
Disclaimer: I'm not J. K. Rowling and therefore I do not own Harry Potter, or any of the other characters in this Fanfiction.


The slap caught Harry's cheek and made his head snap to the other side painfully. The single slap was followed by another and another until the slaps turned to punches and kicks. Harry didn't know what was happening. All he knew was that he could feel pain leaking from every pore of his body. It hurt. A lot.

With the first kick to his knees Harry lost his ability to stand. He collapsed on the floor in an unmoving heap. Yet the kicks and punches continued, as well as the verbal abuse. "You Freak!" Came the unconstrained screams from his Uncle Vernon's bloated, purple face "Foul Boy! You don't deserve to live! All you deserve is Pain! Not Love! Oh No Love would be too good for scum like you! Nasty Scum! Undeserving! After all we've done for you! Taken you in, fed you, clothed you! Is this how you repay our kindness? Our HOSPITALITY? By being a Freak like the rest of the? Ungrateful Whelp!"

By this time Harry could barely remain conscience, let alone reply to his livid Uncle. All he could do was remain prone on the floor, trying to take in shallow breaths and not make his uncle angrier. Because when his uncle was angry he just hit and kicked you for a while and then he left you alone. But if he was really angry then he would spend hours torturing you for his own personal satisfaction.

Soon Harry felt the punches coming slower and slower till they finally stopped, and he breathed a small sigh of relief, though he lay still until he heard his Uncle's huge lumbering footsteps leave the room. Then he laid for a few more seconds to count up his injuries.

Then suddenly his uncle was back. Only this time with a belt. He started whipping Harry over and over, until Harry couldn't take anymore and he finally fell into peaceful unconsciousness.

AN-hope you liked! Please review because they make my sad little existence happy! : D