Disclaimer: Inuyasha and Harry Potter belong to their respective authors/owners.

A/N: Written based on LM Kitsune's prompt 'fool' and a particular line mentioned in the one-shot. Her suggestions polished this one-shot, so thanks!

A Fool's Love

Mr Snape was far from princely and Miss Higurashi was a down-to-earth girl. It was sweet and by Merlin, the Sorting Hat wanted more fluff!


If anyone had to honestly describe Severus Snape in one word, it would be 'Slytherin'. Those who disliked the teenager may use other distasteful adjectives and nouns, but honestly, 'Slytherin' suited him best.

Don't delve into the stereotypical frames, but rather look at the conditions that ones must have to be sorted into that particular House. Mr. Snape had a quick, ambitious mind, a Ravenclaw favourite but also highly desired by Salazar Slytherin. The student kept a cool composure, if selected buttons weren't pushed, and could spin and bend truths as skilled as a zipping Snitch. He lacked a childhood but in turn, seemed to adapt like a survivor. The point was that Severus Snape could pull strings, a mixture, or he could remain independent and do everything himself.

Severus Snape was most likely the latter, which made acknowledging and accepting dependence on another a bit difficult.

Thus, love was way off and beyond.

Severus Snape didn't need anyone. No, not really. A day and night would tick by dry, dull and completely not worth exiting the thrill of potion-making.

If he caught sight of Kagome Higurashi and life suddenly seemed nicer, it was surely a coincidence.

If she smiled or on luckier days, at him, and he found his lips twitching, it was probably his unconsciousness readying for another batter with the Marauders.

If he dreamt of waking up next to her, it was surely the work of some accidental mixture of potion fumes.

If she spoke his name in a positive, cheery tone and he didn't mind his name anymore, it was family pride.

If this kept up long enough that Lily Evans, who hadn't spoken to him since 'that incident', shoved a book of love poetry in his hands, with distinctive hearts symbols and noticeably quirked her head towards the direction of his attention…Severus Snape probably should take a deep, long think.

…preferably nowhere near the public eye as Lily commented he sometimes blushed, which she must be lying…Severus just preferred privacy when addressing his thoughts.

Finally…by Merlin, finally! Severus acknowledged and accepted that he might be a little fond of that Higurashi girl, his project partner.

…the stubborn fool; Mr. Snape's fondness for Miss Higurashi was like kærlighed, elskov, amitiés, baisers, Liebe, Geliebte, amare, adorare, enamoramiento, querido…nothing less than love! Come on, he had a phoenix, detector of all things 'light', agreeing with him.

The Sorting Hat pushed a leathery fold into a frown, Fawkes and he would have to help the young man. Sitting on a shelf all year long was boring; he wanted to hear more of Mr. Snape's success from Fawkes! After the Sorting, the Hat was intrigued with that intricate mind and Miss Higurashi was no less fascinating. The Headmaster can go on and on about Mr. Potter and Miss Evans, but that was old news, predictable and rather like Prince Charming and a pretty Princess. Mr Snape was far from princely and Miss Higurashi was a down-to-earth girl. It was sweet and by Merlin, he wanted more fluff!

Fawkes eyed the mumbling Sorting Hat warily. Perhaps he should've kept his twittering recounts of romance stories to himself. The Hat formed a devious smirk. Nah, things were more interesting this way, Fawkes decided to assist the Hat where he can.

Scratched in an odd handwriting, was a note for Severus. This was spam of the magical world.





His eye twitched. The writer had an attachment to the words 'anonymous' and 'love', having mentioned them multiple times throughout. If he wanted to send an anonymous love letter, that's a very big 'if' by the way, he could easily send it via school owl and simply not include his name. This service could easily obtain people's details and blackmail them.

Severus scrunched up the note and flicked some magic to burn it.

In the privacy behind closed and spelled curtains, Severus sat on his bed to read the book Lily gave to him. It wasn't because he was interested, but as a Slytherin, extra knowledge would be handy. He didn't dwell on the fact that the book was on love poetry.

He had a piece of parchment next to him to jot down notes. So far, nothing seemed to follow any sort of logic.

My love for you burns like the white hot intensity of a thousand suns.

If there were a thousand suns, there would be no life, at least like on this planet. Everyone and everything would be, putting it mildly, crisped. If love burnt like that, wouldn't that person be, well, dead? So they died from loving? What a useless waste of existence. He placed all that down onto the parchment.

Severus could be bit of a pessimistic.

But then again, it didn't say anywhere that those suns had to be in one location. So, love was like something that extended throughout the universe and supported life. That…corny as it was, seemed to reflect his 'fondness' for Higurashi. He absentmindedly jotted down 'Kagome' along with his thoughts and then tucked the parchment in as a bookmark. He should finish his assignments first, before his mind wandered too far into the unknown.

Potter was using a few lines Lily was sure he simply copied from somewhere. She asked for the poetry book back to confirm.

The Sorting Hat and Fawkes laughed with glee.

It was his birthday today, another year of his sorry existence. Lily had wished him well and smiled…mischievously?

After all classes were over (since birthday fell on a Friday this year), Kagome Higurashi walked towards his direction. Severus couldn't help noticing that she looked a little…prettier today and nervous, with pink-tinted cheeks. She smiled, he…was less sour. She walked all the way up to him and his heart thumped harder to deliver more oxygen to his brain, to acknowledge that yes, Kagome was standing a little closer to him today.

The library was rather deserted, except for a pair of Ravenclaw and…was that Lily winking at him?

Kagome pulled his focus back when she leaned closer. Hot! Temperature rising…Severus fought the heat from his cheeks, Slytherins did not blush.

"And like the planets, my love rotates around you." What? But his confused mind was then filled with images, touches, smells and the sounds of Kagome Higurashi. She was kissing him! Someone or something knocked him further against Kagome and the Slytherin in Severus immediately came back.

The opportunity was too good to pass up, so he wrapped his arms around the love of his life and kissed back.

Fawkes was propped on a nearby book shelf; the Sorting Hat wanted all the accurate details.


'Love' in other languages:

Danish: kærlighed, elskov

French: amitiés, baisers

German: Liebe, Geliebte

Italian: amare, adorare

Spanish: enamoramiento, querido


A/N: The line was: My love for you burns like the white hot intensity of a thousand suns.

Also, there's a little poll on my profile page that would help for my other story: Just A Riddle Away. Just wondering on readers' interest/preference on various characters.

Thank you all for reading and LM Kitsune for making this possible ;)


P.S. Beyond the Cauldron will be marked as complete, but further one-shots will be added depending on the response/requests.