Drabble Challenge Phrase: All of a sudden.

Rules: 100 words.

I'd get all dizzy too if I owned them, alas…

Players: Enkidu07, Mad Server, IheartSam7, Orange Autumn, NC Girl, Nana56, MuffyMorrigan, mahtalie, Sherry Darling, supernaturalsammy67, Twinchy, twinchaosblade, PADavis, InSecret, deangirl1, Supernoodle, Vanessa Sgroi, moonlight80, Chailyn, Dream Painter, Thru Terry's Eyes, writergirl94, sweetysmart0505, silver ruffian, letting the rain in, xFaithyx, platinumroselady, and Dreadedfemale.


Sam hooked his right fist into the sparring pad, uppercut with his left, moved forward with a jab straight combination.

"Good. One more time," Dean held the pads out. Sam moved in for the first punch, felt his knees buckle, saw his vision fade toward grey. He doubled over, stumbling forward.

"Dude, you okay?" Dean had thrown off the gear, placed one palm on Sam's shoulder, the other checking his pulse.

Sam looked up into Dean's questioning gaze, then down at his own hands, resting lightly on Dean's hips. Felt himself turning red.

"Sorry, got dizzy all of a sudden."