Chapter 7: Not Much Brings Much (Much time has passed. It was July 1st, 2018)

It is now February 19, 2019. (Amy is 12 in the present. She is 23 in this story. IDK) Amy is in the Mobius Hospital. Shadow is at home. So is everyone else. Though, seeing that it is 5:00am, everyone is asleep. Everyone but Shadow that is. Shadow has been worrying the crap out of himself. He shakes when he goes to sleep. Worrying that the phone would ring, he wouldn't hear it, and the baby would be born without him there. He has gone for 6 days straight without sleep. He keeps saying 'I'm the Ultimate Life-Form, I don't need sleep'. But actually, everyone needs their sleep. Including Ultimate Life-Forms. He knows it too, but he feels the need to deny it. Then, he decides to go to the hospital to check on Amy.

It is 6:00am when Shadow gets to the hospital. He quickly walks to front desk. "Hello, sir. How may I help you?" asked a young woman with light brown hair and light blue eyes. "Um, hello. I'm looking for Amy Rose." Shadow said quickly. The woman looked at her papers and said, "Room 117 on the second floor, sir." "Thank you very much." Shadow said walking towards the elevator. The elevator nearly closed when he got there. Luckily, someone inside stopped it to let him in. "Thank you for letting me in." Shadow said. "No problem. You looked like you were in a hurry. So what floor are you going to?" asked a tall man. He looked to be in his early 30's. "Second floor." Shadow replied. The man pushed the button with a 2 on it, and about 3 seconds later, they were moving. "So what's the big rush?" The tall man asked, trying to bring up conversation. "My wife is pregnant. And I want to be here with her." Shadow said back. The man smiled at him, though Shadow didn't see it. He didn't actually look at the man when he talked to him. The elevator stopped. "Well, nice talking to you, but I gotta go." Shadow said, walking out the elevator.

"111, 113, 115, 117. Here it is." Shadow mumbles to himself. He knocks on the door. No answer. He knocks harder. No answer. The door is unlocked, so he peeks inside. Amy is asleep. He looks at his watch. It's 6:30am, and she usually wakes up around 9:00am. 'Hmm. I suppose I'm here a little early. Well, I went through all this trouble. I might as well stay here. Maybe I can take a nap. If I go to sleep, the doctors can wake me up.' Shadow thought to himself. Then his cell phone rang. (He has a lot of fan girls, so his ring tone is 'I'm A Flirt.' xD) The caller ID read: Your Main Man. Shadow answered the phone in a whisper. "Hello?" "Shadow, where are you?" Eric asked. Shadow stepped out the room. "I'm at the hospital." He replied in his regular voice. "Dude, what happened to you?" Eric asked worriedly. "Nothing. Amy's in the hospital. She's pregnant. I told you that I was coming here instead of the gym yesterday, you dang dummy." Shadow said, sounding irritated. Shadow took a deep breath. Then let it out and said, "Sorry about that. I'm just very nervous." "Well don't take your anxiety out on me, dude. Well, I'll let you get back to what your doin'. Call me later and tell me how it went." Said Eric. "Alright." "Laters." Shadow closes his phone with a 'click'. Then Shadow sits in a chair across from Amy. He closes his eyes and falls sound asleep.

