy and save the world from destruction!"

All of the Scouts had given their power to Sailor Moon. A Silver Crystal Scepter was given to her and the Scouts put their hands over hers as she held the scepter out and yelled, "PLANETARY ANHILATION STRIKE!!!"

"NOOO!!!!!" Dove yelled, as his Life Points went down to 0.

The effect of Skies of Lost Spirits was now activating and the winds from outside blew into the cave and surrounded Dove, until there was nothing left of him.

Yugi fell down to his knees, exhausted and the barrier around his was no longer there.

"Yugi you did it! You won!" Téa cried, hugging her friend.

He looked up at the Sailor Scouts. "I couldn't…have done it…with out you. Thank you."

Sailor Moon turned to him. She shook her head. "No Yugi. Thank you. You defeated Dove and his Phoenix. And now…everyone who had lost his or her spirit will now be back. So I guess we'll see you later!"

Now the Sailor Scouts were disappearing, and al that was left were their spirits, white, pink, orange, blue, red, green, black, midnight blue, violet, aquamarine. The spirits flew through the caves and were going back to their rightful owners.

"Come on!" Joey yelled, getting a head start toward the castle. "Let's see if everybody's back!"

Everyone ran after him, eager to see their friends.

Only Yugi, Pegasus, and the three cats stayed behind.

Pegasus started by saying, "That was by far the best duel you've ever won Yugi boy."

"Not to mention your most difficult." Artemis added.

"But you managed to pull through." Luna smiled.

"Thanks you for saving everybody Yugi!" Diana purred, rubbing against Yugi's leg.

He patted her head. "You're welcome Diana. I-…"

Téa poked her head through the cave. "Yugi? You coming?"

"Right. Let's go."


Raye squinted as she shouted, "Hey look there they are!" When the spirits of the Scouts were set free, the bodies in the Phoenix Shrine were taken back to the castle, all in different rooms.

Everyone saw as Yugi and the others were coming toward them, and soon, they all started running.

"Guys!" Téa shouted, hugging them all.

Lita was holding Tristan's hand, happy to be with him.

Joey's eyes went wide when he saw his little sister Serenity. Amy was with her. He ran toward them, hugging them both.

"Joey," Serenity cried, "I missed you!"

"Y-you're kind of choking us Joey," Amy choked out.

"Huh? Oh, sorry." He let go of them.

"Mina!" Mokuba shouted.

Mina caught Mokuba and they spun around in a hug. She put Mokuba down when she saw Kaiba. At first he just stood there, then he opened up his arms and Mina ran and hugged him.

"It's good to be back sunshine," she said against his chest.

Valon was with Hotaru, and Raye and Duke had already started arguing, it was there way to show their love.

"Glad everything's back to normal," Alister murmured.

"I still have to find my family though." Raphael said.

Alister nodded. "Me too."

"Well it looks like you could use some help."

Alister and Raphael looked up to find Trista and Michelle standing in front of them. They each smiled.

"It could take awhile." Raphael told them.

Trista winked. "We're pretty patient."

Everyone was laughing and just happy to be together. Then Téa noticed Yugi, standing alone, and looking around.

"Is something wrong Yugi?" she asked.


"HI GUYS!!!"

Everyone turned to find Darien, Serena and Rini at the entrance of the castle, Serena holding Darien's hand and Rini in front of them. They looked like the perfect family.

"Rini!" Yugi yelled. Rini began to run toward them, and she threw her arms around Yugi's neck.

"SERENA!!!" the girls yelled.

"Oh guys!" she cried, wrapped in their hugs.

"We're so glad you're okay!" Lita said.

As everyone was gathered around Serena, a figure began to emerge in front of them.

"Dark Magician Girl!" Yugi exclaimed.

"You did it Yugi." She said. "You defeated Dove and saved all of mankind."

"Wait a minute…" Luna murmured.

"That voice…" Artemis gasped. "It's the same on as the girl from headquarters!!!"

Dark Magician Girl smiled. "I was wondering when you would figure it out. Both our worlds are connected. I was the one that sent you those items. I knew that you would be needing them."

"Wait," Serena started, "But how did you know that we were the Sailor Scouts?"

"I could feel it. Your spirits were pure just like that of the Sailor Scouts."

"All right, when duel monsters start talking that means it's time for me to go," Kaiba muttered, about to get into his Blue Eyes Jet.

Mina ran to him. "Wait! After all we've been through, you're just gonna turn and leave?"

"Duh." He said.

She stared at him for a few minutes. Then said, "Well, see ya later then!"

As he and Mokuba took flight, Kaiba looked back down and chuckled. "Yeah. See ya."

Mokuba waved frantically back at his friends, confident that he would soon see them again.

When the jet was well out of sight, Mina turned back to her friends. "Well, what do we do from here?"

Yugi shrugged. "Go home I guess."

"Wait," Raye interrupted, "So…who won the tournament?"

Pegasus turned to them all and said, "You all did."

"You're kiddin' right?" Joey said. "That's the corniest thing I ever heard of!" And then he started to sulk.

Everybody then laughed at him.

"Hey guys!" Téa shouted, pointing up at the sky, "Look!"

They all looked up to see four birds circling the sky. They recognized them as the Aviators. But there was one more…in the middle of the four.

"Is that…?" Amy started.

"It is." Yugi said. "That's a dove."

"Guess he was finally set free." Rini murmured.

"Well Rina," Rebecca snorted, "I guess I owe you an apology. You're not so bad after all."

"It told you already it's…!"

Rebecca held up her hand. "I know," she said. "It's Rini."

Rini gasped happily and hugged her new friend. At first Rebecca cringed but soon returned the hug.

Yugi smiled, relieved.

Serena laid her hand on Rini's shoulder. "Let's go home." She said softly.

Rini nodded. "Mm-hmm."

"Well," Lita laughed. "That was quite an adventure!"

"We should remember to be more careful the next time we hang out." Raye winked.

"I have a feeling that there's going to be a lot more problems in the future." Yugi said.

"I feel that too." Serena agreed.

"Well," Darien said, "as long as we stick together there's nothing that we can't do."

Everyone nodded in agreement. And so they all looked up into the sky, watching the birds fly up high and circle the sun, where the light shined down over the land, through the hills, past the mountains and valleys, across the clear, sparkling blue ocean…where a new beginning awaits.



A/N: I know, I know, not the most brilliant ending, but...hey, what are you gonna do? Just to let you know, the Sailor Moon cards ARE NOT REAL, I made them up on , and by the way, if you want to see them, if you give me your email address I'll be happy to email them to ya! Also, I can email a picture of the Aviators, or any of the duels for anyone who wants them. Just leave your email address in your review and tell me what ya want! Also, after each story I'm trying to do this thing where you can ask questions after the story. It's really fun, so check it out at my profile, it's called Phoenix Awakening - Your Questions. Oh, and I'd rather that you post your questions not here, but on the activity. Anyway, thanks!