A/N: And yet another chapter update. I wanted to clarify a little something about the last chapter which I noticed that I failed miserably to explain. The 'sudden turn of events' was actually a flashback of what happened a year prior to the events occurring at this instance. Some of you did notice, and I thank everyone who actually gave me the heads up. Sorry for the little inconvenience, however, I made sure one can tell the difference in this chapter. *Which took me a decade to complete. DX.* Hopefully not everyone has lost interest. *Laughs nervously.*






~ C H A P T E R 4 - G E N O C I D E ~

"What is this?" Zero sounded enraged, ticked off by the unknown enemy's games. Yes they were indeed surrounded, but so far, no one had pulled any move that would give the intruders away. The trees had gone unnaturally still where not even the night breeze blew through their hairs. Silence was indeed unnerving. It was little things such as that that people usually take for granted, and at that moment, in was a hard lesson learned.

Zero cursed when a noise equivalent to an explosion and a rain of gunfire resounded in the near distance. The very earth shook beneath their feet and just as quickly, fear settled in their stomachs. Not fear for themselves, but for the academy's students. The onslaught of firing weapons and the sea of inhuman screeches made the hunter dash towards it, only to be stopped by the pureblood's warm hand. "Let go!"

"Zero, wait. You can't go on your own."

"Than come with me! The Day Class…-"

"The Night Class will tend to them. At the moment, we have more important issues to stress over."

"Are you freaking deaf?! All that is coming straight from the Sun Dorms!" Zero was bordering the lines of hysteria and ire. How can Kaname just stand there, looking so undisturbed when for all they knew the rest of the students were in trouble?! Well, what did he care? They were all humans after all. So bloody insignificant to him! "Damn it, Kaname!"

"How pitiful. To let such a thing address himself to a pureblood in such a vulgar manner." Zero's eyes, who were trained steadily on Kaname faltered, not only at the unknown voice, but at the flash of fear and anger that flickered through his garnet irises. The hunter's stomach churned unpleasantly when his senses went haywire once again, this time in panicked confusion.

The dull vibes coming from the woods shifted again; ten times as powerful… and frighteningly pure. That was not good at all. The bastards must have masked their scents. How else could a pureblood go unnoticed by both a hunter and another pureblood? Unless Kaname was in on it, but the look on his face told Zero that he wasn't expecting what stood before him in the slightest. A tall, dark form finally emerged from the cover of the pine trees, and how they wished it didn't. At least, in Kaname's mind he wished so. Zero's eyes widened in surprised shock.

With long, dark hair and a crimson eye, Zero was stunned by the resemblance that thing had to the male beside him. 'He's also a Kuran… Real freaking nice.' Kaname's shoulders squared off instinctively, like an animal who felt his territory invaded.

"Such a degenerate nephew I have. Though your taste never wavers. He's quite a looker." Kaname fisted his hands, taking a step forward in what seemed to be an attempt to shield Zero from the intruder's leering gaze.

Running quickly through his mind, Kaname tried to form any course of action but for the first time in his lifetime, he could think of nothing. He was always used to planning ahead of time, before his pawns moved, but he was completely taken off guard. Rido had been awakened ahead of time, throwing his master plan out of the window. Zero had not yet been molded into the super weapon he was meant to be. Without him, Kaname stood no chance against his uncle… and master. And that thought did not settle well with him. Yuuki was in Takuma's care, which served as another blow. The blonde noble would never betray him, but the Council was on Rido's side. Would he stand true to his friend? Or side with his grandfather? Kaname's stomach clenched at this. He wasn't used to making mistakes or miscalculations.

"I can't say that it's pleasant to see you again, uncle. I wasn't expecting you quite so early." His words were measured, terse. No sign of unease in them. But Zero read him like a book. If Kaname Kuran, of all people, was uneasy… then this was serious.

"Ah, didn't want to keep you waiting, my prince."

"Why are you here?" No time for joking around or playing it polite; Kaname wanted answers, now. It was low of them to just waltz into the academy without a reason and attack just for the hell of it. Something was up. Rido was a power hungry beast, he had always been. His intentions couldn't be clearer, but he had to have an ulterior motive.