Two and a half hours later. (I don't know why that's always the elapsed time) Amy awakens. She sees the dark figure across from her. Her vision is a little blurry from sleeping. She wipes her eyes. Then blinks a couple times. She sees that the dark figure is Shadow. She smiles. 'Aww, he looks so cute when he's asleep. I wonder if I should wake him.' She shrugs her shoulders. (P.S. Amy got the same powers as Shadow when they kissed at the wedding. And Shadow's powers are slightly different and he has more of them) Amy softly says 'Shadow.' Shadow's eyes flash open. He was turned sideways in the chair, so he looks out the corner of his eyes. He smiles. Then he turns straight and gets out the chair. He walks over to the right side of her bed. He takes her hand. They smile at each other. Shadow asks, "So, how are you feeling?" "Alright, I guess. My stomach feels a little funny though. But I'm sure it's just part of the process." She replied. Shadow smiled, but he didn't feel like smiling inside. He felt sorry that Amy was going through all this trouble. He felt like it was his fault. Then his smile turned into a slight frown from his thought. "It's not your fault, babe. Whatever happens happens." Amy assured him, putting her hand on his cheek. Shadow's frown turned back into a smile at he warm touch of Amy's hand. Then he asked, "Isn't a doctor supposed to be in here when you wake up?" "I think so." Amy replied unsurely. Shadow looked around the small blue room. He spotted a phone to the left of Amy's bed. He walked towards it. He then called the front desk. He asked whether a doctor was supposed to be in there with them. The same woman that he talked to earlier sent a doctor up there. Shadow felt much better.

30 minutes later, (I like to keep my readers deep in the loop of things.) Shadow's phone starts singing and vibrating. The caller ID says: Miss T. (Kathy put that) "Excuse me for a minute." Shadow says, stepping out of the room. "Hello?" Shadow answers, sounding kind of annoyed. "Hey, don't answer me like that. I own you, for you shall answer me with praise." Kathy said in a triumphant voice. She seemed to call most of her friends her pets. Shadow rolled his ruby red eyes. "I felt that. Anyway I called to tell you that me and Adriana are coming too." (all phone talkers are underlined) "Okay, but don't mess anything up. This is one of the most important days of my life. One mess up, and it will be you we're all here for." Shadow replied in a harsh tone. "Yeesh Shadow. Why do you have to be so cruel. Besides, Amy is one of my best buds. Why would I mess up something like this?" Kathy said in a devious voice. She wasn't planning anything, but she wanted to make Shadow feel that way. She says it's because she's evil. "Hey. I'm watchin' you. And don't you forget that." Shadow said fiercely. "Oh don't worry. I won't. P.S. I am NOT…. Afraid of you. Heh." Kathy then hung up. Kathy was there with Adriana in about 20 minutes. Amy was doing fine, and Shadow was pacing the room.

Kathy scurries up to the front desk. Surprisingly, the same woman Shadow came to was still here. Cool. "Hello…. Christy. I'm looking for Amy Rose please." "Hello. Miss Rose is in room 117." Christy, the desk lady, instructed. She gestured to the elevator. "Thank you Miss. By the way, it Mrs. Rose. She's married." Kathy corrected with a smirk. Christy giggled a bit at this and went back to her work. The elevator reaches it's point of flooring and stops. 'Ding' The doors open. Adriana and Kathy rush out of the elevation system towards….. well, they were actually just running straight, expecting Shadow to be outside of the door. No sign of him. So the duo decide to actually look at the door numbers. "Yes. 117 right here." Kathy says. Kathy presses her ear to the door and knocks. Adriana is right under her, since she's shorter, listening as well. They both hear Shadow speaking. But he's not speaking to them. They assume it's Amy who he's referring to. They knock again. Shadow opens the door this time. The two proceed in. 45

It was peaceful yet boring in the room. All they did was talk about random crap. But then, Amy blurts out the words that cause all of them to jump out of their skins. What were the words? I'm pretty sure you've already figured it out. If not, I will tell you. Amy said, "Oh my gosh! My water broke!" OMFG! OMFG!!! Shadow, Adriana, and Kathy's eyes widen in fear. "Oh my f'ing god! (Kathy prefers not to say the f word, there for she says f'ing) Uh, uh….. DOCTOR PERSON! DON'T JUST STAND THERE! DO SOMETHING FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!! MY GOODNESS!" Kathy yelled. Then, Kathy realized something. "Shadow. You have to get out of here. It's not safe." Kathy said running over to Shadow. He glares at her. "What are you talking about. I'm staying right here." Shadow says lightly stomping his foot on the ground below. "No Shadow. You can't. Your man-made remember. Not a lot, but you are part robot. The screaming and pressure will cause you to short circuit…… or something. Either way go to the waiting room." Kathy demanded. "No! I'm staying with Amy!" Shadow yelled. To be honest, Shadow was quite caring, despite his attitude. "(pant) No Shadow. (pant) Kathy's right. (pant)" Amy tried to say. Shadow just looked at her with a worried face. "Shadow, just go. I swear I'll come get you before the doctor gets a chance to finish rinsing it….. or however he cleans it. K? I know never to swear and lie." Shadow looked at Amy, as if asking her 'should I' through his eyes. Amy nodded. Shadow hung his head down, and turned to the door. He opened it and walked out.

