Hi everyone, I have recently re-discovered Captain Planet since I used to watch it as a kid 10 years ago, I have never written a Wheeler and Linka fic before so I'm trying my best to get them right. Rated for strong themes. Please read and review but more importantly enjoy. :-)

New Beginnings

Wheeler threw himself down into the soft sand on the Hope Island beach with a sigh. The hot sand began to cling to his body as he had just emerged from the sea a few moments earlier. The sun was slowly setting on the horizon as the last of his energy drained itself into the sand. He had just swum for almost an hour; length after length through the waves venting his frustration. Normally the sea was Gi's private sanctuary where she would go to clear her head, but the calming waters were the perfect opposite to cool Wheeler's hot-headed temper. The Planeteer of water walked over to Wheeler and sat down next to him.

"Do you want to talk about it Wheeler?"

"Not really, no." He looked at Gi and seeing her understanding expression, he felt as though he could tell her anything and she wouldn't judge him. "Why does she have to always be so cold? Six years now, I've always been there for her, supported her, comforted her, loved her, and I get nothing back. Sometimes I wonder if she cares about me at all, or if she'll only show it when it suits her." Wheeler smashed his hands into the sand causing it to fly everywhere. "I've never felt more cut off. Just when I think we're getting somewhere, Linka tells me she needs space, when I back off she gets mad at me for ignoring her."

Gi took her friends hand and squeezed it comfortingly. "Wheeler, there's no excuse for what Linka did today; everyone could see it hurt you. But deep down I just think she's afraid."

"Afraid of what, me?"

"Not exactly, now don't get angry."

"I'll try."

"I think what Linka's really afraid of is losing you…."

"But that would never…"

"Let me finish." Gi said firmly but kind. "You two have been friends for so long now; I think she's worried that if things weren't to work out between you two that it would jeopardize both your friendship and the team."

"But I know we'd be great together Gi, and Linka won't even give us a chance to find out."

"Or she thinks once she gives you what you're looking for, you'll lose interest."

"But that's crazy."

"Maybe. The only way to find out is by talking to her." Gi stood up. "I'm getting chilly; I'll leave you to think things over."

As soon as he was alone Wheeler reached for his jacket which was lying next to him. Pulling it around his bare shoulders he reached into the inside pocket and withdrew his cigarette lighter and a smoke. After lighting it up and taking a long drag, he exhaled slowly, savoring the moment. Sure, he knew it was bad for him, he knew his friends would disapprove, especially Linka, but the way things were between them who could really blame him?

His mind wandered back to that afternoon. The Planeteers were playing a game of beach volleyball on a very rare day off. The teams were Kwame and Linka against Wheeler and Gi, with Ma-Ti and Suchi on the sidelines keeping score. Wheeler and Gi were down by five points. On Wheeler's next shot he leaped into the air and hit the ball with excessive force, sending it soaring from the beach and into dense bush land nearby.

"Wheeler!" Linka yelled. "You did that on purpose because you are losing."

"Me?" He replied innocently. "Never. No problem guys I'll go find the ball."

Wheeler was a little surprised to find that Linka was right behind him as he entered the bush. "Couldn't resist, aye babe?"

"Couldn't resist what?" She asked confused.

"Following me into the bush away from the others."

"Nyet! Only when you sleep Yankee. I chose to come with you because I know you'll never find the ball by yourself." She said with a cheeky grin.

"I think you mean in my dreams." He corrected. As they walked Wheeler took an opportunity to flirt with his girl. "Have I mentioned how great you look in that bikini?"

"Many times today Wheeler. I'm starting to wonder if you think of much else."

Suddenly Wheeler tripped on an uprooted branch. "Whoa watch your step here."

By the time he said it Linka had already tripped behind him, crashing into him and sending them both tumbling down a steep hill. When they finally stopped their descent, the two teenagers found themselves intertwined. Wheeler lay on his back and had wrapped Linka in his arms above him. She blushed against his arms. "Suddenly I feel very naked."

He shook his head. "I've never seen you look so beautiful."

Linka lowered her head to kiss him lightly on the lips. When their lips met Wheeler took it upon himself to deepen the kiss and for once he could almost swear Linka was kissing him back with the same passion. A few moments of his tongue dancing with hers and Linka was melting. She rand her hands down his stomach exploring his hard chest inch by inch. Wheeler moaned, he couldn't believe the girl of his dreams was finally responding to him the way he wanted her to. Linka had abandoned all reasoning losing herself in the moment. Wheeler had moved from her mouth and had dedicated himself to finding the most sensitive spot on her neck. Linka moaned in sheer delight as Wheeler kissed her over and over again. "Wheeler…" She whispered in between giggles. "Wheeler, we should stop……" She moaned again, and then gasped as he bit lightly at where he had been kissing. "Don't stop." Linka said feverishly, her hands running through his hair. She quickly snapped out of it as she felt Wheeler's hand reach up to her neck and start pulling at the string to her bikini top.

She pulled away at lightning speed. "Bozhe-Moy! Wheeler what do you think you are doing?" She asked; reaching around her neck, making sure it was still firmly tied.

"Linka, I'm sorry, I guess I just got a little carried away.