"Hmm? I thought you knew all this time. For far too long we have been considered a myth, folklore. Hiding in the shadows, kept at bay from human eyes. We are the superior species here, the predators. Top of the food chain, as you may call it. It abhors me. This place is nothing but a hideous scar in our world." Rido's voice was frighteningly joyful, indifferent. He stepped closer to his nephew, but Kaname placed himself fully in front of the hunter. A lethal warning set in his eyes.

Zero felt slightly offended by this. Did Kuran actually thought him incapable of defending himself or something? "Move it, Kuran."

"Zero." Just one word in warning and the hunter flinched. Fine then. Let the pureblood do what he wanted.

Rido's laughter made everyone's hair stand on end. "My, such a good boy. What other tricks have you thought him? To beg? To roll over for your ravishing?"

The suggestiveness was so blunt it filled the hunter with rage. Like hell he did! He wasn't Kuran's pet! A gleam of fangs began to peak through thin lips but froze in place when Kaname grabbed tightly on to his wrist. No one bared their fangs at a pureblood and survived. Sure he let it pass whenever Zero became pissed at him, but Rido wasn't as merciful. The prefect didn't understand the extent of the danger in front of them; didn't understand that one wrong intake of breath could cost him his life. "We have no business to discuss here, Rido. It would be very well appreciated if…-"

"Don't care in the slightest. I'm here for a reason and I don't intend on leaving until after my little mission is done."

Kaname was very near fuming by now. Rido's actions and tone reminded him of that of an insolent child's. Breaking the rules and enjoying it to the fullest, just to spite its parents. "And what, pray tell, is this mission?"

The twisted smile was quickly followed by the cocking of gun; apparently, Zero didn't like that look one bit. "That's very easy, Ka-na-me. To finally reclaim that which you wrongfully took from me. As the true Kuran heir, I will rise to power once again and became the next vampire king. And all will run as smooth as silk under my rule."

Kaname smiled sardonically at the words. "An exiled pureblood? Very promising." Several more vampires emerged from the woods, flanking their master ever so obediently. Among them the young pureblood spotted a handful of the dogs of the Council; including Ichiou. No surprise there, though.

Rido gave an ungraceful shrug, resting a hand on his hip and the other laced through his hair. "Survival of the fittest. Those who resist will be removed. As easy as that."

"Remove? Does he mean…"

"Yes, Kiryuu Zero. Remove. Annihilate, kill, destroy… etc. You see what I mean."

The feral growl died away in Zero's throat when Kaname gripped his wrist once again. At the moment, their best chance was to take Rido out. With him at the head, there was no stopping his little rebellion. Maybe the hunter could be of use. He had taken from both Kaname and Yuuki, though the girl's blood was of little use while she remained human. Hunter was in his blood; he had experience. Not much, but it was something. Anything at all would do at the moment.

Zero cast Kaname an uncertain glance, but the pureblood paid no heed. His eyes were not leaving the beast before them, he knew better than that. He was also out of options. "It is fulfilling to see that you lack the element of strategy, uncle. What makes you think I'd step aside and allow you to take control so easily?"

"I'm not, actually. You see, by taking out this little thing here you call a school, what will happen to your little empire? Hm? Will nobles continue to send their children here after they've heard of the mass murder that occurred in what was supposed to be the safest haven in the vampire world?"

The words mass murder made Zero run for the ancient vampire but was propelled backwards by an unseen force. Kaname's hand twitched at this, his anger spiking up though his eyes betrayed nothing. It was obvious Rido intended in murdering everyone there, even the young pureblood if he had the chance. The safety of the Day Class students suddenly became one of his many priorities, but while he remained in that predicament, there was nothing he could do. "Kiryuu-kun?"

With a grunt, the hunter sat up almost as instantly as he had crashed into the damp grass, the Bloody Rose still clenched within his hands. Knuckles already going white. "What?"

"Protect the Day Class, now. And make sure she is alright-"

"Oh there's no need to worry about her, at all. The Kuran princess is safe and sound." Rido barged in before the brunette could finish the order, a smug grin plastered on his retched face.

"What?!" Several of the other vampires there inched back, intimidated when the younger Kuran barked the word in sheer rage. Garnet irises churned dark crimson, his overall eyes hardened to such a look that it made the hunter's hairs stand on end. This wasn't the cool, calm and collected Kaname he had known for the past four years. For the first time in his lifetime perhaps, the young Kuran had reverted into his vampiric form. Letting ire take over when he had no other game plan up his sleeve. Not exactly the best course of action, but at the moment, he felt too insecure, afraid and pissed off.

