(Warning!!:Story name subject to Change...)

...Rated for language, themes, violence, and future chapters...

Okay, let me tell you this right now. I am still currently playing Devil May Cry 4, but I am progressing very well (considering that I have to run over and bum it off my friend because I am lame, poor, and do not own a PS3 or a X-Box 360…) And while the character in this story has a PS3, I do not, and I am only lucky to have seen one owned by a friend of mine. (He treated that thing like a freakin' god idol though…)

Anyway, even though I am still playing the game, I have cheated and looked online, found many of the cut-scenes on YouTube, and let my friends who have already beat the game tell me what happens and guide me through my new Fanfic.

I will continue to play the game and gain more knowledge as time goes by, so expect more of the games to be associated with this story!

Thank you again for your patients, and I hope you enjoy this newest Devil May Cry story.

~Alma Theresa



Beware Green Lightening

"You're too old to be playing these silly games!" my mother snapped at me, shutting off the TV and standing in front of me.

I gaped, "Mom! You can't do that! I'm about to beat the boss and—" trying to explain this to my mom would take forever, and I already felt my controller vibrate and then there was nothing, so I knew I was dead. Dammit…now I would have to do it all over again! I glared at her, "I can play the games if I want to, mom! I like them!"

My mother was a hefty woman with black hair. She and my dad had gotten a divorce a few years ago, and my mother had gotten me. She had swore up and down that she was going to "raise me right", making it sound like my dad had done a bad job with how he raised me.

"You're a young lady, Sydney," Mom said, "You shouldn't be playing such violent and…and…evil video games!" she looked at the case for my Playsation3 version of "Devil May Cry 4: Collectors Edition". "No, you're going to get rid of all of these right now! I will not have them in my house!" she threw the case into the garbage and I let out a horrified yell.

"Mom! D-Don't you dare!" I didn't even think much about it as I dug into the trash and fished out the case, getting a damp rag to clean it off.

I heard her start to pull at the wires on my PS3 and I flipped out, "Stop it! Stop it, Mom! Leave it alone!" I went over and yanked the wires from her, "This was a gift from Dad!"

"Get rid of it!" my mother ordered, "Or I will! I don't want you playing this thing anymore!" she pointed to it, "And you'll throw out all of those evil games too! And I'm going to send you to a private school! All girls, like I did. A nice, Christian school," she nodded, "That'll teach you to be a respectable young woman."

I glared at my mother, shooting to my feet and shouting, "I'm not going to some snobby school where they'll teach me to be some snobby bitch! And I'm not about to throw away my things just because you don't want me to have any reminder of dad! Just because you hate him doesn't mean I have to, y'know!!"

My mother glared at me, "How dare you talk to me that way, Sydney!"

"I'll talk however I damn well please," I yelled, "I'm seventeen years old, mom! I can decide what I want to do, who I want to be with, and what I want to do with my stuff!"

My mom looked like she was about to turn into a steamed lobster, her cheeks so red and eyes so wide that it would've been comical if her anger wasn't directed at me. "That is it!" she shouted at me, "Tomorrow, I'm going to throw out all of this…crap and you'll never see it again!! I'll make sure that you never, ever have bring anything like this into my house again, do you hear me!?! NEVER!!" she stormed up the stairs, leaving me alone in the den.

I scowled after her, though I felt kinda bad for doing that. But it was bound to happen; it was just kinda funny that it happened over my game. I sat back down on the couch. My mom and I had been at odds since the divorce. My dad had fought tooth and nail to get me, but in the end, my mom won. My wanting to stay with my dad didn't mean anything when my mom brought up his gambling and drinking habits. My dad wasn't a bad man…it was just the whole "old habits die hard" thing.

I rubbed my temples as I listened until I heard the local country music station play, knowing that my mom was now trying to calm down, and then I relaxed a bit. Outside though, Mother Nature was fuming. I heard thunder rolling in and saw, through the slightly opened curtains, lighting flashing in blackened night sky. It was going to be a rough storm…but it wasn't here yet. And like my mom, I had my own ways of getting rid of my stress.

I made sure she hadn't broken anything (and my PS3 was so expensive that I doubt I could replace it, so I treat it like my child) and then fired it back up. I picked up far from where I left off, but I was back into the boss battle in a few minutes. It took me forever to get where I was just before my mom cut me off. Nero was half-dead at this point, but only a few more hits and the boss would be history!

But then something happened…something horrible happened…

My game froze! I tried pressing buttons but nothing seemed to work, so I stood up and went over to my PS3 and started to mess with the wires and tap on it, hoping to jog it back up.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw a green flash coupled at the same time with the loudest clap of thunder I had ever heard. All the lights in my house went out, and for a moment, I was surrounded by one of my worst fears…the dark…

I almost hyperventilated when there was an eerie, bright green glow that illuminated the dark. At that point, I had stood up and tried to make a dash for the stairs to find my mom, but I stopped to look over my shoulder.