"Nyet. You knew exactly what you were doing." She huffed.

"Babe, I'm sorry, I wouldn't push you into anything you're not ready for. You know that don't you?"

"Sometimes I wonder. You've had this on your mind from the minute you hit that ball over here, haven't you?"

"Now you're just being ridiculous!"

"So now I'm ridiculous?" That's it Yankee!" She stood up. "That's the last time you get your hands or more importantly your mouth on my neck!"

"Linka!" He said standing up after her. "Babe I'm sorry."

She was walking briskly up through the bush away from him. She didn't like being angry with him, but sometimes she wondered if their so called "relationship" meant more to him than anything physical. Linka had never given herself fully to anyone before, wanting to be sure that when she did it was to the right person. She wanted more than anything for that person to be Wheeler, and yet something inside her still warned her not to. When she reached the beach and the other Planeteers, Ma-Ti asked her,

"Can Wheeler not find the ball?"

"Da," she replied, "Wheeler could not locate anything with that oversized head of his!"

Wheeler emerged a moment later, having been running to catch up with her. She went to walk away again but this time he grabbed her arm. "Linka wait."

She turned to face him and without thinking slapped him hard across the face.

The other Planeteers gasped in surprised. Linka too was shocked at her reaction. Wheeler was stunned. "Wheeler….I….I…." She stuttered, unsure of what to say.

"Forget it; I've got the message loud and clear." He said, voiced raised. Wheeler turned and walked away from the others towards the water, diving in on the first wave and swimming far out.

Wheeler finished his cigarette and stubbed it out in the sand. He then put the used stub into his jacket pocket so as not to damage the environment. He was about to stand up when he saw Linka approaching. She was still in her bikini but had a wrap around skirt tied at her waist. Her hair was loose and blowing rapidly around her shoulders.

"Wheeler?" She asked. He didn't say anything so she sat down next to him. "I am sorry. I never should have hit you; I don't know what came over me, I…"

"It's ok," he replied. "You were upset, you've told me you're not ready and I ignored you." He sighed and took hold of her hand. "I've wanted to be with you since the minute we met. And I don't mean sex, I mean having an actual relationship. Not stealing kisses when we have a minute to ourselves, I mean loving you, and have you love me back. I'm not making much sense am I?"

Linka smiled at him. He continued, "I think we need to say how we really feel about each other and go from there. I've told you I love you, and I need to know if you feel the same, because if not, I think we should just call it quits." Suddenly Wheeler regretted saying what he had just said. What if this backfired and she didn't love him; the thought scared the hell out of him.

"You've said that you love me, I need to know why you do, if you think there is more to me than just physical attraction." Linka told him. It surprised Wheeler; that she would so readily talk to him about their relationship. He took her in his arms and she leaned back into his chest.

"Linka, I don't love you just because you're gorgeous. You're brave, resourceful, smart, and sexy. You don't let anyone push you around, you're loyal, and you put up with me." He joked.

"I do love you, Yankee, and I wish I was ready to take things to the next step, but making love is a very sensitive issue when a girl has never done such things before."

"Babe, don't worry about that for a second. Sure I would love to do that with you but I want our first time to be special, and if that means waiting until you're absolutely ready then I can handle that." He kissed her cheek. "You know that I've never….I mean you'd be my first as well right?"

Linka looked at him a little surprised. "Really? I never thought…I mean you don't seem the type…"

"Some guys want to wait for the right woman too you know."

It was then that Linka knew that Wheeler was right for her in every way. The cold night air sent a chill down her spine and Linka shivered into Wheeler's chest.

"You cold? Here babe." He said pulling his jacket from his shoulders and wrapping it tightly around her.

"But what about you?" She asked; Wheeler was still wearing only his swimming shorts.

"You forget; I'm all about heat." Wheeler had made a pile of dry wood earlier and pointing his ring at it he said "Fire," causing it to spark and crackle into life. Linka pulled Wheeler's jacket closer up around her neck.

"Wheeler, you're jacket smells like smoke." She said confused, sniffing it now.

"It does?" He asked nervously, he'd rather keep his dirty habit to himself.

"Have you been smoking?" Linka asked seriously.

"Me? No that's gross, I would never…"

"Then why is there a cigarette lighter and a used up stub in your pocket?" Linka cut him off. "Wheeler, smoking can kill you, not to mention it is bad for the environment, why would you do this?"

He sighed. "I used to smoke a long time ago, since I was young, I quit right before joining the Planeteers. I guess with how everything's been lately I've been stressed out. I don't like it Linka, but it helps."

"I understand Wheeler; I've been addicted to something before too." Linka shivered as she thought of the drug Bliss; that had killed her cousin. "But what I don't understand is how you could lie to me without a second thought when I asked you if you had been smoking?"

"Because, I've been hiding it from everyone, mostly from you, I didn't want you to be disappointed in me. Can you forgive me?"

"Da, silly Yankee." She replied snuggling closer into his chest. "I do not wish to fight with you anymore."

"Me either babe, tonight we start over, new beginnings." Wheeler kissed her on the top of her head as Linka slowly went to sleep in his arms.