"No! Let her go, you bastard!" Zero too had nearly barked when an all too familiar figure emerged from the darkness as well. A tall, dark-skinned man held the petite prefect in a headlock, disabling her from any movement whatsoever. Even from breathing, it seemed.

Yuuki squirmed and thrashed in attempt to get away but it was painfully useless. This man, this vampire wasn't going to let her budge an inch. Maroon eyes widened when she noticed where she was at; they brought her back to where it all started. Before her stood both Zero and Kaname, looking like they where about to go on a killing spree. A look she had never seen on her saviors face. Admittedly, it frightened her.

Another shadow emerged from the cover of the trees, shoving the blonde noble towards the invading pureblood. Ichijou, however, stopped and directed himself at his grandfather, hurrying to his side and whispering urgently. "You must stop this! This is insane!"

"It is Rido-sama's wish, Takuma. I expect you to respect that." Ichiou turned his sights to his grandson briefly, before redirecting them to the two vampires before them once again.


"Young Ichijou. Takuma." Said vampire flinched but turned towards the Kuran heir nonetheless; clutching his sword tighter than before.

"Yes, Rido… sama?" That man didn't deserve the title, but he was a pureblood. There was nothing he could do. Not abiding to Rido's good side wasn't going to get them anywhere, and besides, it was a matter of pride. It was how their world worked.

"Come. Stand by me." Bi-colored eyes didn't budge away from Kaname as he spoke, but his grin widened still. Strip his nephew from everything he had, including his old friend. He wanted to see hate painted on those beautiful features, anger. Wanted him to feel shame, pain and betrayal. So far, slowly but surely, Rido was gaining those fragile threads, ready to tear them at the correct moment. Ready to see Kaname slowly dismantle himself like the puppet he was… pulling out the strings, one by one

A lifetime's work and his parent's legacy… destroyed. His only living relative, his only love… battered. His only true confidant… taken away and sworn under his enemy's word. Pride, love, hope, power, wealth… All taken away in the smallest of gestures. It was quite hard to believe that such an insignificant thing could annihilate all of the pureblood's plans and dreams… Sweet success.

Emerald eyes were still, unsure as to what to do. He didn't want to betray Kaname, but it was a direct order from a pureblood. And as much as he denied it, as much as he wanted to prove it wrong, Rido was the current Kuran heir. Much to their dismay, his word overthrew Kaname's orders. Takuma gave his friend an uncertain glance but received no attention in return. With a resigned sigh, the young noble dragged his feet to stand by Rido with his eyes downcast. Hopefully he would understand. Still, that didn't change the fact that he felt terrible about it.

"Now, let's talk business."

"I've no interest in speaking with scum." Kaname's words came out as a dangerous purr; absolutely lethal.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk. You know better than this, Kaname. Always listen to your opponent's terms and see to what accord you can come to. Especially when they have something so precious as leverage." The dark-skinned vampire shoved the girl towards Rido with a small yelp and stepped back into the shadows immediately, not wanting to face the wrath of the pureblood before them. Maneuvering her into his arms, Rido grinned down at her, bringing her closer yet. His slender fingers caressed her silky tresses obsessively, mocking the men before him. "Isn't she a pretty little gem? Just like her mother… Makes me wonder though… Will she scream the same way she did when she was just about to take her last breath?" Leaning in, Rido whispered into her ear slowly, mockingly… "HarukaHaruka…"

An unusual gust of wind took them all by surprise, and by the time Zero looked to his side, Kaname was gone. And so was Rido, apparently. All of the vampires in the small clearing glanced around uncertainly, the same question etched in all of their eyes.

A bewildered Yuuki was huddled on the floor, her arms wrapped around her waist as she shook with both cold and fear. Another troublesome night to haunt her dreams. As if vampires weren't scary enough; as if she hadn't suffered enough traumas for one lifetime. One thing she was sure off, that man knew about her family and her erased past. And most likely, he was the master mind behind the double murder.

"Yuuki!" Zero dropped to his knees beside her, wrapping her in his arms and wiping away the sea of tears that now streamed down her fair cheeks. "Are you alright?" Yuuki nodded but it was nearly impossible to tell if it was a nod or just her frame shaking uncontrollably. It was a call too close for comfort.

