
Hey, I've decided to update and revise a lot of these seeing as how these stories are super old and I've grown as a writer. So here we go.


The sound of crying echoed through the desolate house and into the ears of Sabrina Grimm. She stopped dead in her tracks, making the person following her crash into her back

"Grimm, do you hear that?" Puck asked.

"Of course I do, Puck," she replied with a scoff, then more seriously added. "Do you think it's Red's little brother?"

Puck shrugged, "Have you known me to think very hard?"

Sabrina was inclined to agree, "That might be the smartest thing you've ever said in your life."

The two 13-year-old had been on the trail of this baby for months now, and they finally had the opportunity to find the kid. As the crying grew louder, Sabrina quickened her pace. Soon, they reached a closed door; Puck busted it open with one elephant-footed kick. Sabrina rushed to the small, white crib that sat in the middle of the room and looked inside. With a small gasp, she picked up the baby inside of it and cradled it close to her chest.

"Puck, here he is." she whispered. The little baby watched her, eyes wide and cheeks reddening. Sabrina was hypnotized by its emerald green eyes and mop of blond hair. Puck walked over and placed his hand on her shoulder.

"He's so—small," he said.

"Well, I'm guessing the world is a better place because you've never been around a baby before," Sabrina muttered, rolling her eyes.

Puck reached out to grab the baby, but it had other plans. Instead, it grabbed Puck's finger and gripped it tightly.

"Ahh! It's got me!" Puck yelled.

"Oh Puck, lighten up. Hey, I think we should name him." Sabrina said.

Puck scrunched up his nose, "Why would we do that?"

The girl rolled her eyes for what felt like the hundredth time, "Well, we can't keep calling him 'Red's brother' or 'the baby', can we?"

The fairy scoffed, "I knew that. We'll name him Robin. After me, of course."

Sabrina gave him a cold look.

"What?" he asked innocently.

"Why should we name him after you," Sabrina asked him.

"Because he looks like me," Puck said, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

Sabrina frowned and looked down at the baby in her arms. She then let out a gasp. Puck was right, the baby did look like him a little, but that had to just be a coincidence—unless.

"Puck, you don't think—" she started to ask.

"I never think!" Puck crowed brightly.

Sabrina found herself rolling her eyes, but before she could finish her previous statement, another voice interrupted her.

"Lieblings. Lieblings, where are you?"

"We're over here, Granny," they yelled.

Suddenly, 'Robin' started to pout and began to cry, letting go of Puck's finger as his tantrum grew.. Sabrina was trying to calm him down when Granny stepped inside.

"Granny, did you find out anything about the baby? Anything about who his parents are and where he belongs?" Sabrina asked.

"We think so." Granny answered, looking from one teen to the other. "But it's not possible."

Sabrina looked past her grandmother and at her little sister who was looking at her with wide eyes and bouncing legs.

"Uh, sis, Mirror says that this baby is from the future." Daphne said, looking from Puck to Sabrina.

Sabrina frowned as she looked at the little boy and then back up at Puck, "No! Oh my God! Please Daphne, tell me it's not what I think it is."

"What?" Puck asked curiously.

Daphne smiled a little, "That's just what mirror thinks."

Granny looked at the two girls speaking in code before her and frowned, there was something here that was simply not connecting.

"What does the Mirror think?" asked Puck again.

"And nobody knows anything else, right?" Sabrina asked her sister, ignoring the thoughtful look on her grandmother's face and the irritated one on Puck's.

Daphne shook her head.

"What is it about this kid!"

"Trust me," Sabrina said, holding the baby closer, "you don't want to know. Let's get out of here."

Though she was confused and wanted to pursue the matter further, Granny Relda nodded in agreement and ushered the kids out of the abandoned house, watching as the baby in Sabrina's arms peered over the girl's shoulder and waved at her.

But she could swear that the mischievous look in the baby's eye was familiar to her.