Sesshomaru heard Kagome's voice in his mind, then suddenly he felt her pain at having the children taken away slam into him full force, and he actually stumbled. He quickly placed his hand on a tree for balance, as his true form broke free to let out a long loud menacing roar of pain and anger.

Ito, held one very sleepy baby in her arms, quite pleased with the three children she added to her collection, when suddenly her home was shaken by a heart tearing roar. In her fear and panic she dropped the baby to the ground and ran off, not even noticing the weak shield that protected Emiko from hitting the ground. Ito ran to the basement and dropped to her knees next to the cage, her knuckles were white as she grasped the bars and her eyes were round when she screamed into the cage.

"Your alone? No one is coming to save you?!"

It seemed a bit more like a statement then a question, like the poor woman was trying to reassure herself, but Kagome had passed out from crying over her children. Ito ran back up the stairs and into the room Rin was tied up in.

"Is anyone going to come for you?"

She sounded more pathetic this time as she saw a wide grin on Rin's face, the child laughed and didn't answer but there was really no longer a need to as the ground shook from the force of the paws pounding in the direction of the house. Ito couldn't understand how so powerful a demon would be concerned with these two pathetic human. 'Unless they are retainers for his babies, Ito you moron.' She berated herself as she ran back to the living room, the babies were gaining back their strength and had crawled to each other, she reached down to grab the boy but some kind of barrier burned her hands. She cursed and reached for the girl but had the same effect, the woman held her hands tight against her body and tried to come up with a plan. She didn't get much time however before the roof of her home was ripped off by a massive paw, the only thing she could see after that were burning red eyes glaring at her. A tail dropped inside and the twins toddled over to grip it they were then lifted to the giant dogs back, she thought this would be the end of his business with her but his growl only deepened after that. Scrambling to appease this monster before he ripped her to shreds Ito rushed around and dragged every person she had kidnapped from him, he lifted Rin and Yuji on to his back but simply looked over Kagome who stood bravely despite her obvious pain and injury, then he bounded away into the woods.

Ito laughed humorlessly at Kagome how she stood looking defeated in the center of the room.

"He has abandoned you human."

"If you want to live I suggest you start running."

Kagome voice was quite and full of sadness, but tinted wit pride, it infuriated Ito that this woman stood there and threatened her.

"You think I fear You?"

A small sound escaped Kagome that was half laugh and half sigh she turned to face the door way and opened her arms wide as if about to embrace a lover.

"To late.'

She said and the words struck fear into Ito's heart so she turned and fled her eldest Demon boy was soon beside her but the other children stayed in there rooms very much confused. Sesshomaru burst into the house now in his humanoid form and rushed to Kagome he took her in his arms and scanned her from head to toe, once he was sure she could easily repair all damage done to her he turned and chased Ito.

Kagome knew better then to try and stop him she moved from room to room checking all the children and gathering them up, she moved to a place in the trees a safe little meadow where her children were waiting, she had known they would be there it seemed Sesshomaru could send her images inside her mind. As soon as she had her own children in hand she lead them all back to camp.

Sesshomaru walked back into his camp and saw children running about everywhere with a growl he headed for the new cabin he had built for Kagome, now that they had reached the final stage of their journey he would no longer allow her to sleep in a tent, and as soon as she saw that he was upset Kagome turned from the food she was cooking. Leaving the camp meal in the hands of Rin and some of the women she hurried into the cabin after him and closed the door, he stood there trying to use the death glare that made everyone else quiver in their boots, Kagome however had developed a unique defense for that scathing look. She gave him a mischievous smile and walked closer swaying her hips slightly and Sesshomaru's face immediately transformed with simply the lift of an eyebrow. Kagome had grown used to his emotionless act she had learned to read the small almost imperceptible differences, the way his lips twitched, how high that damned eyebrow rose, or simply the light within his eyes, and she knew exactly how to react to each. However he was having none of her little attempted seduction he simply raised that eyebrow to say 'Are you crazy woman?' So she pouted and leaned back against the wall.

"Why is this army camp over run with children?"

"They have no where to go."

A sigh of exasperation almost left Sesshomaru's lips but he held it in, leave it to his Kagome to rescue every stray she saw.

"Of course I saved them, I can't leave someone who is helpless to fend for themselves."

She said and stamped her foot in her trademark righteous temper, that forced a smile to Sesshomaru's lips, he always found it amusing that this girl had the guts to challenge him and that she thought she could make him do things simply because they were right. Still he would have to deal with this new insight into his personl thoughts but he couldn't find it within him to deny her any request when she tried so hard to be convincing.

"Look around you Kagome. I have had another cabin built for you, after weeks of sleeping in a tent or under open sky."

"I was wondering why you did that."

She said squirming a little because the way he said her name still had the power to send shivers of desire all up her spine.

"Think about it"

He said and stood there with a smug look in his eyes as realization slowly entered her mind. He knew the moment she understood because her eyes were like an open window for him into her soul as well as the new level they seemed to have reached in their bond that allowed brief glimpses into each others minds.

"This is our final stop isn't it? The fight is coming soon."

"Yes, and now we have a bunch of mixed up children running around."

He saw her eyes take on the calculating look they usually held when she was working on a particularly difficult mathematical equation and slowly brightened as she came to an answer.

"There is an orphanage not far from here they can stay there until we kill Naraku."

"And then what?"

"We find them homes people who fought with us or who we meet along the way."

Sesshomaru almost laughed at her smug smile of victory he reached forward and grabbed her arm pulling her into his chest careful of his armor. He would laugh this night, he would smile, he would be drunk on the purity and innocence that only she would never lose no matter befell her. He pressed his lips to her feather light and nipped her bottom lip until she moaned beneath him and her hands roamed his body freely. He pulled her to the bed they shared, tomorrow be damned all that mattered was tonight, his lips on hers, her soft skin under his hands, her bell like laughter, and the childlike innocence permanently embedded in her eyes that had saved his soul and melted the ice around his heart.