Amethyst eyes searched the faces surrounding them, all of them uncertain as to where their master had gone off to. In the back of his mind, Zero hoped Kaname was alright. Exactly how did he expect a Level D to fend off a pureblood? Sheer madness. "Zero? What happened?"

"I… don't know." The hunter said blankly, hugging the girl tighter still.

Now standing alone in the clearing, was Takuma. Bewildered by the sudden display of power that left him nearly breathless in its wake. It took him a long moment to notice that his weapon of choice had disappeared from his hands, as if by magic, and forced himself to take a long steady breath. This type of confrontation seldom made him anxious, but this was different. His best friend was now thrown into the equation; and with two equally powerful purebloods battling it out… he knew it wasn't going to end well. "Zero-kun." Ignoring the glare from his grandfather, Takuma made his way towards the two prefects. "Please, go after them. I'll take care of her."

Zero instinctively inched back, holding the girl closer still. He had said the same thing some time ago and there was the clear outcome of it. Frankly, he didn't trust the noble one bit. Not with the Council there. And especially not after he betrayed Kaname by siding with that other bastard. "Of what help would that be?" Kiryuu growled protectively, violet eyes now churning crimson.

"The Bloody Rose might not kill a pureblood, not easily, but it will cause some damage." Zero didn't need to be reminded of what his own weapon could do, but he understood where Takuma was heading. He might not be able to take Rido out, but by weakening him, Kaname might be able to do something constructive.

Yuuki too caught the point, and pushed against Zero's shoulders feebly in an attempt to push herself away from him. "Ichijou-sempai is right, Zero. You can help Kaname."


"I'll be fine. They won't take us by surprise again; you can bet on that." The girl said while trying to bite back the tremors in her voice. There were more important things that needed to be done, other than protect her. Besides, she could handle herself.

Zero hesitated momentarily before nodding and dashing off into the cover of the tress. Surprisingly enough, none of the other vampires followed. Takuma stood before Yuuki, his eyes trained intently on his grandfather and the other Council members there. He would keep his word; he only prayed Kiryuu could do his part as well.


A bewildered grunt escaped Rido as his back slammed into a tree; more surprised than out of actual pain. Was Kaname really going there again? He knew very well that he wouldn't be able to land that finishing blow, as much as he wished. It had been the same some eleven years ago, when he had come for the Kuran princess. After taking Haruka's life, young Kaname had tried his luck at killing the older pureblood. However, when the attempt failed, he destroyed Rido into a thousand pieces, but never managed to put him away for ever. It had taken him this long to regenerate, and only God knew how much blood was used to bring the dreaded pureblood back.

Takuma's blade was embedded in his chest, just above the heart. A very angry pureblood still holding on to the hilt. Kaname's eyes were liquid fire, swirling with such an intense hatred that it even made the hairs on Rido's neck stand on end. Bi-colored eyes blinked undisturbed several times before looking down at the bloodied katana, shaking his head in disapproval. "Just as I thought. You haven't told the princess the truth."

"That isn't of your concern. Do not ever place your filthy hands on her, again."

"A threat?" Rido's lip twitched when Kaname pushed the blade in further. "I'll take that as a yes."

Kaname had had just about enough of the fun and games. Rido's attitude was pissing him off; childish and mocking. Every intake of breath he took made Kaname seethe with sublime rage. That monster didn't deserve to live. He was not about to stand aside and watch him destroy all he had worked so hard for; all of his parents' hard work. Rido might have been his master, but Kaname was stronger than that. His will was hell-bent on annihilating the bastard before him. He had all the motivation he needed.

Kaname would protect Yuuki, the academy and every other human and vampire out there that needed help. Those that needed a chance to be free of that certain danger. The dangers of war which Rido so passionately longed for. He was determined to stop him. Once and for all. With little to no effort, Kaname drew the sword out of the flesh and at inhuman speed gave it a skilled twirl before aiming and lunging for the chest once again, but this time, for the heart…

Frustration. It was one of the overpowering emotions that shone in his garnet eyes at the moment. Was his determination not enough? Was his will really that weak? If he couldn't even save Yuuki from this monster, what then could he do?

