This story takes place not long after the episode Heartland. I have more written but I need someone to do beta the rest of the chapters. E-mail if you want to beta this stoy.

Thanksgiving in Stillwater

"Dinozzo" Tony answered his cell phone.

"Tony" responded the voice on the other end. Even though Tony had only met the man once he knew the voice on the other end immediately.

"Jack" He responded happily. "How are you doing? How is Stillwater? You're okay right?" He asked suddenly concerned about why Gibbs father would be calling him.

"Slow down kid. You are going to choke on your words." responded Jack. "I'm fine"

"Oh good. So what's up?"

"I was hoping you could do me a favor."

"Sure, what do you need?"

"I've left two messages asking my son if he would like to come home for Thanksgiving dinner but Leroy hasn't responded."

"Yeah, the boss isn't so good at checking his messages."

"Could you ask him if he was planning on coming? I know you will at least get an answer."

"Sure, Jack, no problem." Tony responded. As he finished the conversation with Jack he puzzled as to how to bring up thanksgiving dinner with his boss.


As it turns out Tony didn't have to bring up Thanksgiving. McFriendly did it for him. He found out McGee's plans which of course involved a lot of family and turkey, and Ziva's plans which involved a lot of shopping. Tony then asked Gibbs what he would be doing for the holiday.

"Working- same as I always do Dinozzo. You think something has changed?"

"Wellll, I thought now that you're talking to your Dad again you might be heading to Stillwater."

"Think again Dinnozo." was the only response he got. His boss clearly wanted to end the conversation.

Tony called Jack later that night. "I hate to be the bearer of bad news but looks like Gibbs, I mean Jethro, my boss isn't coming for Thanksgiving." While talking to his boss's dad, Tony always stumbled when trying to figure out what to call his boss.

"That's too bad, Jack responded. I have a huge meal planed and no one coming for it."

"Sorry about that Jack." Tony responded. He was honestly sorry about Gibbs lack of response.

"Say, what are you doing for Thanksgiving Tony? "


"No the other person on the phone named Tony." The phrase was small glimpse into where Gibbs' responses came from.

"I don't have any plans. I will probably be in the office all day too." Tony responded.

"Do you want to come for Thanksgiving at my house? I am going to have a ton of food and I am a pretty good cook."

"Uhh.." Tony hesitated.

Jackson Gibbs knew what Tony was worried about. "Don't worry about my son, Tony. He doesn't even need to know you came if you don't want him to. I just figured, I want to know about Jethro's life now and you want to know about what he was like as a kid. You never got to finish asking me questions about him. Let's make a day of it."

"I'll have to see if I can have the day off. I mean I know it is a holiday and I legally have it off but I still have to check with Gibbs."

"My boy sure does have all of you trained. You give me a call tomorrow okay?"

Tony responded affirmatively. He checked with Gibbs the next day if he could take off on Thanksgiving. Gibbs told him yes and immediately Ziva asked if he would be spending it with a girlfriend. Tony's response was not a lie, but was not exactly truth either. "No, an old friend has invited me over." Technically Jack was old and technically Tony considered Jack a friend.