Acknowledgments and thanks

Hi, I'm Dragon Ninja 1138, writer of Naruto Gaiden: Rise of a Shinobi, It's finally over, I know I've been updating like crazy but you should know that I've had almost the entire story written out before I even Joined this cool website. Now that The first party of my rewrite is Over, I would like to tell you some stories about the making of this story and how it came about.

I first got the Idea from when I read Akkido Umashido and thought the story was phenomenal, inspiring me to create my own Naruto and Ninja Gaiden cross over, which is the story you all have been reading.

I originally intended this to be a NaruHina fic, but after reading some of the M-rated NaruSaku fics I was converted halfway through this stories writing so I had to think of a way to turn this into a NaruSaku fic, If you recall, Neji really kicked Hinata's ass in the fic so badly she nearly had to quit being a ninja. After reading your reviews, and you asking me Not to kill Hinata Which a already had written down for about a month, I didn't want to loose my very valued readers so I had to go back into those parts and rewrite them before I posted that chapter. I had to Cut out many sections in future chapters and think of replacement material but I hope you liked it!

As for the comments I got early on in posting this story such as The Fourth Hokage's Name: Minato Namikaze, I did Know about that While I was writing this but I didn't know it would raise the hell it did, I'm sorry and I hope your satisfied with the changes to that.

When it came to the relationship part of It, I hope you all understand the pairing I put on it, A few were expecting a NaruHarem pairing story but I don't think I'll ever be able to pull that off, the only story I like that has that pairing is Akkido Umashido's Naruto Gaiden Fic.

Finally I'd like to thank some people and media works that gave me the Ideas for my story.

Akkido Umashido- for being the primary inspiration for My fic You rock!

Kyugan- in his Naruto Gaiden fic he has Naruto with the Kyubii's ability Kyugan, I modified it so it wouldn't look like I was copying

The official Naruto fan book – Without this book the details about the Naruto Universe wouldn't be that well written, all places, ages of characters, even down to what ramen Naruto likes best is written here with various details about Konoha which made it in here, all places in the fic are taken from an official map of Konoha. Without this book I doubt it would be as good, Want a copy? It should be available in any store that sells Manga graphic Novels

- when there was something I needed about Ninja gaiden I nneded to find such as spelling of a name or looking up Items in the videogame Wiki

The Video Game Star Wars: The Force Unleashed the ship the secret apprentice flies in The rouge shadow was the inspiration for the ship that Naruto has later in the fic the Nightsword, we will see more of the Nightsword in the (yet to be named) sequel, Unlike in this fic it will have weapons mounted on it in the sequel.

And Finally thanks a great deal to ALL OF YOU: the loyal readers and those who Like my most regular Poster Gravenimage who posted almost every update I made and commented on my work, Hope to see you when I Begin the sequel!

Note about the Sequel: I am going to take a well deserved break from writing fanfics for the holiday season and most likely start it up after the New year, I will see the comments regularily as they flow in. Have a happy holidays