The silver point of the blade lingered less than an inch away from the vital organ, frozen into place. Try as he may, he couldn't do it. His hands would not move an inch closer. A lethal blow, so easy and yet so impossible. Cursing under his breath, Kaname's eyes narrowed dangerously, itching to devour Rido out of pure ire. "Better luck next time, nephew. Maybe you might just outgrow your attachment to me, but who know. The look in your eyes is quite promising though. You remind me so much of myself."

"Shut up! I'm not like you in the slightest, Rido."

"You're a monster. Just ask those around you." It took Rido a moment to realize that Kaname had quickly moved from his spot, jumping back a few feet. But it was during the second moment that he noticed a bright, lilac flash before his eyes. It didn't give him a chance to react, but thankfully enough the hunter was a tad bit too far to cause any serious damage. "Ah. And your loyal dog comes to the rescue! How unfortunate for him to walk in when it makes you seem like the bad guy here." His words were ignored.


"Don't sweat it, Kuran-sempai. Yuuki can handle herself for now."

"You left her unattended?!"

"Ichijou-sempai is with her."

Kaname did a double-take, obviously annoyed by the hunter's stupidity. Sure, leave a completely harmless girl surrounded by dozens of deadly snakes with a noble who is apparently unarmed at the moment. A very smart thing to do indeed.

"I would hurry if I were you, Kaname. Leaving the poor princess behind, all by herself. How terrible." His words were uneven, but threatening nonetheless. The shot landed on his ribcage, making him bleed rather profusely, along with the wound on his chest.

Zero turned his eyes to Kaname and noticed that, once again, he had vanished. However, Rido was still there. His penetrating eyes staring into his soul, raping his very thoughts. Lilac eyes turned towards the deep forest hesitantly, in the direction were Yuuki and the others were. He would have given his right arm to be anyplace else in the world, rather then there. Taking a few steps towards the trees, Rido spoke up.

"Tell me, Kiryuu Zero. What was it like?" The hunter didn't budge. He was being held in place, utterly useless when rendered unmovable. "When that woman bit you, I mean."

Zero struggled against the invisible binds, not wanting to relieve that experience. It was then that that hatred began to bubble again. Hatred and fear. Rido's favorite game. The hunter knew he was thrown into a war he didn't want to fight without a choice, and he would have to fight in order to survive. "Let me go, you bastard."

"It must have been terrifying, yes? To be ripped away from your life and thrown with a whole new one. To be turned into a monstrosity who feeds off a human's life source. It's terribly, cold and inhumane." Zero didn't answer. He just wanted out. "To think that little Yuuki is so freely exposed to such a thing."

That made the hunter freeze into place. Not only because of the amount of power keeping him still, but by utter mortification. "You're the only pureblood that would do such a thing to her. And you aren't going anywhere on my watch."

"That is completely correct. But who said I was the one that had to be watched?" He was trying to play his stupid mind tricks on him; that much Zero knew. And he wasn't about to fall for it.

"Kaname wouldn't do such a thing. Not to Yuuki."


He didn't think it over. Zero dashed towards the others only to find that there was no one else there. Only Ichijou stood in the clearing. All the other vampires were gone. A sharp stab hit him in the chest when he noticed… that Yuuki and Kaname were also gone. "Where are they?"

Emerald eyes blinked uncertainly before he got the point. "Kaname is with her. There's really no need to-"

"No!" Zero's sudden outburst surprised the noble.

"Zero-kun?" Without acknowledging the words, Kiryuu was on his way again. Was Kaname really that cruel of a bastard? Was he really that selfish? Of course he was. There was no doubt about it. To his dismay, Kuran was going to turn Yuuki in to a vampire…


The low, almost imperceptible creaking of the ceiling fan was about the only sound in the plain room; if he discounted the pureblood's shallow breathing, that is. Whatever was left of said vampire's clothing rested on one of the wooden chairs in the corner of Zero's bedroom, leaving the brunette shirtless and unconscious on the lanky bed. A damp towelette resting on his perspiration drenched forehead. His skin was flushed, warm, as if feverish. Something was wrong.

Zero went about his room, occasionally stealing glances at the resting vampire and regretting it each and every time. It couldn't be helped that every time he looked at him, a battle raged inside him. The hunter preferred to call it turmoil; others would have called it denial. It was perfectly natural to feel worried in this kind of situation. Purebloods were indestructible, after all. And to see Kaname in such a delicate state made him uneasy. He wanted to know what was wrong with him, now. And above all, who or what had caused the strange symptoms. But until he woke up, he was pretty much in the dark.

