A/N: Who would have thought that I'd have an idea for a Sequel? I sure didn't. But here I am. With an idea. This isn't a for sure thing yet. I just wanted to post a prologue so you can decide if I should do this or "The love that will Sacrifice". YOU DECIDE! But I think you'll like this.


Sasuke, Sakura, Naruto and Kakashi walked down a dirt path near the border of the Fire Country. They had left Hogwarts a few days ago, and were happy to be back on familiar land. Sasuke walked with his arm around Sakura's waist and she gladly leaned into him. Naruto had his hands behind his head and Kakashi had his face in his perverted orange book. All seemed pretty peaceful, until three, dark, cloaked figures appeared in front of them. All four Shinobi took out their kunai and slid into defensive stances.

"What do you want?" Kakashi asked

The enemy remained silent.

In the blink of an eye, they attacked the genin, who easily parried their pitiful attacks.

"Do you seriously think you have what it takes to take us down?" Sasuke asked menacingly.


Suddenly, a gas came out from where the enemy hit their kunai. It covered the genin completely with a dull purple mist. Before Kakashi could do something, the dark cloaks attacked him all at once. He threw one into the forest, broke another's ribs into his lungs, and stabbed the last with his kunai.

Kakashi used a small wind jutsu to blow the mist away, so he could get to his students. But by the time he got to them, they were on the ground, unconscious. They were lying in a circle, heads facing in. Their hands were linked together in the middle. From what Kakashi could tell, the mist didn't take long to work and in those few seconds, they used the formation Kakashi head taught them for when they couldn't see each other. Kakashi sighed and summon two large dogs to carry Sasuke and Naruto on their backs, while he carried Sakura.

"I'm sorry." He whispered. Regretting not being able to protect his students, He leaped off into the trees, with his dogs.


Kakashi sat in a chair outside three doors and a long hallway. Behind each door was one of his student's rooms. He played with his thumbs while he waited for Tsunade to come out and tell him what the mist was. He finally heard a door open and foot steps as she came out. Tsunade sighed and wiped her forehead.

"What is it?" Kakashi asked, glancing up at her as she leaned against the wall.

"They've been poisoned." She said bluntly.


"It hasn't harmed them physically, but it's still bad. Sasuke has inhaled most, so he'll be the worst off, probably forgetting not only what and when, but why he did certain things-"

"Wait, what do you mean 'forget'?" Kakashi asked, his voice shaking a little bit.

Tsunade took in a deep breathe and exhaled. "When they wake up, they'll have no memory of these past months. No memory of Hogwarts."



It's been four years since my heart was broken by the one person who I wanted to have accepted it.

And one month since he came back.

And I still can't get over him... or forgive him.



I did it! I finally brought him back!

I just wish things could be the same again.



I've finally killed My brother, and that snake.

And I'd never admit it, but….

It's good to be back.


Anbu Team 7 stood attentively in Tsuande's office, waiting for their orders. Naruto wore a (guess) Fox Mask, Sasuke-teme wore a Wolf mask and Sakura wore a mask, not of an animal, but an Angel. Don't ask her why, she was just handed the mask. Sasuke had just finished his punishment and was now allowed to carry out missions.

"You can take off your masks." Tsunade commanded

The Gen- I mean Anbu, took off their masks.

"Team 7, You have been assigned to guard Hogwarts School of Witch Craft and Wizardry." Tsunade said

"Oh come on, Tsunade-baa-san, There's no suck thing as 'Witch Craft and Wizardry'" Naruto stated, shaking his fingers to imitate a witch.

"For once, I have to agree with Naruto." Sakura said


"No, no, it's very real. And it's your job to protect the school in London." The Hokage said, handing each of them a folder, containing the info they may need for the mission.

Sakura suddenly put her hand to her for-head.

"You okay, Sakura?" Tsunade asked

"Uh, yeah. Just a weird sense of Déjà-vu. Jà ne." Sakura said as they three of them walked out of the office.

Tsunade sighed sadly. "You have no idea Sakura… You have no idea."

Soooo, what do ya think? Do you want me to continue with this, or write a "The love that will Sacrifice" Sequel? REVIEW AND TELL ME!

Riley: Chaa! We'd better get some answers! I wanna get started!