It has only been 15 minutes. But to Shadow, it was like 15 years! Shadow sat down from ten minutes of pacing in front of his chair. If anyone gave him a weird look, he devoured it in a death glare. Shadow was a little….. Wait, let me re-phrase that. Shadow was very sweaty. But it wasn't because of the pacing. It was his nervousness. He got up to get a soda. He took two steps away from his chair and stopped dead in his tracks. 'What if they come and expect me to be here? What if they can't find me and finish up without me? Oh man. What do I do? I know. I'll just stay right here. I don't need a drink. I'm the ULF (ultimate life-form).' And with that said…. Or thought, Shadow sat right back down to sweat some more.

While Shadow was worrying, everything seemed to be going smoothly. Well, kinda. Amy was screaming in agony, as intended. Kathy and Adriana tried their best to keep her calm. It… didn't work. The baby was 2/3 of the way out. Then Kathy remembered something.


"Shadow, just go. I swear I'll come get you before the doctor gets a chance to finish rinsing it….. or however he cleans it. K?"

End of Flashback

Kathy ran over to the door. "(pant) Kathy, (pant) where are you (pant) going (pant)?" Amy whispered. "I have to go get Shadow. I'll be back in a bit. Adriana, come on." And with that, Kathy and Adriana sprinted towards the waiting area. Which was surprisingly quiet far. The duo ran their fastest, trying to keep Kathy's promise. In about another 20 seconds, they made it to the waiting area. "Shadow! Come on!" Shadow looked up to see his two friends huffing his name. He then snapped his fingers, trying to teleport his way to the waiting room (he doesn't need the dramatic 'Chaos Control' thing in here). Didn't work. Kathy realized and tried to do it too. Didn't work. Actually, it didn't work for any of them. "What the.. why won't this work?" Kathy questioned looking at her fingers. Then, out of nowhere, Shadow takes off running towards the room. Kathy looked up to the sound of running metal shoes. Her eyes widen. "Son of a gun. D, come on." Adriana looks at Kathy. Kathy signals her to run. They both take off chasing Shadow.

While running, Kathy calls out to Shadow. "Shadow! Quit running." "No." was all he said, while glancing back. "Yes." Adriana and Kathy both said. "I have to be there!" he said, turning a corner. Kathy and Adriana look at each other and sped up. They both did their share of sports, therefore they were pretty fast. Adriana and Kathy make it to the corner, nearly falling coming around it. A piece of the blue carpet was flipped up. Adriana took notice and jumped over it. Kathy didn't notice and tripped on it. Well, she didn't necessarily trip. She landed on her knees. But she got right back up and continued chasing an overwhelmed Shadow. "Hey, I can see that smile on your face." Kathy said, taking place to the right of Adriana. She quickly wiped it off and looked ahead. "Look Kait, there's the door." Adriana said pointing forward. (when speaking quickly, they use their nicknames, Kait and D) Kathy nodded.

