The Epilogue

Enjoy :)

"My blood pumped through my veins as I ran further and further away. I could faintly here his footsteps behind me gain in proximity. I knew I should feel fear but all I could feel was excitement. He was gaining on me quick and I had nowhere else to run. I was at a road block. He was just behind me now. All I would have to do was turn around and face my captor. My breath came out in quick bursts as I heard his feet stop behind me. He had caught me. The game was up. I was his. I would run no more.

His velvet voice caressed my body as he spoke to me.

'There is nowhere left to run. You're mine now.' He whispered and the sound melted my body.

'What if I don't want to be yours?' I breathed. His cold, strong arms pulled my body into his embrace tightly and I gasped. His lips slowly descended on my bare neck. His tongue peeked out to slowly lick my pulse point and I tilted my head back in silent subjugation. There would be no fighting. I couldn't fight him any longer.

'Tell me then. Tell me you don't want to belong to me.' He spoke against my pulsing neck. Shivers and goose bumps ran up my spine as his cold breath traveled up my neck to settle against my ear until he spoke again. 'Say it!'

I drew a deep breath at the intensity of his words. He knew I would never deny him. I did belong to him and I forever would.

'I'm yours.' My voice was quiet but he heard me loud and clear. He growled low in my ear and lowered his lips once again to my neck. His sharp teeth scrapped against my skin and I gasped again but waited for what I knew was coming. My fate.

'Mine.' He growled again before his teeth sunk into my awaiting flesh. Now, I would burn for him."

Applause met my ears as I closed the book and looked up. I couldn't contain my smile as the audience applauded my words. They were words that I spent months and months deliberating and using carefully to make my now bestseller.

I looked out into the faces of the people in crowded bookstore. These were my fans. They loved my words and me. In turn, I loved them for all their support and positive feedback.

I searched the crowd for the one face I knew would be there. When I finally spotted him and his proud, welcoming smile my face light up even more.

Edward stuck by my side and was there for me every day and night as I worked through harsh cases of writers block and pure laziness. He was even there to comfort me when I received my rejection letters. I would cry on his shoulder for hours feeling like all my hard work was useless and he was there for me through it all.

The day I got the letter from the Meyer Publishing House saying they wanted to meet to talk about publishing Forever Night, he was there with a bouquet of pink roses, my favorite, and a bottle of champagne. We toasted to success and love and as I closed my eyes to savor the flavor of the champagne Edward had brought out a purple velvet box which held the most gorgeous ring I had ever laid eyes on.

I would never forget the moment and his sweet words.


Edward handed me a coffee cup with champagne in it before pouring his own.

"A toast?" He raised his mug in the air and I followed suit. "To finally making your dreams come true. For all the hard work you put into this book. Honey, I am so proud of you. You continue to amaze me every day. I know that this book will be a best seller in no time and you will finally live out your dream. I love you, baby."

I quickly kissed his smiling lips before taking a sip of the no doubt expensive champagne. I knew it annoyed Edward that we didn't have glasses and instead were using coffee mugs.

The bubbles tickled my nose and the champagne was delicious telling me that it truly was expensive.

I opened my eyes and noticed Edward was holding out a purple box in front of his chest.

My eyes widened and with shaking hands put my mug on the table.

"Edward?" I asked.

"I always knew we were meant to be together. I didn't fully breathe until I met you. I never knew how much better life could be without you. I know the start of our relationship wasn't the best way to begin, but if it weren't for those circumstances, I never would have known you. I don't want to go through life without you again."

He paused and took a deep breath before continuing.

"We never finished our game of 20 questions, remember?" I nodded my head; I would never forget a day we spend together. "Well, I have been waiting to ask you the last question for so long."

He slowly bent to one knee and my hands flew to my mouth. My heart was beating erratically in my chest. I couldn't believe this was happening.

"Question 20; will you marry me?" I immediately wrapped my arms around his body throwing him to the ground. I kissed his entire face feeling nothing but elation and joy and just… I was so freaking happy!

"Yes! Yes! Yes! Oh Edward, I love you so much!" I was marrying Edward Cullen. I was finally getting my book published. It was the best damn day ever.

We were engaged for 3 months before we got married in a simple but classy and intimate wedding. My book was published just a month later. Everything was falling into place and my life was really coming together.

And just yesterday I found out I was 2 months pregnant.

I hadn't told Edward yet. I was waiting for the right moment and the right situation. I didn't want to just tell him. I wanted something memorable to tell our future child.

And it's always more fun when there is a story!

We had talked about kids and Edward made it clear that he was ready and wanted a family. I was the one that was hesitant. I never really saw myself as a mother.

However, the second the doctor told me I was pregnant, and I got over the initial freak out, I was so happy and more than ready to be a mom.

Now I just had to tell him.

Before Edward came back to me I had been working at Barnes and Nobles. Who would have thought that just a few years later, I would be reading an excerpt from my now best seller.

"Thank you all for coming out. Isabella will be signing autographs at the table." My editor Charlotte stood next to me and placed her hand on my shoulder. She had become a good friend during the process of getting my book published. She knew I was excited to finally have my dream coming true.

She continued talking to the audience about purchasing my book and some other stuff by my attention was solely focused on my husband. He insisted on being in the audience instead of next to me and said he even wanted a signed copy of the book. I laughed at him but secretly was thankful that he was out there. It was comforting to see his face in the crowd. I was never really good at public speaking. His reassuring smile always helped ease the nerves and butterflies.

I sat at the table and the line formed waiting for me to sign.

