So. There is a home for my throwaway stuff and maybe this should have ended up there too but something made me want to post it. And then I thought there may be other stuff in the future that tips over into the posting bracket. And so I started this thread.
This is experimental and probably pretentious. It's what I woke up with so I'm sharing. What you make of it, I have no idea. :)
"What do you do?" by InSilva
How things change.
The longest hour evaporates
Like a beginner's winning streak.
Walking back to despond
To find the thrill ride in its place.
There's shockful joy and not a little anger;
(Just because it doesn't show
Doesn't mean he doesn't know).
He's here: life quickens.
There'll be rarefied air
And invisible angles;
The (im)possible.
Cards fall.
Conversation resumes: apology sought, forgiveness granted.
The stars fade away.
There is just him and him.
The universe is their playground.