So Kiryuu just opted to polish his gun, and to clean up whatever loose articles of clothing he had thrown around. Books stored in their rightful place, bathroom organized. It took him a while to notice but once he did, he stopped dead in his tracks. What the hell was he doing? Why was he doing it? That was the better question. It was just to kill time, right? Of course. There was no ulterior motive. None at all. He wasn't seeking approval; nor trying to make the place decent for the pureblood. He was just killing time. "Who am I kidding?" He said exasperatedly as he plopped down on the only available chair that rested beside the bed, scratching his head rather comically and somewhat quizzically. Taking the small towel, he dipped it in the fresh water bowel on the night table before placing it back into place. He wasn't even going to bother explaining what was going through his mind at the moment.

Sound began to filter through his senses, and so did several distinctive scents. Sweat, water, lilacs… The throbbing in his head had become real once again, and the fuzziness in his senses began to dissipate once consciousness began to loom. Kaname refused to open his eyes, however. He knew better than to give any signs of life after being out so long, and not knowing where in the face of the world he was. What he perceived actually surprised him. The musty yet comforting scent was all too familiar. Suddenly, the fuzziness that was in his mind a few seconds ago came to rest in his stomach. The atmosphere was stale, but gentle. It was a feeling he had experienced so long ago, when he was just a child. The feeling of being cared for. Something that was now so foreign and unknown.

Zero froze in place when his hunter senses spiked up, but quickly fell into their normal state of alertness. His eyes remained expertly trained on the pureblood, and noticed the subtle but unmistakable changes. The jerky breaths as he slept now settled to a calmer, deep and even breathing. The barely perceptible pained noises subsided, and even his creased forehead relaxed a bit, as if his nightmares had vanished. But the hunter knew better. Kaname was very wide awake. The pureblood tried to make the charade all too perfect, but after hours of attentively watching him, Zero learned that Kuran's slumbers were never peaceful.

Standing by, Zero waited for him to react, but nothing came. He was unmoving. The flush on his cheeks, however, began to fade. The perspiration still lingered, but he looked less ill than before. Curiosity won over when Zero placed his hand tentatively on the pureblood's forehead and was surprised to find that his temperature had gone down as well. So he could control his own illness? Or just mask it? Was he even sick at all?!

"Cut the crap. I know you're awake, Kuran-sempai."

Then he was correct after all. Thick eyelashes fluttered for a moment before revealing those gorgeous garnet eyes, heavily laden with sleep. As normal as the action was, it sent small shivers down Zero's spine. "Top of the evening to you too, Kiryuu-kun."

"It's three in the morning." Zero muttered in return. He had lost a whole night thanks to the pureblood, and he wasn't quite in a good mood because of that.

"Well, you losing your goodnight sleep isn't exactly my problem now, is it?" Kaname returned just as un-amused.

"Nice feedback for saving your hide there. Remind me not to do it again if you're keeping to your sarcasm. Should have known better." The hunter fell quiet for a moment, before he stumbled upon words he wouldn't want to speak aloud.

Should have known better? Exactly what was the hunter expecting of him? To thank him? Well, he was, in part, grateful for his help. But it wasn't like he had saved his life. It wasn't that much of a deal. "Yes, you should have. Now if you'll excuse me, I'll be on my way. And thank you." The last three words were mumbled as he sat up on the uncomfortable bed, but failed to move any further. "Why am I-"

"Your clothes were ruined. So I removed them. Got a problem?"

Talk about a complete invasion of privacy. Kaname might have changed over the course of that past year, but some things never really completely changed. Even if there was nothing left of who he was once before, there was still a slight hint of dignity in him. Being stripped by a Level D? Definitely crossed that invisible line. "Yes, I have a problem, Kiryuu-"

"Then leave." Zero got up from his chair and strode into the bathroom, leaving a silent pureblood behind. His words were cold and unfeeling, but what else could he do? Kaname would have left, gotten out of the hunter's hair, but the sad thing was, he didn't want to. "I really don't get what your problem is. We're both men, after all. Not much of a difference between the two of us."

