Thank you SOOOO much to all of you have supported this fic from the beginning...your support was the reason I kept writing and tried to update as fast as I could…and well good news I am going to do the sequel..I will post the information at the end of this chapter...this chapter will have no spoilers...its going to be from Leah's p.o.v. ..This story after all was about it's going to end with her...but no worries she will be a part of the sequel. So ladies and gentleman here is the final chapter of Leah's Secret :'')
Five years later
I woke up feeling a bit restless, I stretched out my arm, trying to find my gorgeous husband, but was disappointed when I realized he wasn't there. My eyes opened up immediately, and I noticed a card addressed to me on his pillow. I picked it up, a bit scared,' what if he had been abducted?', and this was some kind of ransom.
'Breathe Leah. Relax' I told myself repeatedly. I struggled to open the card because my fingers were trembling so hard.
My love
There is a dress for you in the closet, Seth is waiting for you downstairs, and he will bring you to me.
Love you with all my heart
I re-read the letter ten times before I decided I should get up, I walked to the closet to find the most amazing Canary yellow dress hanging in it, it was breathtaking, I had never seen a dress so beautiful.
I decided I needed to shower before putting it on, I showered rather quickly, put on my sexiest lingerie, and I had a feeling that whatever Jake was doing for me deserved some sort of compensation, then I put on the dress. It fit my body like a glove; it trailed down to a bit above my knee. I was thankful I was stuck in a twenty year olds body, this dress wasn't meant for anyone in the middle age.
I put on heels and applied a hint of makeup and was on my way, anxiously dying to see Jake. I went down the stairs quickly and nearly crashed into Seth.
"Wow, Lee, you look amazing" Seth told me a bit shocked.
I heard wolf whistles and turned to see Sammy and Embry playing some video games, Sammy winked at me, son of mine must be aware of the plan. Did I mention, my Sammy had turned out to be one good looking man, looked just like his dad but better, all the girls in La Push and Forks were dying for him to notice them, but of course him being Sam's son he imprinted, leaving broken hearts in its wake.
"So, Lee ready to go?" Seth asked me.
"Depends, where are you taking me?"
"Nope, I am not telling you, it's a surprise"
"But Seth I hate surprises" I whined.
"Stop acting like your five; now turn around so I can blindfold you"
"What?! Are you insane, I am not going anywhere blindfolded." I folded my arms in front of my chest in defiance.
"Mom, come on, do it for Jake, he worked really hard, don't ruin it for him" Sam pleaded as he hugged me from behind.
"Fine" I muttered defeated, Sam and Jake knew my weakness.
Seth blindfolded me, and carried me in the car, the drive was quiet I knew Seth didn't want to put himself in a compromising position. It felt like we were in the cars for hours before I felt Seth come to halt.
"Are we actually here or is it another stop light?" I murmured.
"Nope we have finally reached our destination."
I felt the car door at my side open, but Seth was still sitting next to me, I knew exactly who it was the moment his skin crazed mine, and it was the love of my existence.
"Jacob Black, can I take this damn blindfold off?"
"No not yet, but soon princess, just a little while longer" I was about to protest but his lips gently grazed mine, leaving me at a loss of speech.
Jake carried me out of the car and started walking "I am really glad Susie picked this dress it looks phenomenal on you"
"Susie picked it out?"
"Yeah, she is your daughter, I knew she would now what would look amazing on you"
"Yup, that's my kid; did you send her by herself?"
"No, she went with Embry" he declared.
"Oh I just bet she tried it on for him and everything" I teased him.
Jake trembled slightly, but gained his composure quickly. Our dear Susie was discovering her feelings for Embry, and had been trying desperately hard to get his attention. Jake was right we were having trouble keeping all the boys away from her, if Sam had broken the hearts of the girls on the rez, Susan had taken care of the boys, she was gorgeous and the boys were lining up, of course she didn't notice her eyes were only for Embry, even though Embry was trying really hard to ignore the fact that "his little Susie" was now a woman. It was hilarious to watch how he would try and scare the boys off, when they tried to make a move on her, my poor god son Levi Uley, who wasn't bad looking himself was one of the boys.
Billy had definitely grown into himself, he resembled his father more and more, and the girls were starting to notice, who would've guessed that Leah Clearwater would have such hot offspring. Ha-ha.
Emma, Sam and Emily's girl was a sight herself, looked just like her mom, but she had Sam's eyes, she didn't get the attention Susan got, but the boys did notice, drove Sam crazy, it was hilarious.
I was so lost in thought I hadn't even noticed Jake had been walking in silence for a long time, "Sweetheart, please where are you taking me, I feel so useless" I pleaded.
"Babe, we are almost there" he assured me, kissing my forehead.
After about five minutes he finally placed me on the ground, he untied the knot on the blindfold, and took it off, leaving me speechless.
The place was beautiful and yet familiar, Jake had decorated just like he did when he took me out on our first date, roses were scattered all over the sand, I recognized the beach immediately. We were on the Makah Reservation, the place Jake and I had re united.
"Do you like it?" he asked me as he wrapped his arms around my waist.
"It's perfect" I breathed turning around to face him.
"Leah, this is the exact place I was standing when I imprinted on you, this is the place I stood as I realized that you were the only one for me"
"How could you remember?"
"Babe, imprinting on you is my favorite memory, I could never forget it"
"I don't deserve you" I told him as I placed a hand on his cheek
"No, you deserve better, but fate thought I was good enough to have you, and I am not going to fight it"
I chuckled. Could he be any more perfect "Jake, I don't know why life thought that I deserved such an amazing man, but I have been the happiest woman in the world since you came into my life, I have a beautiful loving family thanks to you, Jacob if wasn't for you I would still be living in my own personal hell whole, and I am so thankful that fate or my guardian angel gave me a second chance"
"We saved each other Lee, it's you and me forever, remember?"
"Forever and ever babe" I told him as I got on my toes to kiss him.
Jake broke off the kiss, and led me to what I imagined to be the dance floor, he took out a remote from his pocket and the music started blaring, Frank Sinatra's 'Can't take my eyes off you' echoing through the trees.
"Your just to good to be true, can't take my eyes off you, you be like heaven to touch I wanna hold you so much, at long last love has arrived, and I thank god I am alive, your just too good to be true, can't take my eyes off of you." Jake sang into my ear, while we gilded on top of the rose petals.
He twirled me around as he sang the part" I love you, baby, And if it's quite alright, I need you, baby, to warm a lonely night .I love you, baby. Trust in me when I say: Oh, pretty baby don't bring me down, I pray. Oh, pretty baby, now that I found you, stay and let me love you, baby. Let me love you."
The song ended, Jake leaned down to kiss me, and I a bit too enthusiastically pulled him to the ground kissing him passionately.
We kissed under the sunset, declaring our love to each other.
My life had changed in this spot; I was drowning before Jacob came into my life. He was my air, without him I couldn't breathe nor live, was it me and him forever.
So Leah Clearwater, No Leah Black found her prince charming in Jacob Black and he swept her off her feet like no other man, it is safe to say she truly got her Happily Ever After :)
Ah!!! Its over at least Leah's story is, thank you so much for always reading...please tell me if you liked the ending..Review :)
As promised info on the sequel:
Book Two: A Fresh Start
It will be about the relationships of Sam- Renesmee, Embry-Susan, and you will get to know Levi, Emma, and Billy a lot better. Leah, Jake, Seth, Sam, and Emily will also be a part of it including the Cullen's. Quil and Claire will be mentioned from time to time.
I will start it hopefully tomorrow so be on the lookout you can find it on Leah or Renesmee's page…till then.