My eyes were wide with a mixture of awe and shock. My Playstaion3 was…glowing! It was glowing a dark green color, lighting up the entire room with a ghostly glow. My jaw dropped, I couldn't believe what I was seeing! I looked up at the stairs. Now that the power was out, I could hear my mother snoring loudly. She must've fallen asleep; I had been playing the game for about half an hour…

She wouldn't be any help on finding out what was wrong with my Playstaion. So I decided I'd just…have to find out on my own…

I know common sense says not to touch the weird glowing thing…but…this was my Playstaion3! How the hell could I just leave it alone!? I mean, my dad spent good money on getting it for me, and I spent good money on getting the game that was inside it! I wasn't about to forfeit either of those things!

Hesitantly, I knelt in front of it and swallowed. I wondered if it was from that green flash (which I assumed must've been some kind of weird lightening) that it was glowing like that. Was it radio active? An image of me becoming some game-station based super hero came to mind, but that only made me think that I read way too many of my dad's old retro comic books…

Despite my better judgment, (and every comic book I read that specifically tells you never go near anything that glows green!) I reached out…and pressed the power button…

There was a white flash and I felt myself being sucked through a strange vortex of wind. I chocked and grasped my throat, unable to breathe as I flew through what felt like space, unable to see past the blinding white light.

And then, in a rush, I collided with hard ground. My head hit against something and I heard a grunt. I took in a rasping breath and rolled over onto my side, holding my throat as I hacked and tried to steady my breathing, more scared than anything else from my near suffocation.

I heard someone shout at me, but I was busy watching the colors dance before me, being swallowed up quickly by…big black spots…


"That's one nasty bump she's got there…" said a rough voice.

"Where did you find her?" said an emotionless, yet female voice.

"I've been trying to tell you that!" said a new voice, "I didn't find her! She fell on me!" it was younger than the other voice, but like it, it was male.

"She looks like she's been through hell though," said the female, and I felt a hand on my brow, "I'm glad we stopped the bleeding. I think it's only a cut though, she should be okay once she wakes up."

"Where do you think she came from?" said the first voice, "Girls like her don't just fall outta the sky…that only happens in my dreams…"

"I'm not even going to ask," said the third voice with an annoyed sigh.

I groaned and tried to roll over, hoping I was just having a noisy dream and I could just block it out and go back to sleep. Instead, they got louder.

"Hey! She's moving!" said the first voice.

"Is she awake!?" said the third.

"Hush, you two!" snapped the woman, "She has a head injury, remember?" I felt the hand that had been on my head move to my shoulder, "Are you awake, young lady?" asked a soft voice.

Slowly, I opened my eyes. And then they stayed open. It took some time for the blur to fade away, but I knew the outlines already. I could hardly see anything other than the three people standing over me. Two had silver hair and blue eyes, one had white-blonde hair and green eyes. I screamed and shot up, pulling myself over the back of the couch (which I had been sleeping on, it would seem) and trying to make a break for the door.

Half way there, I stumbled and fell onto my side, my head spinning and making me feel sick. I moaned and tried in vain to stand up again, and failed again.

"Hold it right there, little miss prissy pants," said the first voice, older than the other one as he grabbed my arm and helped me to my feet, "I my not be a doctor, but I doubt that you want to be running around in your condition." He flashed a rather charming smile at me, making me blush and my legs feel even weaker.

"Dante," said the younger man, coming up and yanking my other arm so that I fell against his chest, "Leave the poor girl alone! Can't even let her heal up before you decide to flirt with her? She has to be half your age!"

"Ah, can it, Nero," the man turned and waved his arm at him, "I was only foolin'."

"The two of you are like brothers," said the woman as she walked up and took me from the other man, "Come, sit down before you make your injuries worse."

"You've never been so nice to people, Trish," chuckled the older man as he sat behind a familiar looking desk, putting his feet up as he chewed on what looked like a pretzel stick, "What gives?"

The woman glared and looked at me, "I'll get you some water. You two, don't bother her…"

"Yes sir, drill sergeant, sir!" the older man saluted her as she walked past him. He chuckled as he pulled a magazine off his desk and opened it.

The other man came up to me, "So, what's with you dropping out of the sky onto my stomach, huh?" he crossed his arms, "Trying to commit suicide and failing?"

I hardly heard his question. Dante? Nero? Trish? I looked around the room, recognizing it finally…recognizing the faces, the weapons on the walls, the couch I was sitting on, even the magazine the man at the desk was reading!

"OHMYGOD!!" I screamed, my palms to my face as all three of the people in the room stared at me "I'M IN MY FUCKING VIDEO GAME!!"


Okay, so this was chapter 1. In the next one, I'll introduce this character properly, by name, so you'll get who's talking.

Thanks for reading, please review and let me know what you think!

~Alma Theresa