Kaname was glad Zero was still in the other room, for the statement made him chuckle. The complete random thought of how Aidou would have reacted to that amused him to no end. Zero comparing himself physically to Kaname. That was something. Kaname didn't mind it though. Zero was indeed handsome. He might not have been a noble; much less a pureblood, but he still turned heads. The silvery hair and pale eyes blended in flawlessly with his milky pale skin… Quite frankly, before this whole ordeal had begun, Kaname had no problem in seeing Zero in that specific light. As a gorgeous young man. But now, he wasn't even sure of himself.

Falling back on the mattress again, Kaname sighed, running a tired hand through his slightly tangled hair. "You should get some sleep."

Zero's head peaked out of the bathroom, water trickling down his face. "I will. As soon as you get the heck out of here."

The pureblood pondered it for a moment. "I don't wish to do so. I'm more than comfortable here."

Something fell over in the bathroom, causing a loud rattling noise followed by a low curse. Zero fumbled to catch the tin cup he was holding in his hands but failed clumsily, splattering water all over the floor. He didn't say it out loud, but Kaname still heard the, "He can't be serious" the hunter had just mumbled. "Has anyone ever told you how infuriating you are?"

Kaname ignored him, shutting his eyes again and subconsciously snuggling into the sheets. The bed was hard as hell, and ultimately uncomfortable, but it sure beat the forest floor. And facing Yuuki at the moment. Maybe a slight banter with the hunter would do him some good. For old times' sake. Just a little hint of normalcy would probably awaken some part of his old self. But what was starting to awaken instead didn't put his mind at ease in the slightest.

Walking back into the room, Zero opened his wardrobe's drawer, pulling out an extra sheet and arranging it over the floor. Leaning over the pureblood carefully, he snagged the extra pillow he kept on the bed and fluffed it up, casting it on the floor as well. Kaname turned his head and watched as the hunter shuffled about on the makeshift bed, punching the pillow into place and finally closed his eyes. When silence finally set across the room, Kaname began to feel… odd. Just odd, for some reason. "Wouldn't you prefer the bed?"

"You're using it."

"I can just leave if I'm a bother…"

"Just shut up and get some rest, Kuran."

With another tired sigh, Kaname shifted onto his side in order to look at the hunter as he spoke. Zero was also on his side, but with his back towards the pureblood. Carelessness? Or just annoyance? He figured it was more towards the latter. "Your wounds." It seemed like a completely random comment, but it was far from it. "They were caused by Hunter weapons." Silence. Zero shifted on his spot, but didn't turn. Instead, he pressed his hand against the dressed wound. "Your skin was charred. I could sense it."

"I know what you're thinking. No, they weren't rebels. I didn't locate any hunters nearby." Zero frowned; although Kaname couldn't see it, he was quite sure he had. He knew the type of gestures the hunter made during these conversations.

"The vampires are using Hunter weapons…" It wasn't a question, but there was dismay laced in his voice. "This means-"

"They aren't only hunting down humans anymore." Kaname's stomach churned unpleasantly with this new piece of information, his troubled aura making Zero turn around to face him. "Ex-humans are now on their list. Be them Level E or D."

"They want to purify the bloodlines."

"But there aren't many purebloods left, are they?"

"This makes no sense. If Rido is building his army-"

"Why kill the lesser vampires?" Zero finished for him, his eyes thoughtful. "They'll obey him anyway, even if he wasn't the one who turned them."

"Perhaps. But there are exceptions to the rule. Like you, for instance." Kaname added, remembering the truckload of times he had to maneuver the hunter into doing his biding, when mere commands failed to work. He also remembered the time Shizuka Hio, the pureblood who delivered this regrettable fate to Zero, attempted to get a hold of the hunter when Yuuki was in peril. It was perhaps thanks to his incredible hard head, or, more likely, his incredible will power.

Whether it was a taunt, or a compliment, it went lost on him. Zero was too drained and way too damn tired to think anymore. With an overdramatic yawn, he rolled onto his back again, resting his arm over his eyes. "Whatever it is, we'll just have to find out some other time."

We? Kaname cocked his head to the side, a slight smile forming on his thin lips. "Right, some other time. Goodnight, Zero."

Those were words Zero never thought he'd hear in a million years. Much less, this was a situation he'd thought he'd be in, never. Sleeping in the same bedroom as the pureblood? Unthinkable. Yet, here he was. Without the heart to throw him out. This was wrong in so many levels. Yet… he didn't even complain.

"Night, Kaname."