This is what happens when I let my mind go free after reading Artemis Fowl. Time Paradox has no effect on this story, so it doesnt matter if you haven't read it.

Disclaimer: I own only the plotline and a few random characters. Nothing else.

Now THIS is interesting. I was sitting in my chair to the right of the seat at the head of the table, trying not to laugh as my partner scared the head of relations for our company 'LEP Inc'. The name was amusing to me, but for reasons no one but myself and a few friends would understand. As the man practically ran out of the room, I had to turn so no one would see the grin I couldn't hide.

"Will you get me a cup of coffee? I'm afraid that if I get up I'll start yelling again." My partner was slumped over in his chair, and hand covering his eyes.

"You might try not scaring him next time." I told him, the disapproval in my voice marred by my giggles. "We can't afford to try to find someone else with his skill."

"I know Kitty." He sighed, using a nickname only he and my bodyguard/best friend was allowed to use. "I'm just angry he messed this up for us. Now we have to go over there to deal with it ourselves. Something I was REALLY hoping to avoid." He spun his chair around and leaned back so his head was leaning over the back of his chair and I could see both of his eyes. I'd never admit this to him, but I loved his mismatched eyes. The bright blue one was the exact color of the sky outside our window on a sunny day, and the hazel eye was the color of tree bark on the trees in my private garden. Together they VERY nicely set of his raven black hair and slightly secretive smile.

"Come on Artemis, I know you were just DYING to attend that ball next week" I teased. "Now I don't have to work on blackmailing you into going." Another giggle escaped my mouth, only to stop when my long, light brown hair got stuck on my lip gloss. Man how I hated long hair, but it had to be done if I ever wanted to go out in public. I was the face of the company and Artemis Fowl II was the brains. We worked well together business-wise over the last few years.

"Ugh!" He moaned. "Just great. Now I have to go if we want this merger to happen." He stood up at looked straight into my eyes. "You'll go with me right? You wouldn't send me to endure it alone would you? You can't be that cruel." He face changed into the smile that had me, and most of the female workers, in love with him.

"Sure." I told him, cursing myself for letting my voice get squeaky on me.

"Now, before I get too depressed about this torture I'm soon to endure, why don't you fill me in with the new data about our new night vision product?"

I sighed and began digging out the papers I needed.

* * *

The door bell rang, and I sent Juliet to answer it. I grabbed my bags and wrestled them out the door of my bed chambers, (I love calling my bedroom bed chambers. It's so mid-evil) and down to the front room. I was wearing a t-shirt that was only a bit tight and some low ridding blue jeans. I saw my choice was a good one when I walked into the living room after dumping my suitcases by the door, and saw that Artemis was unable to take his eyes off me. He was dressed in jeans and a button up shirt so he wouldn't be uncomfortable on the plane.

"Uh..." He coughed, trying to clear his throat. "What happened to your hair?" He asked.

I reached up to touch my blond shoulder length hair, tied up in a way to keep it from bothering me if I fell asleep on the plane. "Is something wrong with it?" I thought it looked alright. I worked on it for an hour.

"No nothing's wrong. I just wondered why you changed it. I liked your old hair color."

I laughed; glad that's all that was wrong. "I didn't. I always change it when I go outside the house and don't want to be bothered by hundreds of people trying to get my autograph. I thought you wanted to make it through the airport as quickly as possible." I giggled at the memory of the look on his face when I told him we would have to wait for two hours between flights on our way to Paris. "I'll change it back to normal later." I turned to hide the fact that I didn't want to change my hair back to the length it was when I was on business.

He coughed again. "Well, that's good than. Are you ready to go?"

"Nothing to wait on me for. Let's get going." I led the way to where the front door was being held open by a butler while a couple of footmen were trying to fit my bags through the doorway.

"Why so many bags Katherine?" asked Butler, Artemis's bodyguard, and Juliet's older brother. "You packed enough for us all."

"Butler, how many times do I have to tell you to call me Kitty like the others? And for your information, I plan to enjoy Paris. I want to be able to dress the way I want without everybody recognizing me. My clothes would give me away here."

"How exactly does that work?" Artemis asked. "How could clothes do so much?"

I shrugged. "No one else has a wardrobe like mine around here. If I wore the clothes I wanted, I wouldn't be able to blend in with everyone." I ignored Juliet's giggles at my explanation. She knew exactly what I meant. Ireland was a pretty conservative place, and I was anything but.

"I'd ask you to explain," Stated Artemis with a quick glance at his watch, "but I'm afraid we're going to be late.

The ride to the airport was uneventful, as was the plane rides to Paris. Nothing interesting happened until we reached our hotel suite.

I had expected two separate suites, but instead we had one with four separated bedrooms and two bathrooms. The entire suite was painted gold with furniture in a slightly darker color. There was even a private courtyard outside two of the rooms, complete with a hot tub. I hoped I was getting one of the rooms that led straight outside.

"Room assignments!" Called Juliet. "I've got the room with the window facing the highway, and Butler's got the room near the door." She pointed to the room closest to where we stood and the room down the hall a bit. I was happy I got the room with hot tub access, and then I realized what that meant. Juliet didn't take long to prove my suspicions. "Kitty, you and Artemis have the rooms at the end of the hall and the bathroom between them. The courtyard leads out from them both." She grabbed her bags and started off towards her room, Butler doing the same. "You might want to hurry if you don't want to be late for dinner." She called over her shoulder.

"Dinner?" I asked, turning to look at Artemis. I didn't remember making any plans for dinner.

"I've made reservations at a local restaurant for tonight." He grinned widely at me as he noticed the confusion on my face. "You did say you wanted to try the local food didn't you?"

"I did, but you didn't have to do this for me. I would have been happy with room service."

"It's no problem. Someone was telling me the food there was great anyway." He grabbed his one bag and motioned for me to lead the way. I tried to quickly drag my bags down the hall, but they were suddenly snatched out of my hands. I turned to see Artemis carrying them down the hall as if they didn't weigh as much as they did. (Hey, I packed those bags. I knew what was in them, and, trust me, they weren't light.) He put them down on my bed and started to leave as I bent over to start unpacking, but I heard him pause at the door. I straightened to see if he needed something. I was surprised to see him quickly look up at my face, his cheeks slightly pink.

"Wear something formal." He quickly stuttered before closing the door and leaving. I turned back to my bag, trying to figure out why his attitude changed so quickly.

As I was pulling out the dress I was going to wear that night, when I figured it out. Had he been checking out my ass? It was they only reasonable explanation for his quickly uttered voice and his blush.


I smiled widely as I dressed for the evening and made plans for later.

If I get some reviews, I'll continue. Otherwise I'll just leave it with an unsatisfying ending. REVIEW!!!!!