Disclaimer: I used to own supernatural, the boys, the Impala and everything else on the show. But then, the men in white gave me my meds and I had to take them.

Summary: Sam comes up with a crazy theory. Dean comes up with nothing


"All I'm saying is, the demons aren't stupid. They've been around for hell of a time longer than us." Sam rolled his eyes as his brother snickered at the inadvertent pun. Trust Dean to laugh at a serious situation.

"I don't know Sam. We catch them pretty easily. Besides, what does that have to do with alternate interpretation of Biblical prophecies?"

"Look, we found out that to break one of the seals, you have to "bleed the world". Now, we discounted that because there is no was no way demons can make everyone on earth bleed. Not even Lillith could pull it off. But what if there was some other meaning to it? Some metaphorical meaning and not literal?"

Dean knew this wasn't going to end well. Sam had the look on his face that said he had a crazy idea. Santa's evil brother crazy. Dingo ate my baby crazy. Still, they had to get through it.

"Ok, I'll bite. What is the hidden meaning of the prophecy, O wise one?"

"Alright. Go with me for a second. Suppose the blood of the world actually means money. Making the world go around- in that kinda sense. Now to make the world bleed, Lillith would have to somehow badly affect the economy. Now look at the timeline. Nearly an year and a half ago, all the demons got out and about an year ago Lillith started coming up with her big plans. Now give her another half an year or so to learn how the economy works and start hitting the vital points. Start possessing the bigwigs and start influencing policies. Then suddenly banks are starting to foreclose on mortgages. Banks are losing more and more money. People losing jobs. Credit card companies getting stricter everyday. Gas prices going up. C'mon man, this is a big time economic crisis. That should be the best indicator that apocalypse is coming."

Sam waited for a reply with the look of an expectant child waiting to be told how smart he had been. After a minute of nothing he spoke up again.

"Dean, you gonna say something?"

"We're in an economic crisis? No wonder John Anglin didn't get the credit card."


Like? Dislike? Btw John Anglin is one of the brothers from Escape from Alcatraz