I do not own.
Strangers to Brothers and its sequel, Enemies to Lovers, was inspired by the song 'Without You Here' by the Goo Goo Dolls. There is a line in the song that goes 'Strangers into lovers and enemies to brothers' which I felt was very fitting based on recent events, but I flipped two words around in the titles because, well, it just made more sense.
Strangers to Bothers
It's the strangest thing. A week ago, the idea of a brother was completely foreign to him. Two brothers actually. They'd been his enemy for so long, and now he finds out, they are his brothers?
It's sick really.
The idea that he could ever become close with the Petrellis was absolutely preposterous. Even just befriending one was absurd.
But when he realizes what's happening… the thing that shocks him the most…
Is that he isn't even really bothered.
He loves his brother.
Their father is a ruthless, evil, vile bastard.
Of course, Gabriel realizes he is no better.
But when he finds out what his father, his real father, has done… he knows he can't forgive him.
But he stays.
He uses his powers to shove Peter out the window.
But he isn't his father. He may be an evil, vile, ruthless bastard.
But he is not his father.
Saving his brother is easy.
Making himself look as evil as his father isn't as easy, especially after the powerless Peter has fallen 14 stories, hit the ground, then got up and walked away.
He is aware that his father suspects. But he doesn't care. He is still within the walls of Pinehearst. He still has the chance to bring his father down.
And Peter is alive.
More soon.