They finally make it. When the walk in, they notice that the baby has been all the way out for about 2.59 seconds. "Good. (huff) We made it. (huff)" Kathy huffed. They both fell to the ground. But they were up within another 20 seconds. When the twosome awoke, they found a little bundle in Amy's arms. Amy also had tears in her eyes. Shadow was not used to this kind of behavior, therefore he had the urge to ask, "Ames, why are you crying?" Apparently he somehow forgot she had a smile on her face. "It's okay, Shadow. She's just happy. That's all." Adriana informed, putting her hand on his shoulder. "Hey Ames, since me and D just got in here, we don't even know what it is. May we have the pleasure of knowing?" Kathy asked, peeking over Shadow's shoulder. She wasn't quite as tall as him yet. "(sniff) It's a girl." was Amy's reply. Shadow smiled. "(sniff) Would you like to hold her, Shadow?" Amy asked, looking up at him with her eyes sparkling from the tears. Shadow looked at her with a facial expression that said 'Oh please. Pretty please'. Amy handed the little girl to her husband. Shadow just stared at his little angel. She was purple with red tips at the end of her quills. She looked a lot like Amy except for the color. Her eyes were shut, so they couldn't see her eye color. Shadow sniffled. "I'll be right back." He said, handing his little bundle of joy to her mother. Shadow teleported out of the room.

Shadow had teleported to a big courtyard type thing that was in the back of the hospital. The way the hospital was shaped was like it was a big rectangle with a chunk of the back used as a courtyard. It was for the people to walk out and take a look at the beautiful scenery. The room they were in had a pretty good view of the landscape. Shadow was standing about a foot away from a longleaf pine tree that was back there. his head was down with one of his hands on his face. And since Kathy was so nosey, she just HAD to go see what was up with him. "Be back in a sec." She said. Then she teleported to who knows where. Within a second of leaving, she came back to say, 'Possibly'. Then she left to wherever.

Kathy appeared in the 50 foot tall tree that Shadow was standing by. She was at the very top. The branches were kind of thin though. Then, Shadow senses her presence up in the tree. He looks up at her. "What are you doing up there?" He asked wiping his face. "I'm spying on you. What does it look like? I mean, I'm up in a 50 foot tree right above you. What else would I be doing? By the way, I saw you through the window. What were doing? Were you having a 'moment'?" Kathy asked with a smirk on her face. Shadow was indeed having a moment. Actually, he shed a tear or two in his time. But he wasn't going to tell her that. But just when he was about to speak, something happened. He didn't do it, but it was awkwardly convenient. The branch that Kathy's right foot was on had snapped. And when she leaned on her left foot, the branch was even slimmer. "Oh….. CRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAPPPP!!!!!" She yelled while falling 50 feet towards the ground. She used the trunk of the tree to push herself out and away from the branches. Shadow couldn't not stop laughing. He laughed so hard, he fell to the ground crying. When Kathy was about 5 feet away from the ground below, she cringed up to help with the impact. It seemed to work, seeing that all that was done to her was a couple scratches from the branches and the fact that she was num.

After about ten minutes, Shadow actually calmed down enough to see if she was okay. "Hahaha. Hey Kat, you okay?" He asked, trying to hold in the remainder of his laughter. (He calls her Kat sometimes, just like some people call him Shad.) "Yeah. I'm just peachy. ARE YOU FREAKIN' KIDDING!?! I JUST FELL FROM A DANG 50 FOOT TREE! WHY IN THE WORLD WOULD YOU ASK ME THAT!?! IF I FALL FROM THAT KIND OF HEIGHT, AND LIVE, I LIVE! THAT DOESN'T MEAN I'M OKAY! GOSH!" Kathy answered. She didn't mean to be rude, but if you fall from a 50 foot tree, you'd probably be steamed as well. "Well, you can't use Chaos Control if your scared like that." Shadow said. "Oh really? Great timing too. Because I was about to use it while being scared out of my mind. It's not like I could've used like, oh I don't know, five minutes ago." Kathy said sarcastically. "I know your being sarcastic. But I think it's funny." Shadow said with a smirk on his face. "I hate you so much right now. But you know what, just leave me here. I'm num and the grass is thick and warm. I'll come back when I get the chance. But for right now, just go be with daddy's little angel. K?" Kathy said with her head up. "You sure?" He asked reaching his hand out. "Yeah. Just go." Kathy said dropping her head back onto the warm grass. "Oookay. Can't say I didn't try." Shadow said. Then he teleported back to the room. "Ugh. Man, that really hurt." Kathy mumbled to herself.

