Hello again :D this is a Christmas fanfic. I know its not even December yet but this story has been in my head for a long time and I wanted to write it down. I'm not sure if I'll add another chapter but anyways please enjoy ^^


Rated: M for safety

I do not own bleach or any of the characters, Kubo-sensei does :D


"ICHHHHHIIIGOOOOO" yelled Isshin throwing a punch at his son, which Ichigo easily dodged.


"What's wrong with you, attacking your son right when he walk's through the door!" Ichigo screamed at his now bleeding father on the ground.

"It's father-son-bonding" Ichigo's father said holding his now throbbing nose.

"You think you would be use to it by now Ichigo-kun" snickered Rukia from the doorway.

"She has a point Ichi-nii" Karin said walking into the room.

"Oh my third daughter, how was your day at school!?" Isshin bellowed jumping up from the ground and rushing over to Rukia's side.

"Very good, thank you Mr. Kurosaki" Rukia replied in her fake voice with a fake smile included.

"Rukia-Chan I wish you would call me daddy-!"

"Shut up you freak!" an angry Ichigo screamed punching his father in the stomach.

"Dinner's ready!" came Yuzu's voice from the kitchen.

"Yuzu, Ichigo hurt daddy!" cried Isshin running into the kitchen.

"Your family is as funny as ever" Rukia said to Ichigo with a smile.

"Says you" Ichigo sighed rubbing his temples.


"So, Rukia-chan are you going to be here for Christmas?" asked Isshin at the dinner table.

Christmas….? Oh yes, Inoue was telling me about that strange human holiday a few days ago... Rukia thought to herself before answering.

"I believe so…"

"Yay its going to be so much fun Rukia-chan!' an energetic Yuzu exclaimed.

'Ichigo, you know what you should get your old man for Christmas?!" Isshin asked Ichigo who was stuffing his face with noodles.

"….I'm scared to ask…." Ichigo said looking at his father with narrow eyes.

" You and Rukia should grant me the gift of grandchildren!" the man cheered. Of course Rukia took a drink at that very moment and started coughing and spraying the table .

"God you pervert!" screamed a red-faced Ichigo.

"What? you two are at breeding age" Isshin said tiring to look innocent.

"Shut up!" the strawberry screamed trying to kick his father under the table.

"Oh what's wrong Ichigo are you not attracted to Rukia-chan? How can you not be she's beautiful!" Isshin ranted.

"I never said that-"

"Ha, so you admitted you are!" Ichigo's father cheered.

"No I didn't!-"

" Yes you did!…Wait, are you into that yaoi thing?"

"What? No?!" he screamed back at his father.

"So why not grant me the gift of grandchildren?" the man whined. At this point Ichigo was bright red from anger and embarrassment.

"Mr. Kurosaki, Ichigo and I are just friends" Rukia finally broke in.

"Aww, but you two would make such beautiful children together" Isshin whined again. Ichigo started banging his head against the table.

"Ichigo stop that or you'll break the table with that hard head of your" Rukia said with a smirk. Ichigo stopped and looked up at the girl sitting next to him.

"Ha, ha, very funny" he said sarcastically glaring at her. Rukia just smiled back.

"Back to the Christmas matter" Isshin said getting serious."Would you like to invite anyone Rukia-chan?"

"Well my friend Renji would probably want to come…" she answered slowly.

"No way I don't want him in my house!" Ichigo screamed.

"Get over it Ichigo he's coming" Rukia hissed back.

"How do you know he'll even want to come?" Ichigo asked with narrow eyes.

"I know him" she answered with a smile.

"ok so this Renji fellow is coming….how about any family members…?" Isshin asked

"well I could ask my brother…." she said softly.

"NO WAY IN HELL!" Ichigo screamed.

"Shut up Ichi-nii" Karin huffed from across the table.

"I don't think he would…want…I mean…he's very busy" Rukia added

"I bet he will!" screamed Isshin getting up from the table and running over to the phone.

"Who are you calling daddy?" asked a confused Yuzu.

"Byakuya-kun" he said dialing.

"What!? How do ya know Byakuya?" Ichigo asked with wide eyes.

"From the olden days…" the man replied.


"SHHHHHH I'M ON THE PHONE!" Isshin randomly screamed.


"Hello? Byakuya-kun? its Kurosaki Isshin" Isshin said walking into the other room. Everyone at the table looked at each other, then got up at the same time and rushed over to listen.

"What do you want? And it's captain Kuchiki to you" Byakuya replied in his normal cold voice.

"Well I don't know if you know this but in the human world its almost a special holiday…"

"A holiday..?" he asked sitting in his office.