Everyone said such sweet things to me and about my story. I never would have thought a love story about Vampires would be such a success. I had just started writing it for fun one night when Edward was working late at the station. I became hooked and kept writing until I have a novel on my hands. Edward convinced me to put it out there and I am so thankful for it.

"Oh, I am so excited to meet you!" A young girl who looked about 15 was standing in front of me holding out a copy of my book. "I love this story so much! I read it over and over! I just love Christy and Williams's relationship! Ahh! I'm totally gushing sorry!" She looked so excited and so embarrassed at the same time and I just laughed at her enthusiasm.

"Well thank you so much! What's your name?" I reached out for the book and noticed Edward in line behind her smiling widely.

"Natasha." She was more subdued now. I signed a quick note and handed the book back to her. "Thanks!" She smiled and I returned it.

"Thank you." She walked away and Edward took her place.

"Congratulations, baby." He said quietly. I couldn't contain my smile as I took the book from his hands. "I've never been more proud." He whispered. He looked at me with so much love that I felt my own eyes well up with tears.

"I love you." I whispered back. He grinned his crooked smile at me making my heart flutter in my chest. I would never stop reacting to that grin.

"I love you too." He mouthed back.

I opened his book to sign it. There were a million things I could say to him. A million ways to say thank you. He will never know how much his presence completes my life. Through everything we had been through, he has been and always will be there for me. I had no words for how amazing he was for me.

Suddenly, two words came to the forefront of my mind. I quickly wrote and signed my name before shutting it and handing it back.

"I'll be over there with Charlie and Jake when it's time." He winked and left to go stand with the other men in my life.

I continued signing autographs for fans for another hour. I was antsy to get done, not that I was ungrateful for my fans. I just wanted to go back to Edward to see if he had read my message.

When Charlotte finally told the line that the hour had passed I breathed a sigh of relief. My hand was getting cramped and my jaw hurt from smiling in so many pictures.

After another hour of formalities we wrapped it all up and said our goodbyes.

"Hey Bells, were gonna head back to the house. See you there?" Jake asked as he put his coat on to leave. Charlie was having people over to celebrate at his house.

"Alice sent me a text saying they landed about half an hour ago and were setting at the hotel then would head over." Edward said as he held my coat up for me to put on.

He clearly didn't read the note.

"Okay sounds good. See you guys there." My heart was beating frantically with nerves over Edward's reaction.

We walked out of the bookstore hand in hand. Barnes and Noble was located at the mall and it was night meaning everything was lit up.

"Wanna go for a walk first? We have a bit of time." I asked. I needed Edward to know and I didn't want to wait till we got to the party.

Edward smiled down on me and nodded. He released my hand and wrapped his left arm around my shoulder pulling me into his warm body. I wrapped my arms around his waist and we walked slowly around the outdoor mall. It reminded me of when we went out in Chicago. The day I met Laurent.

"So how are you feeling after today?" Edward broke the silence.

"I'm happy." I smiled remembering all the fans and supporters. "Although, my hand kinda hurts from signing all those books. I wrote messages on every one." The nerves kicked back in hoping Edward would get the hint and open the book.

"Really? Even mine?" He asked genuinely curious. I merely nodded and bit my lip.

He lifted the bag in his right arm and opened it with this left pulling the book out.

"I didn't think you wrote anything other than your name, you wrote so fast." He said as he opened the cover and turned the page till he got to the dedication page.

Abruptly we stopped walking. My breathing stopped and my nerves kicked in. A million things, or should I say doubts, ran through my mind. What if he changed his mind? What if he wasn't ready like he thought?

He was quiet as I looked up into his eyes. Emotion shown through them as he stared at the page. Finally he drew them to mine and looked down at me.

"Really? You're pregnant?" He swallowed and I was so damn nervous all I could do was nod. "Bella." He whispered so quietly I could barely hear.

I heard a small thud and looked to see the book had fallen. Before I could question it I was suddenly being lifted off the ground and into Edward's arms.

"Oh Bella! I couldn't be happier than this moment!" He twirled me around and kisses rained down on my face. I was so happy that he was happy!

This was our moment and everything around fell away. We stood there wrapped in each other's arms, grinning like fools and stealing kisses. Happy was an understatement. This was pure unadulterated joy. No matter what would happen in our lives we had each other and this baby was going to have so much love.

I never knew my life would turn out this way. I never dreamed I would have so many good things in my life. I had an amazing husband. I had a bestselling novel. Now I would have a child. Everything in my life had changed for the better.

In the past years I had grown so much and learned so much. Most importantly, I learned you can love without condition. I was a changed woman. A new Bella. I found myself the night Edward found me. His love helped me see the real me.

"I love you so much." Edward whispered against my lips.

It was this moment, standing outside in the twinkling lights that I knew.

Life wouldn't get sweeter than this.

Aaaaaaand scene!

Okay, this is it. I finally finished my first story.

I can't say this was my best work, it would be a lie. But this process was so much fun and I can't regret it. I'm sure the typos and my writing are poor but I just don't care! I did this for me. I wanted to see if I could do it and I did! I am proud of myself :)

I want to thank everyone that has ever reviewed my story. It means the world.

I want to thank everyone that put me on your favorites list. It is an honor to grace your lists.

I also want to thank everyone that put this story on their alert. Thanks for being interested.

Now that this is done I will focus on my other story "Margaritas and Booths." Go check it out. It's my baby!

Don't forget to put BREATH-OF-TWILIGHT on alert. I will be featured on the Valentine's Day countdown :)

Thanks again! Love you all!!!!!!!