Team K.A.S

Chapter 1

Hinata p.o.v.

I sighed. It looked like Naruto didn't feel like passing this year. Next to me, Shinamori-kun let loose a small yawn. I gave her a small smirk.

"You didn't get enough sleep did you Shino-kun? I told you not to watch all that horror."

"Shut-up," she hissed. "It's your fault."

"Not my fault you can't play poker." I taunted her.

"Damn you. Why can't you act like this among everyone else?"

"It's more fun this way." I giggled.

Around most people, excluding Kurenai-nee, Shinamori-kun, Naruto-kun, and Genma-sensei, I was shy, insecure Hyuuga Hinata with a HUGE crush on the class 'dobe' Uzumaki Naruto. In reality, I'm a smart-ass, slightly cynical, tomboyish konoichi with a thing for sharp pointy objects and A or S class missing-nin. My best friends are Naruto-kun and Shinamori-kun. I've been training with Genma-sensei since I was 4. I used to have another sensei but… he left…

I looked to the door. It was Naruto-kun! He had changed his apparel… sorta. He still had the orange pants, but now he wore a black tee, shoes, and his headband was attached to a black scarf. I had to say, Naruto-kun looked very cool.

Naruto ran up the stairs and took the seat between me and Shino. He gave us a huge grin.

"Hina-chan, Shina-chan, how is ya?" he said in low voice.

"Good Naruto-kun." I replied.

"What have I said about making references to my real name and gender in public?" she hissed

"I dunno. I always ignore you." Naruto-kun said sitting down next to me.

"Bastard." she muttered.

See, in the Aburame Clan, its custom for girl heiresses to be raised as boys until they're 16 (and vice versa for boys) to gain a deeper understanding of both sexes. So, officially, Shinamori-kun is Shino-kun. It's weird, but at least they don't alienate other members of the clan with a curse mark to make sure that if they die in battle, their bloodline isn't useable, and that their servants to the members of the clan without the curse mark. You know, 'cause the Aburame Clan is actually civilized.

"Nice outfit, Hina-chan." Naruto said.

"Thanks Naruto-kun!" I said, beaming. Naruto isn't one to give out complements.

Oh, about my outfit. Usually I wore a winter jacket over standard konoichi pants. But seeing as I'm a gennin, and on the road to an awesome ninja career, I upgraded my outfit with some help from Kurenai-nee. Black trench coat to my knees, black and green fighting kimono (embroidered with a green dragon on the bottom!) black leggings, and soft black thief boots. My headband was tied around my neck.

"So…" Naruto began. "I see Sasuke hasn't been attacked by the useless banshee's yet."

"Don't be mean Naruto-kun! Yeah, their loud, but Ino-san is the Konoichi of the Year and Sakura-san has the best chakra-control of the graduating class after me, huge amounts of brute strength, and after you, Sasuke, Shino and Shikamaru, the best strategist. Banshee's, yes; Useless, no." I scolded.

"What eva," Naruto yawned. "Anyway here they come. Btw, Nii-san said hi and congrats on actually makin' it."


Iruka-sensei had calmed Sakura-san and Ino-san down and gave everybody a lecture on what it meant to be gennin. Finally he started announcing the teams. I tuned out until I heard Naruto's name.

"Team 7 is… Uzumaki Naruto… Uchiha Sasuke… and Aburame Shino. Sensei… Miratashi Anko." Naruto and Sasuke pumped the air. Shinamori just sighed.

"Team 8 is… Yamanaka Ino… Hyuuga Hinata… and Haruno Sakura. Sensei is Wanatabe Ayame."

My head hit the desk. A konoichi only team? Why not kill me now, Kami-sama? There's only so much of female nature one can take at one time.

"What was that about those two being so great?" Naruto said laughing his ass off. Shinamori snickered quietly.

"Keep laughing and I'll tear your guts out through your ass."

They decieded to shut up. Wise choice for those idiots. I sighed this was gonna be a looooooooong time as a gennin.


Ohayo minna-san. A.L.G.B here (^_^) So sorry about my other stories but… they're dead. I held the funeral a couple months ago. Very sad affair.

This is an idea I've been toying with for a while. The idea of a Konoichi only team with a more confident Hinata-chan has been bouncing around for a while in my head. This is that child. Don't worry, she's still the Hinata-chan you love, but little to no stuttering and more confident in her abilities.

Internet cookie to whoever can what K.A.S stands for. And you can have your own OC!


A little girl blue.