"Yes a holiday…meant to be spent with family…" Isshin said trailing off.

"What are you getting at?" the sixth division captain asked.

"Well the Kurosaki family wants to know if you want to join us in the celebration."

" Why would I? I hate you….and your son…"

"You're so mean Byakuya-kun! Besides Rukia wants you to come" Isshin whined

"…She does………?"Byakuya asked somewhat shocked.

"Yes. What did you think just because you were…well, are a crappy brother and you were going to let her be executed…..wow that sounded better in my head…."

"………What day is it on…?"Byakuya sighed.

"The 25th" Isshin said overly cheerful.

"I see…" he commented looking out the window.

"So does that mean your coming Byakuya-kun!?" Isshin asked.

"Yes….and don't yell fool…also, stop calling me…"Byakuya-kun" he answered pinching the bridge of his noise.

"Okay, tell Renji he's invited too" Isshin said with a big goofy grin even though Byakuya wasn't there to see it.

"Fine. Do I bring anything for this holiday?…"Byakuya asked with a headache. It seemed to always happen when he talked to this Kurosaki….or any Kurosaki in general.

"the holiday is called Christmas and yes bring presents"


"Yes for me, Ichigo, Rukia, Renji and my two eleven-year-old daughters, oh and Urahara and Yoruichi might stop by so presents for them might be necessary" he said counting off on his fingers.

"Fine, I guess I could take a vacation for a few days…I will be there tomorrow evening"

"But where will you stay?" Isshin asked.

"You invited me so I presume I will be staying with you"Byakuya said with another sight.

"Oh, well, we're kinda low on space…" the Kurosaki said.

"I will be there tomorrow evening"and with that the Kuchiki hung up on the man. Isshin glared at the phone for a moment before hanging it up on the receiver.

"Byakuya-kun is coming!" Isshin screamed.

"You got him to come?" Rukia asked shocked as Isshin walked back into the kitchen and saw everyone standing around the corner.

"Yes and its not nice to eavesdrop" the man said with a smirk.

"Whatever" Ichigo grunted and with that, everyone made their way into the living room.

"So how did you get Nii-sama to come?' Rukia asked sitting next to Ichigo on the couch.

"All I said was that you wanted him to come and he agreed" he answered after hearing that, Rukia blushed and looked away.

"Great now we have to deal with Byakuya on fuckin' Christmas" Ichigo hissed looking at his pain in the ass father.

"Well… that is not all right…he will be here tomorrow" said the "pain in the ass".

"What?! Ugh just great!" Ichigo spat.

"He can't be that bad Ichi-nii" Karin said with a bored look.

"Yeah, no one that's related to Rukia-chan could be that bad" Yuzu nodded sitting next to her twin.

"Well you never met Byakuya…its like something crawled up his ass and died!-"

"Don't talk about Nii-sama that way!" Rukia hissed after she punched Ichigo in the arm.

"Oww, god Rukia" he whined rubbing his arm. "Well its getting late we should get to bed…" Ichigo finished standing up and making his way up the stairs, his sisters and Rukia following close behind.

"Good night my wonderful children, daddy loves you all!" Isshin screamed waving at the foot of the stairs.

"I'm so ashamed to say I'm related to that moron" Ichigo muttered as they reached the top of the staircase.

"Night Onii-chan" Yuzu said hugging her brother, Ichigo smiled as he hugged her back.

"Night Ichi-nii" Karin said walking into the room she shares with her twin and Rukia; not bothering to give her big brother a hug.

"Nigh Karin, night Yuzu" he said as he watch Yuzu follow Karin into their room. After that he turned to Rukia and noticed her smiling.

"What?" he asked curious.

"It's funny….you are so powerful and yet you are so kind and gentle to your sisters.." she answered trailing off.

"I guess, it's.. that… they're my sister and that's how big brothers act …and you think I'm powerful? "

he finished surprised.

"Always have" she answered nonchalantly.

"You never told me that before…"

"You never asked" she slyly responded, walking around him to the doorway of her temporary bedroom.

"Good night Rukia" Ichigo said softly with a smile.

"…Good night Ichigo" and with that they both when into there separate bedrooms and fell asleep with smiles on their faces; even though tomorrow would most likely turn out be a disaster.


Well what do you all think? it's the longest fanfic I have even written o.o Anyways if I do add a new chapter Byakuya will be coming ^^ (insert fan girl squeal here)

oh and by the way this chapter takes place on the December 22nd which would be a Monday this year...so yeah just thought you should know. :P lol

One more thing, please review they make my day. Also they will help me decide if i want to continue this story. ^^

--IchiRuki Obsessed