Shadow popped back into the room almost dieing trying to hold in his laughter. The baby was asleep. Amy was holding her lovingly. "Hey, Ames. I just thought about something." Shadow said looking at the baby. "What's that?" Amy asked, sounding like she wasn't even paying attention. "What are we going to name her?" He asked. Amy snapped out of her love trance towards the girl in her arms. "You know, I didn't even think about that." Amy said looking at Shadow. "I like the name Ella." Shadow suggested, shrugging his shoulder. "I do too. What about her middle name?" Amy asked looking at the baby again. "Uh, you pick. I got to pick her first name." Shadow said looking at his baby. "I like Marie. Ella Marie. What do you think?" Amy asked Shadow. By the way, in case you were wondering, Adriana was somewhere and the doctor had left the room. Kathy is still outside laying pitifully on the ground. Anyway, back to the Shadow and Amy convo. "I don't know, Ames. Let's ask her." Shadow said smiling. Shadow picked the baby back up. "Hey there, sleepy head. How ya doin'? I'm your daddy, Shadow. Hey, what do you think of the name Ella Marie, huh? Do you like that? Do you like the name Ella?" Shadow whispered, talking in slight baby talk. Amy giggled. Then, Ella did something that just made Shadow's heart light up.

She smiled for the first time. She also opened her eyes. Shadow was near tears again. Amy noticed. She smiled warmly. "Apparently, she likes the name Ella." Shadow said, trying his best to keep himself from crying. Ella's eyes were red, just like Shadow's. That also made him blissful. Yay! Shadow is actually happy. That's a….. second?

Adriana came back to room. Although she didn't walk in. She peeked through the door. "Hmm. Shadow seems to be happy right now. Wouldn't want to ruin the moment, now would I? Hmm… Nah. Shadow will kill me if I do. Hey, where's Kait? She isn't in there. I think I'll call her cell." Adriana thought to herself. Then she used speed dial number 4 to call her best buddy.

Meanwhile, on the ground: Kathy was layin' there on the warm ground. Then her cellular phone started to sing 'Let It Rock'. (that is also a song; by Kevin Rudolph. Good song, good song.) "Grrrr! Dang these people and their awkward time of calling!" Kathy said out loud to no one in particular. The caller ID read: 'My Bestie'. (again, Kait put that) "Hello!?!" Kait asked ferociously. "Whoa! Sorry to bother you!" Adriana apologized. "My bad. I'm just a little cranky, which I'm sure you would be too if you FELL OUT of a FREAKIN' 50 FOOT TREE!!" Kait said angrily. "Oh my gosh!! Kait are you okay!?!" D asked very worriedly. "Well, I've been on the ground for about *checks watch* 13 minutes now. But, it's best to hurt yourself at a hospital, right?" Kait said, trying to cheer herself up. "I guess. Hey, do you want me to come out there with you. We can just lay on the grass and watch the clouds." D suggested. "Company would be nice." Kait said, confirming that she wants her out there. "K. I'll be there in about a 50 milliseconds. Laters" And D hung up. "Cool. I guess I could clou….." Kait was interrupted by D popping up. "Told you I'd be here quick." D said taking place on the ground next to Kait. "Never doubted ya." Kait said. And together, the just laid there. Talking and watching the sky.

Wow. Longest Chappy EVER! WOO! Anyway, yes I changed Eva's name to Ella. Sorry if you liked that name. Also, Kathy's nickname is Kait, and Adriana's nickname is D. And sorry I took so long with this chapter. But I appreciate you reading and I just LOVE it if you reviewed. And no more cuss words. Mother's rule. THANKS!!!!